I Can Download

Chapter 375

“Hela, you go back to the underworld first.” After observing the special situation on Pluto, Bruce made a decision.

“Why? I also want to go with you,” Hela said non-compliantly.

In fact, she was a very insecure woman. Since getting serious with Bruce, she wanted to stay by his side all the time.

“All right,” Bruce said helplessly.

Fortunately, Magneto didn’t need to take action this time, otherwise Magneto would ask. Once Wanda was involved, it would be really embarrassing.

When Wanda was angry, that was the big event that the Marvel universe would shake. Maybe it was possible to bring the mutants back to a state of nothing. So before returning to Earth, he must find a way to bring Hela back to the underworld.

Bruce took out the Space Gem as he considered it. The spatial ripple appeared again, and the figures of the four people soon disappeared following the ripple.

When they opened their eyes again, the four of them were already standing on the surface of Pluto.

Pluto, discovered by humans in 1930, was once the ninth largest planet in the solar system. Outside the planet, there were five satellites of different sizes.

Standing on Pluto, one would find five “moons” in the sky. And because it was too far away from the sun, one could hardly feel any temperature.

It was worth mentioning that the density and diameter of Pluto were much smaller than that of the Earth, and even the moon was larger than it.

It was only more than 2,300 kilometers in diameter and was mainly composed of rocks and ice.

Due to the small gravity, if humans could survive there, they were all “Superman” who can jump more than ten meters high.

Hela took the lead and observed the ice under her feet for a while. She said in a bore, “The environment here is very similar to Jotunheim, but it is much smaller than the planet of the Frost Giant.”

“Yes, according to Asgard’s standard, it is obviously impossible to survive here. There is no oxygen.” Fenrir glared. “There must be nothing delicious here.”

“Oh? I think it’s very cool here, it can calm me down a lot.” As a cold-blooded snake, Yemengade expressed a different opinion.

“Okay, stop arguing, this time our main task is to rescue the descendant of Green Old.”

Bruce began to publish his authority as the boss. “If you are disobedient, I will send you back to the underworld immediately.”

“Huh? Even if you can’t eat anything, don’t send me back to the place where the dead were treated.” Fenrir shrugged his head and looked much more honest. Hela put out her tongue playfully, and Yemengade closed his mouth.

“Very good.” Seeing that everyone finally stopped making noise, Bruce nodded in satisfaction. He began to lock the place where the Kree detained Groot. It didn’t take long before he found his destination.

He saw the bottom of Pluto. An underground project thousands of meters deep was created by the starship. There were variants of Kree and various high-tech defense systems stationed there.

Bruce knew that the Kree were not very clear about Groot’s detail, so there was no strong figure stationed beside him.

But at the underground core, a petri dish with bubbles was guarded extremely tightly. They stationed all the guards there.

Bruce looked up again at the five “moons” in the sky. He could see a Kree-class starship docked on each “moon”.

This showed that the Kree were very disdainful of human technological prowess, never thinking that humans could attack here one day. So even a decent carrier-class battleship was not sent over. Not to mention the various more advanced planetary starships. The reason why battle-class starships were arranged was because they were afraid that other races in the universe would come over and ruin their good deeds.

But having said that, if the Kree one day sent a “planet-star” battleship as big as the Earth. It must be ready to come and annihilate the Earth.

It’s just that the earth still had great research value, so they didn’t have a “planetary” battleship here. And too much fanfare would definitely arouse the attention of Kree’s enemies.

It exposed the Earth as a “good place” for them. Now that the situation of the other party had been completely determined. Bruce made a battle plan and told the three.

“Yemengade, you recover your true body, wrap around the planet, and wipe out all the starships in the sky.

“Cut off the Kree.

“Fenrir, these underground protective facilities and guards are yours.

“Remember, don’t get bigger, otherwise this small planet won’t be able to hold your mouthful…” Seeing the two men expressed their understanding, Bruce took Hela and sent her to the place where Groot was detained.

“Who are you? Enemy attack!” Seeing two “aliens” suddenly appear, the Kree guard immediately reacted.

What was worthy of surprise to Bruce was that these Kree were not as useless as the Earth human guards.

Instead, he drew out his high-tech laser melee weapon on the spot and activated his various variant abilities.

Circles of small energy shields were blessed on these guards. It seemed that neither kinetic energy weapons nor energy weapons could penetrate easily.

Bruce curiously teleported to a guard, and at the speed he couldn’t react to, he stretched out his hand and flicked the guard around the guard.


The shield broke instantly as if it had suffered a frontal explosion of the planet. However, Bruce frowned. He found that the technology on the Earth was compared with this shield, the gap between technology was really too big.

At this time, the people on Earth would be wiped out by this Kree trash. This is the disproportionate military gap between the two races. And this was just the tip of the iceberg of Kree’s technological strength.

Seeing Bruce’s hands, Hela stood on one side and gave a cold mouth. Dozens of guards immediately screamed and were killed on the spot. There was a black gas out of thin air in the bodies of these guards.

It caused their bodies to burn on their own and instantly turned into fly ash. Bruce knew that this black spirit was a unique ability.

This allowed Hela’s dark power to seize souls and kill people without being seen.

When ordinary people had not reached the Leve Sub-God Father’s strength, it could be said that they were touched and killed.

It was even more unfavorable to use on the Asgardian. Even the gods of the Level God Father could be killed by Hela in seconds.

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