I built the Xian Qin multiverse empire

Chapter 47

Over the past month, Ying Zheng sent one million stone grain and one million stone meat in batches, which completely shocked Wei Yanzi.

One million stone grain is enough for the people of the Qin Kingdom to eat for two months, even if it is the whole day, it is difficult to gather so much grain in a short period of time, let alone those fragrant meats.

Wei Yanzi entered the palace many times to ask Ying Zheng, but each time he was faced with a mysterious smile of Ying Zheng, as for where the food came from, Wei Yanzi is still unclear.

But he could be sure that it was definitely not from the Six Kingdoms, nor from the Qin Kingdom.

Could it have fallen from the sky?

After Wei Yanzi finished reporting, Meng Xiao spoke: "Daqin Standing 500,000 after a month of daily training, meat and grain are all full, plus the "Tiger Demon Refining Bone Fist" and "Bull Demon Powerful Fist" handed down by the Great King, according to the Great King, they have all reached the realm of meat training, at least they are second-grade martial artists. "

Meng Xiao sighed with emotion: "The minister believes that these two exercises handed down by the king are the most suitable exercises for the army, as long as you train every day and eat meat, you can see the speed of refinement, and the combat effectiveness of the whole army has increased by at least fifty percent." "

It was not only Meng Xiao who thought about these two exercises, but the generals in the Great Qin Army all thought so, and the Great King was ecstatic after giving these exercises.

This way of qi and blood cultivation, fist to flesh, deadly moves are not only suitable for the way of killing on the battlefield.

Also because of training meat, tendons, membranes, bones, dirt, pith, and blood, these seven steps have no unfathomable truth, and there are no requirements for the mind, as long as the meat and esophagus are enough, and you can feel your progress by practicing hard every day.

There is another reason, these two exercises are accompanied by pictures, there is very little text, as long as the generals in the army understand it, and teach the corresponding actions according to the pictures of the exercises, the soldiers can draw the gourd and follow the cultivation.

As for the exercises of this world, they all contain mysterious and mysterious truths, not to mention that these big-headed soldiers who don't know a single big word, even a person who is literate but does not understand martial arts may not be able to understand.

The literacy rate in this world does not exceed 5 percent, and it is a miracle that an army of half a million people can find a thousand more literate people.

Of course, these two exercises are easily learned by people with intentions and passed on.

But Yingzheng didn't care.

Cultivating "Tiger Demon Refining Bone Fist" and "Bull Demon Powerful Fist" requires a large supply of meat, to some extent, people who practice qi and blood martial arts are refining the essence of meat food, turning it into fuel to increase qi and blood and increase qi power.

If there is no meat supply, just practice and do not eat, practice for one more day, people will be thin and weak for one day, practice for ten days and a half months, must practice to death.

Of course, ordinary meat is converted into increasing qi and blood, and the efficiency of qi force is actually the lowest, if it is the meat of spirit beasts, or rice such as dragon tooth rice, the efficiency can be increased by a hundred and ten times.

But the problem is that only Daqin can supply a huge amount of meat for an army of up to 500,000, and even if other countries learn these two exercises, the national strength of the whole country will only train 10,000 elite soldiers.

10,000 elite soldiers versus 500,000 elite soldiers?

Of course, Yingzheng will not look down on the other six countries.

Strategic defiance, tactical importance.

He clearly remembered that in history, although the Qin State was the first in the six countries in terms of national strength, it still lost several consecutive battles when it opened the war to unify the world and attack the Zhao State, and if it were not for Wang Chui's use of a dissociation scheme to separate Li Mu and the King of Zhao, I am afraid that the victory would be unknown.

This also proves that the State of Zhao, or the powerful of the Six Kingdoms, is not as simple as the government seems.

Therefore, Daqin must first make a wave, wait for the national strength to increase tenfold, a hundredfold, and crush the past with one brain, without giving you a chance to resist.

"Great King, now that Daqin's meat and food supplies are completely sufficient, the minister thinks that it is completely possible to recruit another 300,000 troops."

Huan Zheng looked at Wei Yanzi: "What do you think of Mengqiao's suggestion?" "

Without thinking about it, Wei Yanzi nodded and said, "The minister thinks it's okay." "

Huan Zheng smiled and said, "Haven't you always opposed Daqin maintaining too many standing armies? "

Old Wei Yanzi's face was slightly red: "The minister didn't know that the king was so powerful before. "

Ying Zheng waved his hand: "Recruit another 300,000 troops!" "

"Minister! Lead! "

After the two left, Huan Zheng glanced at Shi Yao and Gai Nie: "You guys should also retire for the time being." "

There was only one person left in the palace, and he silently said in his heart: "System, my lottery thirty gift package has not been opened, open it for me." "

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Demon Prison Xuan Fetal Sutra! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the cornucopia! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host or the stellar hydrogen bomb! 】

Ying Zheng: "............"

If the Demon Hell Xuan Fetal Sutra and Cornucopia surprised him, then this stellar type gave him a great shock.

[Stellar hydrogen bomb, from the three-body world, with a yield of 500 million tons].


Did you smoke this thing to make me destroy the world?

This thing is powerful enough to destroy a planet.

Once released, the enemy is 100% dead, and there is no ash left of his own death.

Ying Zheng put the stellar hydrogen bomb into his backpack, and made up his mind that he would never take this thing out until he had to.

[Demon Prison Xuan Fetus Sutra, from the Emperor Venerable World].

Ying Zheng was overjoyed, opened the Demon Prison Xuan Fetal Sutra, and the first twenty words immediately appeared in his heart.

The ancestors are not enough to be lawful, and the way of heaven is not enough to fear. My way is the way of heaven, and my law is victorious over all laws!

The opening chapter of the Demon Prison Xuan Fetal Sutra says that the spiritual method created by the ancestors is not enough to be used as their own law, and the heavenly path is not enough to fear.

The person who created the Demon Prison Xuanfei Sutra was extremely proud, believing that this life was better than the past life, that the exercises in the present world were better than the ancient ancient divine skills, and that his own law and own way could surpass all predecessors and open up a new world.

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