I could have chosen any class, but I chose the most perverse one

Chapter 19: A tea with Professor Merfal [❤️]

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't spread the word about the encounter with Luysia, Welze. I'd like to avoid any rumors circulating. I'll talk to the professors myself," I say to Welze Juble as we exit the dungeon.

"Sure, don't worry, Strauss," she responds understandingly.

Of course, I was annoyed that we didn't beat Dadref's team in completing the test, but in a way, it's better this way.
Achieving too outstanding a result would have drawn too much attention to Rero and me.
Moreover, Welze's corruption has begun. Franz Dadref had warned her about me, and she was cautious around me.
So, I made sure she used up all her MP and offered her an 'innocent' mana recovery potion, spiked with my seed.

I didn't expect to encounter the paladin inside the dungeon. Apparently, she's crazy enough to venture into the dungeon alone.
I managed the situation quite well, gaining a third party that could testify in my favor if necessary, and Camclair activated the curse I had implanted, making things easier for me. Now, outside of a duel, she can't attack me.
She can't see this curse that has been dormant until now because I'm wearing this ring.

The masterplan I've been working on for days is slowly taking shape. I'll soon resolve all my issues in one fell swoop.
The variable that's somewhat destabilizing me is the premature encounter with Luysia in the dungeon, which forces me to accelerate my plans. Of course, I have no intention of speaking to the professors about the assault.
Or perhaps I could report the incident... Hmm, this part of the plan is still unclear to me, and I'll need to make further assessments.
Ideally, I'd like to avoid involving authorities and, as a result, drawing attention to myself.
However, having the story of the 'bully' to support me could be useful.
Decisions, decisions.

The aphrodisiac that Welze ingested is slowly taking effect.
I can see her swaying, looking a bit dazed.
I touch her hand, and she moans.
"Oops... sorry, Welze! I didn't mean to hurt you," I apologize with my fake expression.
"N-no, you didn't hurt me... uh... you just caught me off guard..."
"You must be tired after facing the dungeon," I suggest.
"Y-yes, I think I'll go rest in my room... Franz?"

The handsome guy approaches our group outside the dungeon.
"Welze, are you okay? You're not hurt, right?" He starts his act.
Welze blushes, possibly due to my potion. "N-no, it went very well..."
Franz Dadref eyes me as if trying to extract the truth from my expression.
However, my face is a complete poker face, devoid of any emotion.
In reality, I'm tired of playing with Welze Juble and that idiot Dadref for today. I can't stop thinking about Luysia...
Besides, I need to meet with Professor Merfal, or rather, I want to meet with her.
I need to make her more and more my friend.
Now I don't even have to worry that she might detect my curses, thanks to this ring.

"Maybe I misjudged you, Wagner," Dadref comments.
I wasn't really listening because I'm excited about my wicked plans, but it seems that Welze must have briefly summarized our adventure in the artificial dungeon.

Now Franz Dadref is in full 'nice guy' mode, so there's no chance of extracting any amusement from him.
"Don't worry, I have no issues with you, Dadref," I also put on a mask of an understanding guy suitable for the occasion that will probably please Welze.
He gives a slight smile.

I receive a message.

< Everything is in order, Master >

I smile internally because things are going as planned.
I take another phone, send a message to the professor, and receive a response.

"I have an appointment. I have to go. It was fun, Welze. I hope we'll have another opportunity," I say to the blue-haired girl.
"Thank you, Strauss. It will certainly be a pleasure to team up again."
"I'd love it if you could recommend some books; I'm always looking for interesting reads."
"Of course, I'd be happy to."

Dadref observes the friendly exchange of light banter, slightly annoyed.
I bid farewell to the mage and part ways with Rero.
"Rero, be ready. Tonight is the time."
"Yes, Master."


I send a message with my second phone.


For several days, it has become an almost regular appointment, tea with Professor Merfal.
An activity that, beyond my perverse intentions, I admit is enjoyable.
Considering that in my previous life, I was in my late thirties, conversing with someone older than my current peers is relaxing.
This is also aided by the professor's personality.
Together, we share a passion for tea, various blends, preparations, reading, but above all, curses.
With no longer the worry of being discovered, I was able to take advantage of these common interests to administer various types of aphrodisiacs to the professor, starting with the lighter ones and gradually increasing the dosage each time.
Today, I'll go heavy.

