I Can Read Unlimited Files

Chapter 39 Reaching an Agreement

You... who beat you like this? Your father or your mother? Liu Huaxing frowned and asked.

My mother divorced my father a long time ago, and she ran away with a man I've known for a week. Zheng Zhi said, not letting him in, but walking out, Come on, go out and say, The house is as dirty as a garbage dump.

Liu Huaxing took a deep breath through his nose, followed behind him and asked, I heard that you took things down.

What did you take down? It was my choice, the one I hit. Zheng Zhi sneered.

Liu Huaxing narrowed his eyes, and decided to talk about other things first, to get to know Zheng Zhi.

Judging from the current situation, Zheng Zhi's father is obviously a violent and violent person, otherwise his mother wouldn't rather leave him and run away with a man he has only known for a week. Of course, there are more or less acts of parents beating their children in every family, but such a heavy hand, to be honest, it has reached the level of breaking the law...

Zheng Zhi's face was covered with bruises, and his eyes were swollen like pigeon eggs, as if he had been stung by a bee.

Leaving aside the impact of domestic violence, as a child, you have to save face. If you go to school like this, you will either be ridiculed or sympathized with, both of which are unacceptable with Zheng Zhi's character.

Your father often beats you like this? Liu Huaxing thought for a while and decided to ask directly.

It's commonplace, I'm used to it. Zheng Zhi said, Liu Huaxing frowned and paused before continuing: Do you know that the school will expel you?

If you get fired, you'll be fired. Anyway, I don't want to study anymore. Zheng Zhi sneered.

But it's not necessary. Listen to me carefully, and then follow my instructions and go talk to the teachers at the school, so that no one will be expelled, that is, some people will be criticized... Liu Huaxing persuaded patiently.

But Zheng Zhi raised his hand and interrupted him: It's not necessary, just get fired, I don't bother to make up a bunch of lies for such a shit. Anyway, people like me are not suitable to stay in school, and it's okay to be fired. No one will feel sad, on the contrary, they will only be glad that my scourge has finally disappeared from the school.

With that said, Zheng Zhi turned to Liu Huaxing and said with a smile, Go back to school and take your classes well, don't waste time on social scum like me.

After saying this, Zheng Zhi turned his back to him and walked in the opposite direction, while waving his hand: Goodbye, honor student.

Seeing that immature free and easy, Liu Huaxing suddenly felt sad: Has anyone asked Zheng Zhi what he wants? want to be what?

Everyone said he was the scum of society, the scum of the school, but never cared why he became like this. Is anyone born evil? Liu Huaxing thinks there are, but most people are influenced by the day after tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Liu Huaxing stepped forward and grabbed Zheng Zhi's shoulder to make him turn around, then grabbed his collar and said, Are you really willing to do this? Those who say you are scum, those who say you are scum, Are you really willing to be the trash they say? Don't you want to prove to them that you can be a better person than them?

Let go! Zheng Zhi grabbed Liu Huaxing's wrist and said angrily, and the two wrestled together. but……

In the blink of an eye, Zheng Zhi was pushed to the ground by Liu Huaxing and twisted his arm. Zheng Zhi was in pain and slapped the floor repeatedly: Surrender and surrender! Let go! You B speak nicely, but your hands are still the same and you are not merciless at all!

I don't ask you to study, at least stay until you graduate from junior high school. Liu Huaxing let go of him panting and said, What's more, have you ever thought about what you will do after you are expelled?

Go out and hang around. As long as I dare to fight, someone will always look at me. Zheng Zhi rubbed his shoulders and said, And one day I will become a big shot, and no one dares to look down on me. I want to escape from this trash can, and then never come back...

Wake up, those are all movies, the reality is different. Liu Huaxing said angrily, You are a junior high school student, if you go out and imitate others to be a gangster, you will either be hacked to death, or you will be arrested and locked up in a labor camp. to adulthood.

Then what do you think?! Zheng Zhi asked angrily, It's not like you are a top student! I can't learn anything, and I'm not good at sports! The only thing I'm good at is fighting. Then you What on earth can a person like me do?

Liu Huaxing looked at him and asked back: Then why don't you engage in fighting sports? Wrestling, Taekwondo, these are Olympic sports. If not, free combat and boxing can make a living after practicing well. .”

Zheng Zhi stared at him blankly, as if he had never thought that there was such a way, and he could see that he was a little moved, but then he sneered: My father will kill me if he knows.

Then he won't beat you now that you are like this? Liu Huaxing asked back, Anyway, you are already studying like this, and you don't have that interest. Why don't you choose something you are interested in, and I will teach you to enter the industry, and when you have If you have a certain foundation, then find someone to study. After graduating from junior high school, there is still time, how about becoming a professional boxer before you are twenty years old?

Sounds good. Zheng Zhi held his chin and thought for a while, then continued to ask: But, what should we do about the expulsion?

Liu Huaxing smiled triumphantly: Finally we've come to the point...you don't have to worry about this, just follow what I said. But before that, you have to promise me some conditions about learning boxing.

Don't tell me you are not allowed to fight, then I would rather not learn! Zheng Zhi waved his hand angrily, and Liu Huaxing shook his head: I may not forbid you to fight, but you are not allowed to take the initiative to find someone to fight, self-defense is Yes, can we reach a consensus on this point?

Zheng Zhi thought for a while, nodded and said, I can do this.

Then, starting today I will give you some training items. You must exercise according to my training list every day. Every once in a while I will teach you some fighting skills... Liu Huaxing continued to ask : Have you figured out what you want to learn? Generally speaking, I suggest you learn taekwondo, boxing, judo and wrestling, because these two are Olympic sports.

Do you know everything? Zheng Zhi looked at Liu Huaxing suspiciously and asked, Liu Huaxing raised his brows: I understand...Anyway, it's okay to teach you how to get started. As for whether you can become a professional athlete, it still depends. Your subsequent efforts.

What technique is the most fierce in fighting? Zheng Zhi asked, and Liu Huaxing said simply: Of course it's Muay Thai, but generally there are no special Muay Thai competitions, and it's all free fighting. This event is too unpopular, but...

Liu Huaxing pondered for a while. Free fighting is not well known in this era, but it will still be very popular in the future. Although it is not included in the Olympic Games, whether it is a gym coach or a martial arts instructor, it is definitely no problem to make a living.

Be the number one in every field, if you do one thing well, you can always find a way to survive. Liu Huaxing said with a smile, Zheng Zhi clenched his fists: Then learn free fighting!

Okay, after confirming this point, let's make a good confession. Liu Huaxing nodded in satisfaction, I plan to blame this group of wimps in our class, after all, they are not polite to tell the teacher. My secret. So, after you go back to school, you tell the teacher so, and I will explain it to the teacher in charge, and intercede with you by the way. We are like this...

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