I could have chosen any class, but I chose the most perverse one

Chapter 16: Daily Dose [❤️] and Dadref’s Concern

"Strauss, can I ask you why you chose Juble?" Rero inquires with an annoyed tone.
"I see untapped potential in that girl," I reply.
"She seems rather insignificant," she retorts with a sigh.
"Don't underestimate her, Rero. Precious gems are often found within seemingly insignificant shells," I explain, trying to convey my reasoning. "And, don't you think others deserve our blessing as well?"
Rero huffs in frustration. "Ugh, I wished I could've taken the test with just you. I don't want to share you with anyone else."

Once she had shattered her own emotional barriers and completed the contract ritual, Rero had undergone a remarkable transformation.
I see her growing more confident, not because of arrogance derived from her past insecurities, but due to her increasing awareness of her growing power. She had entirely opened her heart to me, and in her every glance, there is a mixture of admiration and desire.

"It's true that women in love are even more beautiful," I think, smiling.
Her jealousy pleases me, but I don't want to confine myself to just one woman.
I will corrupt more souls.
Why limit my salvation to one person?

"I need your help to make this Cinderella shine," I say, looking her straight in the eyes.
She might want to retort, but my gaze melts her like butter.
She blushes.

"Master~ ❤️ "
She glares at me.
"It's been more than a day since my last dose. I'll need it to face the dungeon~ ❤️"
"You're right, I'll give you a vial right away," I tell her, searching in my bag.
"I don't want the vial. I want it directly. I want it hot~ ❤️" she whispers mischievously.
"We don't have time right now..." I don't mind the idea, but we have to do the artificial dungeon test.
Suddenly she slams me against the wall.
Her strength is now far greater than mine, and I cannot resist.
She reaches down and unbuckles my pants.
She pulls out my cock and looks at it with watery eyes.
"Rero!" I make a weak resistance.
With her strangely delicate hands for a warrior, Rero begins to massage my scepter.
Quickly my cock hardens.
Like stone.

"They might see us," I try to bring her to her senses without much conviction.
We are actually outside in a position quite sheltered from prying eyes.
Nevertheless, the danger is real.
"I don't care... I need it~ ❤️" she says while continuing to rub my friend.
With indecency, but at the same time tenderness, she kisses my glans.
I am pervaded by an electric rush of pleasure.
"O-ok...all right...but let's make it quick..." I yield shamefully.
"Yes, Master~ ❤️"
Rero's tongue begins to lick the tip of my member.
Gently she licks my cock as if it were ice cream.
It is hard to resist this pleasant sensation.

Chup, slurp, chu, sgurgle, chup

The indecent sounds she makes excite me even more, making my cock harder than ever.
"Slurp... Chup... It's so big~ ❤️"
She giggles and begins to carefully lick with her tongue my cock, which glistens with saliva, starting from the base.
"Slurp~ ❤️"
Rero swallows my cock and starts violently moving her face back and forth.
Her cheeks are swollen from the intense sucking and she has a very dirty face as she sucks my cock.
"Chup, Chup, Slurp, Gup, Slurp~ ❤️"
Her mouth and lips are full as if she is devouring my penis.
She continues the torture of my dick for about ten minutes.
I do my best to resist the assault, but caught off guard by this attack I am this time completely at Rero's mercy.

As I approach my limit, she firmly encircles my waist with her hands and begins again to engulf my penis deep in her throat.
"Chup... Chu, Glup~ ❤️ Slurppppppp~ ❤️"
The intense sucking and stimulation made my eyes bug out, as if they had exploded.
"Argh!" I can't hold back the moan.
I can't endure this.
I feel my lower abdomen trembling violently, and then my cock twitches.
I shudder from the sensation.
"Gulp, slurp, chup, gup~ ❤️"

"I'm cumming!" I reach the climax.

I grab Rero's head and hold it firmly as I let my cock explode in her throat.
The liberating sensation as I spurt everything in her mouth is ecstatic.


Rero almost chokes from the overabundance of cum.
With difficulty trying not to waste a single drop, she tries to swallow it all.

Rero swallows hard, shaking her throat as she swallows the slimy cum.
Finally, she smiles, showing her white teeth with a few remnants of semen peeping out.

"Thank you, Master~ ❤️" Rero thanks contentedly for her dose.
Seeing her like this makes my desire to penetrate her grow...
It would be nice to continue but we have a task to do.
I pull my pants back on and help her clean herself.

We walk toward the artificial dungeon.

[[ ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: "Cum in a woman's mouth" You earned 300 EXP ]]


Franz Dadref directs his worried gaze towards Welze Juble, his intense blue eyes fixating on the girl with blue hair.
"Welze, I would like you to withdraw from this trial," he says with a gentle but firm tone.

The young Wizard appears perplexed, biting her lower lip. "Why, Franz? I really want to experience the dungeon. I don't want to fall behind."

Franz sighs, concerned for Welze's safety. "Welze, with your rank, it's too risky. I don't want you to put yourself in danger."

Welze seems conflicted but respects her friend's opinion. "But..."

Franz smiles and gently caresses her cheek. "I promise I'll take you there one day when you're ready and stronger."

"But I... I'd like to participate in the trial with you, Franz," she says softly, blushing.