"Prof, I can finally return the book to you," I say, handing her the manuscript from which I learned about the Master-Servant contract and more. I've practically memorized it.

"Already, Strauss?" The professor, now without reservations, calls me by my name.
Although it might be seen as unethical from the outside, one could say that a friendship has developed between us.
Nevertheless, I continue to call her "professor" because, in reality, it arouses me.
It teases my fetish for mature women. I love them in almost all forms, but my poison is the mature ones.

"I devoured it. It was an exciting read. But also, and especially, terrifying."

"I thought you would find it interesting," she smiles pleased.

"If I may point out a flaw in the compendium, it's that it doesn't describe how to defend against curses or how to counteract them."

"That's because it's not simple. Curses are insidious. If you don't know what kind of curses you're dealing with, it's difficult to protect yourself."

"Prof, you mentioned a ritual to identify them. What does it involve?"

"In practice, you draw a magic circle, and through a 'prayer,' you seek the curse on the cursed person. If you don't know the type of curse or whether the person is actually cursed, all of this takes time."

"Prayer, so it's related to the church."

"Yes, it's a prayer to Chand, the goddess of candles. By the way, her festival is from Sunday to Tuesday. Are you going home?"

"I hadn't realized we were so close to the festival. I've been too caught up with tests and exams. In reality, I think I'll stay at the academy."

Strauss Wagner doesn't have a home. He doesn't even have a family.
The perfect nobody in which to reincarnate, I suppose. Starting over rich and famous wouldn't be bad, though.

"And you, prof?" I ask.

"I don't know yet. Actually, I'd like to get ahead with my work. I'm a bit behind on paperwork," she responds with a hint of sadness.

The professor teaches in the years following mine. This requires more bureaucratic work.
Evaluations for the guilds, profiling ventures, and numerous exams.

"I have what it takes to cheer you up. I'll prepare a special tea for you," I say as I get up.

She chuckles. "A fantastic idea, your teas are truly special, Strauss. You have a talent."

At the idea, her face lights up, and I can't help but feel warmed by her loving gaze.
I head to the kitchen and start tinkering with the kettle.
I extract the ingredients from my "Bag of Wonders."
While preparing the blend of fine tea leaves, I continue the conversation.

"How do you remove a curse? There must be a way."

"Actually, it's technically simple. You use the spell [REMOVE CURSE]."

This is somewhat concerning. "So where's the problem?"

"Not all curses are the same, and many have a resistance depending on the strength of the curse and how powerful the one who cast it is. Using [REMOVE CURSE] blindly, without knowing this information, is useless and ineffective."

"I understand, so the curse must be identified first. Once identified, you need to understand what type it is and how powerful it is. Then you can attempt to remove it," I verbalize the professor's words.

"Exactly. Strauss, if you were one of my students, you'd definitely be my favorite."

I laugh. "It would be fantastic to have you as a teacher! Lessons would be a pleasure, rather than a chore like with Professor Sfanzeen."

"Sfanzeen isn't just boring as a professor, I can assure you. He has a natural talent for making things sound as uninteresting as possible," Professor Merfal confirms.

We both laugh at the tedious man.

The kettle whistles.
The water is boiling.
I pour the water into the cups, place the infuser inside, and wait a couple of minutes.
Then, I take a vial with my flavored cum and pour it into the professor's cup, while in mine, I pour another containing plain milk.
I bring the steaming cup to the professor, who is sitting in the armchair.

"I made an effort to select the best spices to prepare this blend," I explain.
"I created this blend especially for you, Professor. I hope you like it."

The professor lights up. She's not used to receiving all this care. "I'm honored. I'm sure it will be excellent."

Kanna Merfal gazes at the liquid with eager eyes, anticipating its flavor.
The aroma fills her nostrils, delighting her.
"It reminds me of autumn. It has a hint of pumpkin... and chestnuts," she says, savoring the scent.

