I Didn't Get Into The Warrior High School And Had No Choice But To Draw My Sword.

Chapter 87 Sura And Sea Anemone! The Impact Of Two Big Monsters!

Zhejiang Province, A-level city, Ninghai Prefecture.

"Now I have a piece of news for you. According to the news from the 4th Demon Slaying Bureau of this province, two Transcendent A Grade monsters were discovered on the southeastern coast of our country. Experts in monster research named them [Sura] respectively. and [Sea Anemone], and the spiritual pressure they erupt in the near future will have a double impact on the five coastal provinces and regions of our country, among which our province, Min Province and Gan Province are the most serious. Residents are asked not to leave the safe zone for the time being."

"At about 9 o'clock yesterday evening, the Governor of Zhejiang Province [Li Muyun] signed Governor's Order No. 13, requiring official organizations such as the 4th Demon Slayer Bureau, the 58th Military Group Army, and the 7th Adjudication Office to launch a comprehensive defense along the coastline of our province. .”

"In addition, except for special positions that protect basic people's livelihood, all factories and enterprises will completely suspend production and primary and secondary schools will extend their summer vacation..."


"No need to go to school for military training!" A junior high school student cheered, then threw away his summer homework, happily picked up his phone and clicked on an icon.

"XX, start!"

The middle-aged man who was watching the news frowned and said, "Why don't I feel something is right? The official news is a bit big this time. Could it be that something big is going to happen?"

"Where are the two Transcendent A Grade monsters? Can the battle be small?"

"But we have nothing to worry about. Aren't there demon-slaying teams and military warriors here? There are several big demon attacks along the coast every year, but except for some typhoons, there has never been a demonic beast attacking the city." The man. While washing the dishes, his wife said: "We must believe in the warriors who protect us and believe in the country."

"makes sense..."

"However, the shutdown of work and production has done too much damage to the economy. The overall environmental situation this year is not very good. Now the people at the bottom will have an even harder time."

"Our Zhejiang Province is a very wealthy province, but this year has been so difficult, let alone other provinces and regions that are not developing well."

"So I hope that after this impact, we will stabilize the economy and employment, rather than stabilize public opinion and performance." The middle-aged man said with a sigh.

"You are not a high-ranking official. Is it your turn to be here to guide the country?" the wife said with disgust.

"But, have you ever thought about it?"

"If the people at the bottom are not living well..."

"They will join a cult."


Zhejiang Province Governor's Office.

"How is it going?"

The Governor of Zhejiang Province [Li Muyun] was standing in front of the 3D projector and asked.

"It has been confirmed that the two big monsters are both borderline Transcendent A-level monsters. The big monster named [Sea Anemone] is a native monster of our East China Sea. It is a cnidarian. Because of its huge size, So it doesn’t like to move, and usually lies on the secondary continental shelf in the open sea at a depth of 20,000 meters, rarely moving.”

"Its level is eighty-three, and its spiritual pressure is about 51 million to 53 million."

The person making the report is the director of the 4th Demon Slaying Bureau of Zhejiang Province [Lu Tiancheng]. He is a level 78 Transcendent A Grade warrior with a spiritual pressure level of 17 million.

"Where's the other big demon?"

Li Muyun has deep eyes and is calm and intimidating. As an eighty-fifth level critical Transcendent A Grade warrior, he carries an aura unique to the strong.

"According to the reverse tracking by the monitoring department, we found that this big demon named [Sura] comes from the Japanese island."


Li Muyun's expression suddenly became sharp.

"Why did the great demon from the Japanese island come to our Chinese waters?"

"Could it be that..."

Li Muyun seemed to have thought of something.

"You are right. According to the speculation of our analysis department, the original habitat of the Sula Daiyou should be in the waters northeast of Honshu Island, the largest island on Hijima Island, and that location is now the newly formed human forbidden area on Hijima Island. ..."

"Fukushima Death Zone."

Lu Tiancheng's words silenced all the warriors present at the meeting.

"The human forbidden area on the Japanese island is so terrifying. Even the critical demons have to escape." The speaker was the seventh adjudicator of the 7th adjudication office in Zhejiang Province [Fang Hanyao]. Like Li Muyun, the governor of Zhejiang Province, he was a critical super A-level warrior.

"But the good news is that the two big monsters, Hai Kui and Sura, have already started fighting in the distant sea. Moreover, the two are close in strength. It is estimated that both sides will lose in the fight." Lu Tiancheng, director of the Monster Slaying Bureau, said.

After hearing the news, the atmosphere of the meeting instantly improved a lot, and the hundreds of A-level warriors who were listening to the meeting in the back breathed a sigh of relief.

"Each big demon has its own territory. Sura's coming to China from the Island of Japan will inevitably cause attacks from the local big monsters. I think this is an excellent opportunity to take the initiative to kill the two big monsters in one fell swoop and pacify Zhejiang. The threat of monsters in the province and surrounding waters." Lu Tiancheng said while looking at everyone.

"I think it's better to wait and see what happens. If the two big demons unite to attack the Chinese coast, it will inevitably cause a disaster of heavenly magnitude." A warrior from other departments said.

The disaster levels in China are divided into immortal, divine, heavenly, earthly, mysterious and yellow.

[Yellow Level Disaster]: It can threaten or even destroy small B-level counties like Yangcheng.

[Xuan-level disaster]: It means that it will cause great harm to A-level prefecture-level cities such as Decheng and Ninghai Prefecture.

[Prefecture-level disaster]: It will threaten the provincial capitals of various provinces and regions, or other S-level cities.

[Heaven-level disaster]: It can put the entire province into danger.

[God-level disaster]: It will put a big country like the United States at risk of annihilation.

Of course, there are higher-level fairy-level disasters, but those only exist in legends, because once a fairy-level disaster occurs, the entire earth may be annihilated.

"I think we can contact the warriors from surrounding provinces and regions, and we can negotiate together to go to war."

"Negotiations are useless. You shouldn't sit here in a meeting with such a good opportunity. Just go and fight!"

An old man with short gray hair patted the table and said, his name is [Huang Hansheng], he is the general in charge of the 58th Army of Zhejiang Province, and he is also a level 75 Transcendent A Grade warrior.

"But after all, they are two critical giant demons. We can defend well, but taking the initiative will be risky." Also attending the meeting were representatives from the local Imperial Armed Forces family, the Martial Arts Holy Land, and the top warrior hunter guild in Zhejiang Province.

The Imperial Soldier Family and the Martial Arts Holy Land believe that once they take the initiative to start a war, their own forces will also be required to participate. What if Governor Li Muyun takes this opportunity to weaken their strength? For example, let their top combat power be sacrificed or seriously injured in the battle with the big demon.

The top hunter guild is mainly engaged in business. If a natural disaster occurs in Zhejiang Province, the entire province will be unable to do business, and the losses will be huge. Therefore, what they want is not adventure, but economic stability.

"Yeah, it's too risky to take the initiative."

As the fourth largest province in China’s economy, Zhejiang Province has a lot to consider. As the governor, Li Muyun needs to coordinate the interests and conflicts of various forces and all aspects of matters. Not everything can be solved with fists.

"That's it..."

Just when Li Muyun was about to speak, an urgent message suddenly came.

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