I built the Xian Qin multiverse empire

Chapter 38

"It's time to break, such a big master, I don't feel at ease if I don't kill you,"

GOD sighed slightly, the long eyebrows at the corners of his eyes became straight, and the originally dark eyebrows now seemed to be bloodshot, faintly a hint of blood red, turning into two red eyebrows

This time it was not that his eyebrows became red, but that the eyelids under his eyebrows gathered qi and blood, like smearing bright cinnabar, which reflected the eyebrows red.??

Luck and blood, eyebrows and hair are red.

A figure reflected in his pupils, the back of a tortoise-shaped crane, was slowly walking towards him.

"You are very powerful, and in my life, you are the second powerful person I have seen. Break the void, see that the gods are not bad, take the qi and blood, and descend the white tiger. "

Ba Liming looked at the young man with long eyebrows, and there was an instant frenzy in his eyes, his muscles and flesh suddenly suddenly, suddenly and regularly trembling, and his wide clothes gradually inflated like balloons

The surrounding insects also seemed to feel the danger of the sky falling apart, and stopped crying together.?


GOD's long eyebrows turned even more blood-red, and he looked at Ba Liming: "Although there are many masters and top figures in this world, you can at least rank in the top five." Maybe, I will kill you today, add a touch of momentum to the decisive battle between me and Wang Chao, Wang Chao's general trend has become a chaotic like the Dao of Heaven, but you are his friend, I kill you, maybe I can destroy his general trend. You've come just in time today. "?


Ba Liming's expression remained unchanged, and his mouth burst out into deafening laughter, which was extremely wild.

"There are many people watching the battle tonight, they will see with their own eyes, you were beaten to death by me!" Those few Dan Jin masters behind you won't be helping you, right? "

Ba Liming's eyes swept around, feeling the many masters lurking in the darkness.

It was drizzling and falling on God, but his hair and clothes didn't feel wet at all.

It turned out that his body fell with the rain, trembling gently rhythmically, bouncing out all the rain that fell on him

"No monkey will dare to make a move, and whoever dares to fight between you and me, I will be the first to kill him."

GOD's tone is strange, and whoever listens to it creates a feeling that the person is high. Not the majesty and momentum brought by power, money, and power, but an innate, racial gap, as if he was born to overlook all living beings.

Wu Yunlong in the distance showed a look of disapproval on his face: "Some people have really practiced their boxing techniques to the extreme, but they don't think they are gods, this person's boxing techniques have been practiced to the limit, they think they are gods, I have practiced martial arts in my life, and I have never seen such a person." "

GOD seemed to hear Wu Yunlong's words, and said leisurely: "Mr. Wu Yunlong, you probably think that I am arrogant in your heart. "

"But what I'm saying is true. Throughout the ages, the characters of Danfa Dacheng have lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, floating out of the world, and do not interact with worldly people, why, because they already consider themselves immortals in their hearts. Immortals do not gather with people, and dragons do not intersect with snakes. "

"I heard that Mr. Wu Yunlong has a very large frame and has never interacted with people in the martial arts circles, but only interacts with national leaders. This kind of behavior, speaking deeply, is not the idea of treating oneself as a god. "

When Wu Yunlong heard this, his heart beat rapidly twice, and he felt that this GOD in front of him was really penetrating!?

The reason why he has a big frame is indeed that he consciously interacts with those so-called masters of the outside world, which is really unnecessary, and he does not have the same psychology as a high god

Similarly, Yan Yuanyi and Liu Mubai were also thoughtful

GOD's words came to their hearts, Dan Dao masters, in ancient times, they were immortals.

Even in modern times, deep down they think that they are high, without such an obvious expression as GOD, and even think that they and people are two creatures.

"But, God, there are also strong and weak, and you are not qualified to be compared with me, and there are only two or three people in the whole world who can be compared with me, not including you."

GOD looked indifferent, did not contain any emotion, and was as indifferent as the Dao of Heaven.

"This person has the most innate strength, and his tone is so arrogant and incredible." Hundreds of meters away, Lu Buwei sneered.

Huan Zheng shook his head: "You are wrong, you think his tone is very arrogant, but it is not arrogant for him, he is a true seeker." "

After seeing these two people on the field, Ying Zheng finally understood what kind of world he came to.

Dragon Snake Romance!

No wonder the planet is isolated from the cosmic starry sky.

Although the strongest masters on this planet are only innate, outside this planet, there are many strong people who catch the sun and the moon at every turn.

Even Wang Chao could play with time as mud in the end, and Ying Zheng couldn't imagine what kind of realm it was.

"Seeker?" Lu Buwei thought thoughtfully.

The two on the field have already begun to fight, and the master who is as powerful as Dan Jin can only see the movements of the two clearly.?

And the vigorous boxer can only look at the flowers in the fog, and seem to understand and not understand.?

As for the dark energy, it is completely to see the excitement, even so, being able to observe the battle between the two "gods" is also very beneficial to them.

How strong is Ying Zheng's eyesight, the actions of the two, any fine skin, nails, hair, and even the flow of internal qi and blood, the direction of rushing, the concussion of internal organs, the tightness of large tendons, and the dislocation and twisting of bones. All the subtle movements could not hide his feelings.?

"Dare to call the sun and the moon for a new day! Mountains and rivers change color! I've never seen such a powerful punch intent in my life! "

Although the two worlds were two systems, hundreds of meters apart, Lu Buwei felt Ba Liming's rolling fist intent, and his heart was shaken.

"No wonder you can become a Martial Ancestor!" Ying Zheng was also slightly amazed.

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