I develop interstellar technology at Marvel

Chapter 30

The biological armor I am wearing now is its specially processed descendant. I call it the Green Goblin."

After saying that, he turned around in front of Finn, showing off like a show off.

Raising his eyebrows, Finn gently touched the ball, and a black symbiote emerged from the ball and wrapped around him. Hand.

Drops. A parasitic life form has been detected. The sample is being obtained. Please maintain close contact.

The Orokin system issues a prompt.

One minute later

, the original strain of the festivalg virus begins to fuse with the parasitic life sample. The data is being modified.

The symbiote wrapped in the hand seems to have encountered When the natural enemies arrive, they generally begin to retreat, leaving only a small part of the organization that has begun to change its form.


Ten minutes later, the Orokin system issued another prompt.

The fusion was completed. The festivalg virus technology (optimized version) was unlocked. Kuva manufacturing technology ignored Orokin. With the gold system, Finn carefully looked at the symbiote that had been transformed in his hand.

He saw that the symbiote was staying stable and motionless in his hand.

Finn had a strange feeling. After being transformed, the symbiote seemed to have turned into himself. body part

"Finn, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Finn staring at the palm of his hand motionlessly, Norman Osborn asked strangely.

"Oh, it’s nothing. Since you are almost ready, let’s find a time to go to Los Angeles to capture that monster."

Waving his hand, Finn responded with a smile, and the mutant symbiote in his hand quietly disappeared into his hand.

Seeing that Finn was okay, Norman Osborn began to negotiate with him a specific time to go to Los Angeles. The final decision was made a week later They set off and the two said goodbye happily.

When Finn returned home, he summoned the mutant symbiote again and observed it carefully.

He remembered clearly about the festivalg virus. This virus that can mix flesh and blood with other substances has extremely powerful effects. The ability to infect and evolve, whether biological or mechanical, once infected with the virus, you can only watch yourself turn into a bloodthirsty monster step by step.

Even the Orojin Empire turned all people infected with the virus into battle armor , used to fight against the monsters that became infected with the festivalg virus.

Now this virus seems to have lost its powerful infection ability after being modified by the system.

Receive knowledge about festivalg virus technology (optimized version) and Kuva manufacturing technology Entering the brain.

Only then did Finn discover that the festivalg virus did not lose its powerful infection ability after fusion and optimization with the symbiote, but instead controlled its infection ability. The optimized version of the festivalg virus will always obey Finn The orders will not break out like in the game.

That is to say, Finn has no idea of ​​ruling the world. Otherwise, as long as the virus spreads, the entire earth will surrender under his feet.

And the mutant symbiote in him is The original body that creates the original strain of the festivalg virus, and can also turn into a biological armor like Norman Osborn's Green Goblin.

Compared with the festivalg virus, the Kuva manufacturing technology is not so attractive to Finn.

Although Kuva is The Orojin people spread it as an elixir that can lead to eternal life.

But it is just a continuation ritual with the help of Kuva, a cruel ritual that transfers the consciousness of a dying person to another young and energetic new body..

Kuva itself does not have the effect of making people immortal, it can only cut off and wrap up consciousness.

As for other

Kuva exudes special energy fluctuations, it can cut off or even wash away all energy except the power of the void.

So in Austria Kuva is a symbol of power in the Orojin Empire.

Only leaders will be exposed to Kuva, and only those who hold Kuva can command the army of the Orojin Empire.

For Finn, the greatest use of Kuva is to refine Riven Crystals Attributes.

But now Finn has only unlocked the manufacturing method of ordinary amplitude crystals, and for those special amplitude crystals such as Riven Crystals, Corrupted Crystals, Enhanced Crystals, etc. Finn has not yet unlocked these amplitude crystal manufacturing technologies. Therefore, Kuva has no influence on the current Fenn. Enlai was like worthless food, and it was a pity to throw it away if it was tasteless. The black and red mutant symbiote in his hand conveyed his hunger to Finn, and Finn took out all the food in the kitchen and let the mutant symbiote eat.

Because it did not want to leave Finn, in the face of a large amount of food, the mutant symbiote, which was only a tiny bit in size, turned its body into a slender and long body. One end was still in Finn's hand, and the other end turned into a plant root system. On top of food.

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