I Didn't Get Into The Warrior High School And Had No Choice But To Draw My Sword.

Chapter 50 I’M Here To Fucking Beat You Up!

Under the curtain is an obelisk. On the obelisk, densely packed Chinese characters are engraved.

If you look carefully, those Chinese characters are all people’s names!

"What's this?"

Many candidates suddenly felt a sense of solemnity when they saw this obelisk.

"This is the list of the 2006 graduates of China Wuhan University. The people whose names are engraved on this have all died."

"There were a total of 1,300 graduates in the class of 2006, and no more than 300 of them are still alive today."

Fang Lei's words were like a thunderbolt, hitting all the candidates in the room.

"In your eyes, what kind of existence should a warrior be?"

"Are they people who have power and powerful force and enjoy privileges?" Fang Lei asked. "Or someone who can break through the limits of his body and become immortal?"

"Warriors can indeed enjoy privileges and live longer than ordinary people, but let me tell you!"

"A warrior who graduated from Huaxia Wuhan University, no!"

"With great power comes great responsibility!"

"We graduated that year with high spirits and encouraged each other to make a career."

"Someone went to the Judgment Office and fought with the ferocious warriors!"

"Someone went to the demon-slaying team and was on the front line to resist the tide of beasts attacking the city!"

"Someone has gone to the military to guard the border where you can't see it!"

"What is noble is not a profession, but a person. Those who enjoy privileges are not warriors, but nobles!"

"If someone lies on the people's bodies and sucks blood, then someone will carry the burden for you."

"So, my last test question is..."

"Bow down to these seniors who sacrificed their lives selflessly."

Fang Lei's words made all the candidates have mixed expressions for a moment.

Some people breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that the last exam content was so simple.

Some people looked solemn, as if they were thinking about something.

Others had red eyes and didn't know what they were doing.

At this moment, a voice sounded.

"Why should we bow to them? How can a group of grassroots warriors with no background compare to the descendants of those warrior families if they don't go to the front lines or the frontiers?"

"Since you have chosen this path, you must be prepared to sacrifice. If you are afraid of death, just don't go. Can't you just become an idle public servant in a small county in the mainland?"

The warrior who spoke was called Sun Guohao. He was well-dressed, handsome, and tall. He was from a warrior family.

When he heard Fang Lei asking him to bow to these grassroots warriors, he suddenly felt disgust from the bottom of his heart.

"Can you please stop being sensational here? It's so fucking disgusting. Did I force these people to sacrifice themselves?"

"After all, aren't these people all doing it for themselves? If you perform meritorious service in a dangerous position, you can get generous rewards, then speed up your training, and finally be transferred to the mainland as a high official based on your merit."

"Are there many people like this?"

Some candidates were shocked when they heard Sun Guohao's words. They didn't expect such a simple thing to cause such a big reaction.

"Brother Guohao said it well, I don't agree with you." Soon, some candidates who came from a family of warriors like Sun Guohao stood up and wanted them to bend down and bow? It doesn’t matter who you are!

"This is the last exam question. I have given you a chance before. If you give up now, you will not be able to participate in the warrior college entrance examination in the future." Fang Lei said seriously.

"If you don't participate, don't participate. Who do you think is interested?"

"Our family's training resources and martial arts skills are much better than those of Wuhan University. We are here just to experience life. Only those martial artist families from small places will regard entering Wuhan University as a precious opportunity." Sun Guohao said with a look of disdain. .

He is not afraid of Fang Lei at all, he is just the director of a small demon slaying bureau. Does he dare to offend the warrior family?


Sun Guohao smiled and was about to leave from the auditorium.

At this moment, a figure stood in front of him.

"Huh? Where did this young angry young man come from? He thought my words were unpleasant and came to block me?"

Sun Guohao looked at the young man in front of him and said with a nonchalant expression.

Wu Fan didn't say anything. When he saw the obelisk, he thought of Yan Gengyao and his group of old brothers who entered the A-level that day. Without them risking their lives to resist the attack of the big demon, hundreds of thousands of people would be wiped out. .

"Although I have known for a long time that I will meet people like you wherever I go."

"Although I'm mentally prepared."

"But when you guys really jump out, I really can't help but want to punch you guys in the face with your nostrils in the air!"

Wu Fan snorted coldly and punched out suddenly.

However, Sun Guohao had already been prepared. As a warrior from a warrior family, he had received elite education since he was a child. He had abundant resources, powerful spiritual pressure, and proficient martial arts.


Sun Guohao flew out upside down, his body flew 4 meters in the air and hit the long examination table.

"Dare you take action!?"

A family candidate saw Sun Guohao being knocked away and immediately rushed towards Wu Fan.

"Martial skills! Double punch!"

I saw this family candidate's spiritual pressure all over his body gathered into his fists. He suddenly punched his lower body and aimed his fists at Wu Fan's heart. The human heart has a vibration frequency. If hit at the same frequency, there is a probability that it will cause Cardiac arrest, instant death, this is a killing move!


Wu Fan refused to dodge, and twice the amount of spiritual pressure on his body was also concentrated on his right fist. He stepped forward half a step and punched out suddenly.


A single fist collided with both fists!


There was a sound of brittle bones breaking, and the family candidate's hands instantly softened like noodles.

Then Wu Fanzheng kicked him in the chest.


Three candidates who came behind him bumped into the person flying out and fell to the ground together.


At this moment, Wu Fan received a punch in the back, like a heavy hammer hitting a muffled drum. Wu Fan felt his internal organs shaking and staggered two steps forward.

He didn't turn around and slapped him with his backhand.

There was only a snap and a scream.

"Woah! Do you dare to hit a woman?"

Before the female warrior could say another word, she was knocked to the ground by Wu Fan with a sweeping blow, and then he stepped on her head!

"Martial artists do not distinguish between genders! As long as you are a warrior, you must be prepared to beat and receive beatings!"

"In a fight to the death, there will be no mercy just because of gender differences!"

But people's hearts are complicated. When a few boys saw this female family warrior being beaten, they volunteered to stand up.

"Brother! Good fight! I've long been unhappy with this group of people!"

Not only did some people stand up to help the candidates from the warrior family, there were also people who stood up to support Wu Fan.

"Don't you think you are superior to others because of your family background? Then fight! Who is afraid of who?"

"Stop it all!"

Seeing that it was about to develop into a big event involving 10,000 people competing against each other, Fang Lei and other teachers and examiners from Huaxia Wuhan University directly released spiritual pressure to shock the entire audience.


Wu Fan was shocked in place by the powerful spiritual pressure, but his fists were clenched tightly.

"Obviously it was you who said that we must respect those seniors who sacrificed selflessly..."

"Obviously it was you who said that the warriors of Huaxia Martial Arts University are not distinguished by high or low..."

"But why don't you refute when others insult something you hold dear!?"

After hearing Wu Fan's words, Sun Guohao, who had barely stood up, sneered.

"You still want to be a hero like this? Maybe in the next life!"

But then, Sun Guohao couldn't laugh anymore, because he saw Wu Fan walking towards him little by little, shocked by the spiritual pressure of the high-level warriors and under the gaze of thousands of candidates.

"You...what do you want to do!?"

Sun Guohao panicked instantly. He wanted to retreat, but was also shocked by the spiritual pressure and could not move.

Wu Fan raised his fist with difficulty, smiled disdainfully, then aimed it at Sun Guohao's face, and brought it down hard!

"You said I'm here to be a hero?"


"I'm here to fucking beat you up!"

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