I Can Read Unlimited Files

Chapter 69 Reward

Because he was worried that Yang Xiaoxiao would really get into the top ten, Liu Huaxing ordered a bowl of hot and sour noodles to challenge the slightly spicy again, so that he would be mentally prepared for the next time he ate. But specifically... His memory was fragmented after he took the first bite of hot and sour noodles, and when he came back to his senses, he was already outside the store, and Yang Xiaoxiao was fanning him by the side.

What happened? Liu Huaxing looked at Yang Xiaoxiao and asked.

Hmph... Yang Xiaoxiao suppressed a laugh, but a slight hum came from her throat.

That's only mildly spicy...how hot can it be? Liu Huaxing said dissatisfiedly, What's wrong with this store? Maybe there's poison in the pepper?

Don't talk nonsense, the store's secret chili oil is very famous. Yang Xiaoxiao poked him in the face, There used to be a TV station to interview, and many people from other places would come here to eat once. It is famous for its spiciness.”

The future is worrying... Liu Huaxing bit his thumb anxiously and thought to himself.

Aren't you full? You haven't eaten much. Yang Xiaoxiao said, pointing to the side of the road, What else can I eat?

Forget it. Liu Huaxing sighed, I vaguely remember that I drank a lot of mung bean soup.

Drink all my cup. Yang Xiaoxiao nodded.

Huh? Liu Huaxing was stunned for a moment. He remembered that Yang Xiaoxiao drank that cup of mung bean soup before. Wasn't that an indirect kiss...

Thinking of this, his heart beat a little faster, but he calmed down immediately: Why is indirect kissing like a junior high school student? It’s no big deal. He is already in his thirties, and he has experienced everything that should be experienced. Still nervous about this.

Yang Xiaoxiao looked at him with a smile while stroking the ends of her hair, looking like a cute little girl.

Okay, then I'll go back first, and you can take a good rest today. Liu Huaxing cleared his throat and said.

Well, see you tomorrow. Yang Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly and waved her little hand, with a confident pride on her face.

This kind of temperament makes her more radiant, and the passers-by around can't help but turn their heads to look at her. After all, Yang Xiaoxiao is such a beautiful existence that people can't ignore it. That kind of beauty is matched with that confidence. It's like forcibly breaking someone's face to make people turn their heads to look at her. Liu Huaxing who watched was filled with emotion.

But one size counts, and Liu Huaxing was worried about eating hot and sour noodles, so he didn't even bother to pay attention to his grades. On Monday morning, when he came to school, he immediately followed the class list from top to bottom.

As expected, the first place is his own name, which is not surprising to him. After all, after graduating from university, it is not difficult to do some questions for junior high school students, not to mention that the difficulty of the test paper this time is a bit high. Needless to say, even the two subjects of Chinese and English are very difficult, especially Chinese.

The usual Chinese reading comprehension is usually modern Chinese, but this time the reading comprehension is actually classical Chinese.

For students in this grade, classical Chinese is the hardest thing to do. Usually, the teacher needs to explain the following explanations repeatedly in order for students to understand. But this time, an article without any annotations appeared in the exam and they never read it. Naturally, it is rare for a large number of students to cry and shout for classical Chinese.

But this is not a problem for Liu Huaxing. Classical Chinese is a kind of accumulation, just like other languages, as long as you know a few commonly used usages, it will be easy to understand, similar to learning English. At any rate, Liu Huaxing is also a person who has been baptized in classical Chinese in high school and college, and this level of Chinese in junior high school is not difficult for him at all. But he guessed that Qin Yulu should be stumped by this classical Chinese essay for reading comprehension.

Going down, he looked at the other top ten people in the class with trepidation, the second was Zhou Weiwei, the third was Ye Jiaxin, the fourth was the fifth... all the way to the tenth place, Liu Huaxing was impressively in the tenth place. In the first place, I saw Yang Xiaoxiao's name.

Phew... escaped. Liu Huaxing breathed a sigh of relief, but he suddenly realized one thing: Where's Qin Yulu?

Liu Huaxing looked down the rankings, and then found Qin Yulu's name at the fourteenth place. So he turned to the side to look at Qin Yulu's scores in various subjects, and found that she only scored 77 points in Chinese, which was barely a pass.

In addition to Chinese, Qin Yulu's math test was not satisfactory this time, with a score of 96, which is not high, at the upper-middle level, and physics and chemistry are relatively average, and none of the subjects are top-notch in the class.

Uh... this. Liu Huaxing's heart sank suddenly, he knew that Qin Yulu must be feeling uncomfortable right now.

When she returned to her seat, Qin Yulu buried her head as if she was carefully looking at her test paper, but Liu Huaxing knew that she was definitely not feeling well. Not to mention that Qin Yulu's own ranking has dropped a lot, what she can't accept the most is that Yang Xiaoxiao was the bottom of the class two months ago, but now her grades actually surpassed Qin Yulu's.

But Yang Xiaoxiao was also holding her cheeks on the seat at the moment, with a frustrated expression, probably because she was only one place behind in the ranking. But she has made great progress, which is actually a very happy thing.

Therefore, Liu Huaxing just flicked Yang Xiaoxiao's small forehead lightly, and Yang Xiaoxiao slapped his hand away angrily: You are lucky! It's only one place away. If I didn't have the math proof question Answer it, I'm sure...

Liu Huaxing raised his index finger to signal her not to continue talking, and then pointed to Qin Yulu in front of her.

Yang Xiaoxiao understood and shut her mouth immediately.

Okay, a temporary failure doesn't mean anything. If you didn't pass the exam this time, it doesn't mean you didn't do well in the senior high school entrance exam either. Liu Huaxing stroked Qin Yulu's braids, Qin Yulu shook her head angrily, and left the classroom rushed out. Liu Huaxing knew that he didn't use the right method, so he read the file and went back, thinking for a while.

Yulu? Liu Huaxing called softly, It's okay, try harder next time? I'll teach you the questions you don't understand.

But in the end, Qin Yulu still stood up and rushed out of the classroom.

Liu Huaxing guessed that she was in a bad mood at the moment, and it was useless to say anything, so she read the file for the second time.

This time he didn't say anything, but gently stroked the back of Qin Yulu's head. This time Qin Yulu didn't rush out of the classroom, but lay on the table. Although she didn't make a sound, judging from the way she was shaking, she must have been crying.

Oh. Ye Jiaxin patted Qin Yulu on the shoulder beside her, but Liu Huaxing knew that it would be fine if he cried.

After sitting down again, Liu Huaxing looked at the frustrated Yang Xiaoxiao beside him, and then sighed: These two girls are really good, neither of them will give him peace of mind.

Therefore, Liu Huaxing wrote a sentence in the homework book and handed it to Yang Xiaoxiao.

Seeing that sentence, Yang Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and smiled, and nodded.

You have worked hard to get the eleventh place in the exam. Let's take a step back. I will reward you by eating a bowl of slightly spicy food.

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