I Can Read Unlimited Files

Chapter 5 Layout

Although he knew in his heart that fighting was bad, Liu Huaxing was still very happy when he rode his bike back, because there are some things that he cannot measure by right or wrong.

When I was young, the teachers said that good children should not fight and should tell the teacher if something happened, but the fact is that telling the teacher is useless. Telling the teacher after being beaten will only make you look like a loser, and it will only trigger revenge from the beater.

He still remembers that when he was in elementary school, he was beaten and cried by his classmates once. When his father came to pick him up from school, he reprimanded him: You beat him back too!

At that time, he simply said to his father, The teacher said that good children should not fight, but now thinking about it, what his father said is correct. Fighting is wrong, but is it right to run away from the problems in front of you?

As a man, sometimes there are problems that cannot be avoided, even if they are wrong, they must be faced with them. Especially in the face of bullying, the more you avoid the bullying, the more you will come to your door. Suing the teacher will only make the bullying continue again and again.

Liu Huaxing actually didn't feel that good after this fight. His fist peak is in severe pain now. After all, children have delicate skin and tender flesh. This body has not undergone special training, and the strong collision has caused his skin to wear out. , and the muscles all over the body are weak for a while, I have to stretch it well when I go back, otherwise the muscles will be sore and unbearable tomorrow.

Riding the bike, feeling the hot summer wind, Liu Huaxing's thoughts suddenly drifted away.

He was so old that he couldn't remember what kind of life he was living at home at this time, he only vaguely remembered that their family still lived in the old house. Ten years later, the old house on their side has been demolished and rebuilt, and their family has moved to a new house. However, the process is quite tortuous.

In those few years, his mother Lu Jing suffered a lot. Because the family didn’t have enough savings, she had to buy a house outside the third ring road. The shuttle bus from his father’s factory there basically didn’t affect it, but his mother If you want to rush back to work from there, you have to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning and drive back to the city center to work at 6 o'clock in the morning. You can't go back until 7 o'clock in the evening. After eating, you have to go to bed again at 9 o'clock. Not a few words.

After that, the old house was demolished and rebuilt, and the family sold the house outside the third ring road and moved back to the city. The life of the family finally got better, but all this was due to his mother's hard work. It was boiled out bit by bit.

Liu Huaxing really felt sorry for his mother, so he also made some preparations before coming back this time. He specially memorized the first prize of a certain issue of the double-color ball after he came back, and then prepared to buy the number according to the situation.

The housing prices these days are not so exaggerated. About three to four hundred thousand can buy a big house in a good location, so you don’t need to win five million, just two hundred thousand is fine. The first prize should be about the same if you buy two or three bets. Winning five million would easily arouse the concern of the thief, and it would also make his father think about the extra money.

His father is good at everything, but he likes to speculate in stocks. He loses again and again and still doesn't learn how to be smart. If he has spare money, he throws it in stocks to do charity for others. So the amount of 200,000 is just right. It is used to pay the down payment on the house, and the loan can be paid off in a few years. And the five million among them may instead make their family reap something for nothing.

Anyway, with the ability to read files and this ability, Liu Huaxing felt that it should not be difficult to make some money.

Back home downstairs, Liu Huaxing looked up at the dilapidated six-story old alley, feeling a lot in his heart. This red brick house was about to disappear from his memory, but even though the buildings in this community were dirty and dilapidated , but where he grew up.

While thinking about his childhood, Liu Huaxing went upstairs and walked through the dark corridor, and it was exactly five minutes to six when he got home. It is still a make-up class for the summer vacation, and school ends at 5:00 in the afternoon. His normal time to go home is about 5:20, but today he wasted a lot of time with this group of bad guys, so he didn't get home until almost 6:00.

Oh, where did you go today? Seriously, I came back so late, and I didn't call home! At this time, a woman with a slightly fatter figure and a particularly gentle and graceful temperament came up to her and pinched Liu Huaxing's face. reprimanded.

Liu Huaxing almost forgot what his parents looked like at this time. They were once so young, but they were much older ten years later. This sharp contrast made Liu Huaxing feel a lot. He blinked his eyes and wiped away the tears He held back, then grinned and said, Mom! You are so beautiful! Dad is also handsome!

Tsk, what does the brat want to buy again? Liu Huaxing's father Liu Xuebin said angrily, but he was still amused by him.

Dad, I will help with housework every day in the future, can you give me ten yuan pocket money? Liu Huaxing asked with a smile.

Beichang City, where Liu Huaxing lives, is a second-tier city, and it will still be a second-tier city ten years later, so four thousand a month is considered a high income in this day and age, and pocket money of ten yuan a day may not even be considered by children ten years later. Gu, but it's really not a small amount right now.