"You've nailed it perfectly. This spiced blend is ideal for this season," I reply.
Unable to resist any longer, after waiting for it to cool slightly, she sips the tea with delight.

"Good! It's exceptional, Strauss. A work of art," she tells me in amazement.
Then she takes another sip and loses herself in the intense flavor of my creation.

[[ 50 Exp Earned ]]
[[Curse Successfully Implanted: 150 Exp Earned]]

"You're always too kind to me, Professor."

"No, I'm telling the truth. It's delicious."

"Thank you; it's nice to be appreciated. In this academy, it doesn't happen to me often."

"Beyond the rank and those nonsense, you are a splendid person and very mature for your age," she reassures me, blushing.
She starts to feel warm and unbuttons one of the buttons on her tailleur.

"If it weren't for you and our afternoons of tea and conversation, it would be very difficult to stay here. I'm lucky to have met you, Professor," I confess, looking her straight in the eyes.

The professor blushes, and I'm not sure anymore if it's due to the aphrodisiac or my words.

"It's me who should thank you, Strauss. It's the first time I feel comfortable with someone. I can open up and talk about my passions. Oh, it's embarrassing to say..."

The heat of the aphrodisiac begins to take effect, and the flush envelops her body. The woman begins to sweat slightly and cannot help but take off her tailleur jacket.
"So hot..." she complains in a dirty tone.
"I feel a little dizzy..."
I approach her to make sure she is okay.
The professor stands up, but suddenly feels a lack of strength in her legs and staggers.
I grab her with one arm and then squeeze her.
She moans at the contact with me.
"Don't worry it's just a slight drop in pressure."
But I don't let go and look at her with a passion-filled gaze.
Our eyes meet and crystallize for a moment.
I can see in her sgaze the spark of desire.
In that moment I steal a kiss from her.
Our lips meet gently.
Instead of objecting, resisting and pushing me away, she accepts me and the kiss continues.

Slowly I invade her mouth with the tip of my tongue, in gentle, circular motions.
The only resistance is a small lustful moan.
My tongue enters the professor's warm mouth.
It brushes against the woman's tongue, which responds with a gasp.
Stimulated, Kanna's also begins to touch mine.
Before long they begin to whirl passionately.

My hand meanwhile slides down the woman's soft sinuous body.
I slip it under her skirt and reach for her panties.
She is clearly wet.
With a finger I touch her lower lips.
Kanna has a violent tremor, but our kiss does not stop.
In contrast, it intensifies.
My manhood is hard as stone and slams against her body, making her feel my presence.

My hand massages her pussy protected by her wet panties.
She moans again, with dirty sounds.
I can feel her desire to be violated, through the contact of our bodies.
But at the very best, she breaks away and pulls away from me.

"Strauss... We can't!" Kanna exclaims.

"Why, Professor?" I protest.

"We're a student and a teacher... it's immoral!"

"I don't care, Professor. I've fallen in love with you. I love you."

Hearing my words, she briefly melts but regains her composure.

"There's too much of an age difference..."

"I don't care, my feelings don't change," I reiterate.

"N-now you have to go..." she says with a tear, pointing to the door.

"Professor... I'm sorry..."

"I need some time alone. To think."

Having understood her message, I head toward the door.

"I understand. But I don't want to lose you," I tell her.

"Goodnight, Strauss," she says despite everything, with a loving tone.

"Goodnight, Professor."

I leave the apartment dissatisfied sexually, in fact I have a crazy boner, but satisfied because I was able to make big strides with the professor.

I have implanted a mild curse on her in a way that will not make her too suspicious.
Because of the combination of the aphrodisiacs and my semen that I put in the tea, she will have to necessarily masturbate to give peace to the sexual arousal that will take hold of her.
The curse I have implanted will make her really cum only in case she thinks of me. Otherwise she will only have very mild orgasms.
If I had put that she can cum only with me or thinking of me, that might have made her suspicious.
That way she should mistake it for the fact that she is really madly attracted to me.

Now it's Luysia Camclair's turn.
The second phone vibrates.
The message I've been waiting for has arrived.

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