"I'd love that, but you see, I already have a group. It's the best party the class can offer. I want to get the highest grades. It's important to me."
Juble appears disappointed, and her expression suggests she might start crying at any moment.

At that moment, I intervene in the conversation, intrigued by Franz's worried look. "Is there a problem, Juble?"

Franz Dadref, with an irritated look, responds to me, "Wagner, I'd like to talk to you for a moment."

"What do you want, Dadref?" I ask composedly, while Welze and Rero Sansanti observe the interaction in silence.

Franz whispers, trying not to be heard by his companions. "I don't know how you managed to get along with Vonner, but I don't want Welze Juble with you. You're weak, and you'd put her in danger."

"Perhaps you shouldn't take me lightly, like Reis Vonner did. Why are you so interested in Juble?" I respond.

"Juble is a dear friend of mine," Franz retorts, his eyes fixed on me. "And you're not capable of protecting her."

"We're here to learn, Dadref. I have restorative magic abilities, and Rero Sansanti is with us," I reply, gesturing toward Rero, who nods in confirmation.

Franz looks disgusted and raises an eyebrow. "Sansanti, why do you associate with Wagner? You still have a name to uphold."

"Why do you think you can talk to me this way?" Rero openly challenges him. "Have you let your victory over me go to your head?"

Franz crosses his arms and purses his lips in a vexed expression. "Isn't it clear, Sansanti? Facts speak for themselves. Your rank is low. Nevertheless, I respect your family, and I'm sorry to see this promiscuity."

Rero clicks her tongue in annoyance.
"I think you're a bit hypocritical. Just as Juble is important to you, Strauss is a valuable person to me," Rero responds.

"Strauss? Now you're even calling him by name?" Franz seems surprised by Rero's reply.
"Strauss?" he repeats, whispering to himself. Then, he raises his gaze and stares intensely at me.
"Well, after all, it's not my business what people of such low rank get up to. But Welze is a different matter. I don't want her to end up in danger due to your incompetence."

"Dadref, I don't think you have the right to dictate what Juble should do. If she wants to explore the dungeon, I don't see why you should stop her," I ignore his attitude and get to the heart of the matter.

The heartthrob is clearly irritated.
He clenches his fist.
He would like to hit me, pummel me, and teach me a lesson.

But he can't drop the good guy facade.
Not in front of everyone.

At that moment, Welze Juble touches the young man's arm.

"Franz, I want to go in..." she pleads pathetically.

"You always want to do things your way..." Franz sighs irritably.

"Juble, you don't have to ask anyone for permission to do what you want," Rero supports her.

Dadref shoots her an icy glance.
He's truly annoyed that she's meddling with his affairs! How dare she!

I turn up the heat.
"Don't worry, Juble. We'll explore and complete the dungeon together," I say, resting a hand on her shoulder.

Dadref looks like he's about to explode.

"How about a challenge, Dadref?" I challenge the pretty boy.
"A challenge?"

"A challenge to see who can complete the dungeon first!"
"An interesting idea," Rero smiles, galvanized.

"Ahahahahahah!" Franz bursts into loud laughter.
Juble looks uncomfortable, while Rero and I remain unfazed.
"Oh, it's not a joke?" he asks, surprised by our reaction.
"I can't accept it. There's too much of a difference between us, and rushing into a challenge would put Welze in danger," he says, demonstrating more cunning than I thought.

"Afraid, perhaps?" Sansanti taunts him.
"I won't fall victim to these childish provocations."

He's tough, but that'll make crushing him even more fun.

In the end, he's forced to relent.
The blue-haired girl looks at him with imploring eyes, and we support her, making it difficult for him to manipulate her.

Moreover, he doesn't want to be seen too much with low-ranked individuals like us, as it would tarnish his status.
His companions are starting to get impatient.

He clenches his fists and gives me a scathing look.

"I'll hold you responsible for anything that happens to her," he threatens.

Inside, I'm laughing hysterically.
He has no idea what I'll do.
I'm salivating at the prospect.

"I understand your concern, Dadref. I assure you I'll keep her safe," I show understanding, even though my concern for Welze's safety is just a pretext to keep Franz away from her.

For a moment, I sense his facade crumble, and I catch a glimpse of the hatred he feels towards me.
But he's forced to swallow his pride.

"Alright. I don't want anything bad to happen to her," he says, returning to his fake good-boy expression.
Then, he looks at Welze lovingly. "Be careful. If you're in danger, send me a message. I'll come to you."

The girl blushes. "Th-thank you, I'll be careful..."
That cursed heartthrob.

"Don't worry, Juble. Everything will be fine, and we'll complete the dungeon before him," I tell her, even though he hasn't accepted the challenge.
I'm curious to see what his reaction will be if I beat him.

"R-really?" she's surprised.
She doesn't seem to have much confidence in herself.

"Of course, you have great potential," I smile at her.

"Franz says that because I'm rank D, I don't have a great future as a Venture. He sees me more as administrative staff."

"Dadref is wrong, and I'll prove it to you. What would you like to do?"

"I-I dream of exploring dungeons in search of runes and ancient knowledge!" the blue-haired girl can't contain her deepest desire.

"I like that; I think you'll succeed. I can help you with that," I smile slyly.

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