Even if Liu Huaxing has knowledge, he is only a junior high school student after all, so pocket money is very necessary for him. Usually, the family only gives him three or five yuan a day for food, but such a little money is enough to have breakfast outside. How much money do you have to buy lottery tickets? Fortunately, he is more sensible at this time, and his grades are quite good, and his family members are more accustomed to him.

Okay, but then you can do a little more, and you can't just sweep the floor perfunctorily. Liu Xuebin said while eating.

Well! I'm also responsible for washing dishes and taking out the trash, so it's okay? Liu Huaxing stroked the old table in front of him, feeling the familiar feel and smell, and smiled. He ate on this table I have been eating for more than ten years. When moving later, because the table was too old, it was broken during the move, but this table was left by his grandmother.

Don't delay your study! Lu Jing frowned and said seriously: You are now in the third grade of junior high school. After school starts, you will have evening self-study. It is also appropriate to give you more pocket money. Mom can do the housework. You study hard , don't fall down.

It's okay, Mom! I'll do it, and I won't delay my studies. Liu Huaxing said confidently.

Mom is coming over for dinner this Sunday, so go buy some food and come back. Liu Xuebin whispered to Lu Jing at this time.

Yes, I see. Lu Jing responded, while Liu Huaxing took a few deep breaths, as if a piece of his heart had been dug out: his grandma was still alive at this time.

His grandma died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage when he was working after graduating from university. He was rescued in the ward for several days, but the symptoms were too severe to sustain life without the assistance of equipment, and there was no improvement. hope. In addition, their family couldn't afford the medical expenses of more than 10,000 a day in the intensive care unit. In the end, his father could only make a decision.

Before that, Liu Huaxing never thought that the most difficult decision in life would be a pipe.

His grandma was a bit stubborn, and often quarreled with his parents. She was a bit stubborn and withdrawn, but she was very kind to him. After retirement, she still went out to do some cleaning work, just to buy him something he liked to eat.

His grandma's greatest wish was to see him get married and have a great-grandson in his arms, but it was a pity that Liu Huaxing didn't fulfill her wish in the end. And ironically, the last week of his grandma's life in the ward was the week Liu Huaxing spent the most time with her, which made him feel particularly guilty. But now his grandma is still alive, this time he must let her grandma see him get married and have children.

Their family is such an ordinary and happy family. Although they don't have much money, they have no conflicts. The family loves each other, which is a happy family that many people envy.

After dinner, Liu Huaxing washed the dishes, because although computers are not uncommon these days, they are not available in every household, so entertainment is just watching TV, but Liu Huaxing has more important things to do. He just had a fight with a group of delinquents today, so he simply did some stretching to relieve muscle fatigue and avoid muscle soreness all over his body tomorrow.

Then he went to bed early, got up on time at six o'clock the next morning, went downstairs and jogged in the courtyard of the community for forty minutes, took a shower when he got home, bought breakfast, and rode his bicycle to school .

Before leaving the complex, he saw a girl with shoulder-length short hair pushing a bicycle out of the unit. The girl's facial features were fair, but her skin was dark and she was tall. Boys are no different.

This was his childhood sweetheart, Yang Ying, who was in the class next door and had been playing with him since kindergarten. Her father always wanted a son, and finally gave birth to a daughter, so he raised her as a son, and she developed this kind of character.

Morning. Liu Huaxing greeted Yang Ying with a refreshed smile.

In fact, the relationship between the two of them became a lot less at this time, and the reason is ridiculous, but because Liu Huaxing usually spends too much time with Yang Ying. The gossip between the two caused the two of them to deliberately alienate each other, but there was actually no conflict between them personally.

When I was young, I would care about these gossips, but from the perspective of an adult, this is really ridiculous. He doesn't want to alienate his childhood for such a boring reason. Seeing Liu Huaxing greet her enthusiastically, Yang Ying also smiled at him.

Let's go to school together? Liu Huaxing took a bite of fried dough sticks and said, By the way, how many cards do you have for the crispy noodles? Give me a few, I'm almost done with a set.

Yang Ying followed up on a bicycle, snorted and said, That can't be given for nothing, you can exchange what you have.

After all, there was no conflict between the two of them, it was all caused by gossip, and after only a few words, they returned to their previous relationship, and children are like this.

After such a calculation, Liu Huaxing found that he really had a lot of things to do when he came back this time, so he had to think carefully. The layout at the beginning of the game is very important, and the loading point should be set up in time to avoid accidents in the future. The fragment of the file reading must be carefully planned at this time.

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