I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 333 Chapter 332

333  Chapter 332

Without any further delay, Alix retrieves the returner stone once more, focusing on the location of the Phoenix Blade Group's base. The stone glows warmly in his hand, a sign that the teleportation process is about to commence. With a final glance at Elara, who has succumbed to unconsciousness due to shock and exhaustion, Alix activates the stone. In an instant, they are wrapped in a comforting light, whisking them away from the dungeon's dangers to the safety of their base.

Upon their arrival at the Phoenix Blade Group's base, a sense of security envelops them. The base is bustling with activity, a stark contrast to the desolation they've just escaped. Alix's arrival does not go unnoticed; his five vice-captains, Eryx, Nox, Zam, Kato, and Jin, immediately rush to greet him. These five, not only his vice-captains but also his family, share a bond strengthened by their shared bloodline of the Fiery God Monkey. Under Alix's rigorous training, they've awakened their bloodline, albeit at a level inferior to Alix's own.

"How did it go?" Eryx asks, concern etched on his face as he notices Elara in Alix's arms.

Alix shakes his head, a weary sigh escaping him. "It's hell in there," he admits, the weight of his experiences heavy in his voice. His words hang in the air, a grim testament to the chaos they've left behind.

The vice-captains exchange worried glances, their faces a mirror of concern not only for Alix but for Elara as well. "Let's get Elara to the healing chambers immediately," Nox suggests, taking the lead as they carefully transport her to receive the care she desperately needs.

As they move through the base, members of the Phoenix Blade Group stop and stare, whispering among themselves about the state of their leader and the mysterious girl he's brought back. Rumors and speculations spread like wildfire, but the respect they hold for Alix keeps them at bay, offering space for the vice-captains to pass.

Once Elara is safely ensconced in the healing chambers, Alix turns to address his vice-captains. "I need to debrief you all on what happened,"

Alix begins, his tone grave as he gathers his vice-captains around him in a secluded meeting room within the base. The atmosphere is tense, each vice-captain bracing for the news that their leader is about to share.

"The news we received about them fighting a demon clan is true," Alix starts, his eyes scanning the faces of his vice-captains, ensuring he has their undivided attention. "But when I arrived, there were already powerful monsters that were attacking both demons and humans. It was a one-sided massacre."

Eryx furrows his brow in concern, leaning forward slightly. "You think it's a monster from the tower?" he asks, trying to piece together the severity of the situation.

Nox reacts with surprise, his expression turning grave. "Like the goblins of the first floor attacking our place the three kingdoms?" he interjects, drawing a parallel to previous incidents that had shaken their world.

Zam, the most analytical of the group, nods thoughtfully. "If I remember correctly, the tower spews monsters every month for the first floor, and every two months for the second floor," he adds, providing crucial context to the discussion.

Jin shivers at the thought, his voice laced with fear. "That's scary, then. The monsters on the second floor are already a disaster for the three kingdoms, and right now you telling me there possibly of another floor with monsters that can wipe a whole continent?" he comments, highlighting the potential threat they could be facing.

Alix nods solemnly at Jin's comment, confirming the gravity of the situation. "Yes, the creature I witnessed... it was unlike anything we've faced from the tower's first floor and second floor. This was more powerful, more relentless. It didn't discriminate between demon or human; it was there to kill," Alix explains, his tone heavy with the weight of what he witnessed.

Zam, always curious and adventurous, leans forward with a spark of intrigue in his eyes, despite the gravity of their situation. "Wait, does that mean there's a third floor?" he asks, the prospect of undiscovered territories and challenges igniting his imagination. Because, every floor is a new world, with different resources.

Eryx nods, acknowledging Zam's point. "Exactly. The second floor, where we were, is a dead world in many ways. It's filled with weapons and items from ancient tombs, valuable to those who know how to find them. But when it comes to herbs and natural resources, it's lacking. Any herb you do find is likely dangerous to consume without an alchemist master's expertise."

Zam's eyes light up at the mention of new worlds and resources, despite the seriousness of their current predicament. "So, a third floor could potentially offer resources we've never seen before. New herbs, maybe even new types of spiritual energy to cultivate," he muses, his adventurous spirit undeterred by the dangers Alix described.

Nox, who had been quietly absorbing the conversation, interjects with a tone of caution. "But let's not forget the risks. If the second floor's monsters are already hard for our current group, imagine what lurks on the third floor... Well excluding our great leader." Nox teasing Alix.

Alix can only offer a wry smile in response to Nox's teasing, shaking his head lightly at the sudden shift in the mood. "You guys," he begins, his tone a mix of amusement and exasperation, "we were just talking about how dangerous the monsters are, and you all were acting all fearful. But the moment you realize there's a new world with the possibility of good resources, your expressions change completely."

The five vice-captains can't help but laugh at Alix's observation, the tension in the room easing slightly with their shared humor. It's a moment of lightness in the midst of their grave discussion, a reminder of the bond they share not just as members of the Phoenix Blade Group, but as a family.

"Okay, back to business," Alix says, steering the conversation back to their pressing concerns. His expression turns serious once again as he addresses his vice-captains. "We need to make our members advance faster. With the potential of a third floor—and the unknown threats and opportunities it brings—we need to be the first ones to reach it."


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