I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 85: Calculate each other

The governor is sitting in a moving car. Behind his car are several simply modified pickup trucks. Steel plates are welded to the front and one side of the car body. In the rear car body are seated "soldiers" with live ammunition. "And their destination is the prison!

Earlier this morning, he received another letter from Jennifer saying that the opponent had dispatched a squad of more than a dozen people. It seemed to be looking for something in the city. That is to say, the opponent’s original combat squad of more than 20 people left. It's half!

   The governor who heard the news was very excited! I got up early in the morning and started to agitate people in the base to prepare to fight back! A single search allowed him to collect a team of forty people! The huge advantage in numbers makes the Governor very satisfied. He intends to take advantage of the empty opportunity behind the opponent to come and solve the opponent once and for all! Then occupy the base and take advantage of the fisherman's profit!

   Thinking of this, the governor's mouth couldn't help showing a cruel smile, and even the driver on the side swallowed unnaturally.

   For this operation, the Governor prepared a lot of things, including two ladders up to ten meters long, and a large number of pickup trucks were specially selected, and steel plates were welded in front of the rear body for people to avoid!

   Of course, he doesn't care about the life and death of these people, but they still need to help him occupy the prison, so there is still use value!

It is still the woods on the south side of the base. In order to ensure that his party will not be discovered, the Governor has arranged a secret sentry here a few days ago to follow the woods. As long as there is a wind and grass, I will know it, but there has been no movement. This once again confirms the fact that the other party has no extra manpower!

   Since the other party did not arrange for someone to be here, the risk of his exposure was minimal, so this time the governor did not choose to walk, but went straight to the small road leading to the prison gate, and a dozen vehicles rushed towards the prison with full horsepower.

The intersection of    is actually not far from the prison gate. A dozen cars have been in front of the prison gate after about two minutes!

   I saw that the suspension bridge in front was in a lowered state, and there was no one on the wall! This is simply a godsend! The Governor feels like God's darling at this moment!

   "Step on the accelerator to the end! Go straight in!"

   The governor's eyes were filled with madness, and the gun in his hand was loaded with a click! He ordered the driver to rush in. In his opinion, there are only a dozen defensive forces in the prison, and his team of forty people can easily occupy this place.

The governor’s car erupted with a low engine roar, and the outer iron fence door was directly knocked open under the strong impact force. The door turned back one hundred and eighty degrees and hit the fence on the side again. There was a bang!

   Governor’s car also rushed forward to the suspension bridge, without any reaction time for the other party, and the convoy following behind also rushed into the gate instantly!

   "Da da da! da da da!"

   At this time, the guards in the prison finally discovered the invading vehicle, picked up the gun and started shooting!

The glass of the governor’s car was shattered by a bullet in an instant, and the driver’s head was blasted into **** like a watermelon by the bullet with huge kinetic energy. The governor leaned forward and reached out to hold the steering wheel. Although the driver was dead, But the car was still driving forward by inertia, and the governor slammed the steering wheel, and the car slammed into the wall next to it.

With a bang, the car hit the wall. The governor opened the door and quickly jumped out of the car. Although his car was crashed, this was exactly his plan. Take the opportunity to line up and create a row of fortifications made of cars for your side!

Some people jumped out of the back of the car, while the rest squatted and hid behind the steel plate. The few who jumped out of the car hid at the rear of the car and pushed the car forward a little while pushing the car forward with their shoulders against the car. .

   The Governor wanted to use these vehicles as a shield to advance to the city wall of the inner courtyard, and then only need to climb the city wall, and he could quickly occupy this place with the advantage of the number of people.

   As for whether there will be personnel losses on his side, this is not a question he is considering at all. In his opinion, even if everyone is dead, he can still continue to recruit troops!

   The governor who got out of the car didn't even look at the dead driver, but shouted at the others: "Attack! Drive them inside! Martinez, take people up the city wall!"

Hearing the Governor’s call, everyone pushed forward harder. Soon they came to the wall of the inner courtyard. To the Governor’s surprise, they did not receive a counterattack from the opponent. Originally, he thought the opponent would resist desperately. , But at this time, he was about to advance to the inner courtyard wall!

   Just when they rushed to a short distance under the inner city wall, the governor greeted everyone to stop and began to set up a defensive position in place.

   And Martinez also began to gather people, intending to rush to the fence while the chaos, the governor was standing behind the car, did not know when he held a tweeter in his hand, was holding up in front of him and talking loudly.

   "Listen to all the survivors of the base! You are already surrounded by us! Obediently put down your weapons and surrender! We will not hurt you!"

   "All base survivors..."

   The Governor stood there leisurely~www.NovelMTL.com~ and repeated the words to persuade him to surrender, he was not in a hurry, Martinez was ready, and he could rush up to the city wall when he looked at each other! Even if the person who was out of the other party came back, he was confident to keep the other party out!

   In his opinion, this group of people in the prison is simply a mob. Such a good fortification was wasted in vain. In fact, they only need to send everyone to the wall, and their own side will not be so easy to rush in!

   The governor found that the resistance force that had not had much frontal just now had been misfired, and the expression on the governor's face gradually became more and more arrogant as he thought of the serious lack of ammunition on the other side.

   Secretly waved his hand to signal Martinez to hurry up the city wall, while he continued to yell unhurriedly for the other party to surrender. All the survivors focused on staring inside the gate of the inner city wall!

   Martinez took advantage of the intermittent gunfire and rushed most of the people to the steps next to the city wall. The main combat power of these people was basically all the personnel who had been in the Woodbury combat team before!

Of course, the commanding heights need to be occupied by people with good marksmanship. The Governor watched as almost 30 people gradually disappeared at the corner of the city wall with a smile on his face. He already felt that his plan had been mostly successful, and the rest was waiting for the opponent to surrender. , Or bring someone into it to destroy the opponent!

   A group of Martinez just went up the city wall, leaned over the probe and looked at the corner of the city wall, and found that the whole city wall was empty. He quickly made a few gestures to separate the two groups and occupy the left and right sides respectively.

   These people quickly dispersed and lined up in a row on the city wall, and their guns were pointed at the entrances and exits of the inner courtyard. They waited for the other side to show their heads and gave them a head-on blow!

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