I built an armada

Chapter 3 Get the core technology of 956E!

There are stars in the sky and the moon hangs high on the branches.

At this moment, Su Dingping was holding a pile of information and rushing towards the dormitory with excitement on his face.

All valuable information to him in Professor Zhang’s office was moved to the ‘Military Industry Illustrated Forging Space’. This means that when sleeping at night, his conscious body can continue to study inside.

As for whether it will affect his study status during the day, he still needs to study this.

As for the empty shipyard, he also came up with a solution.

Just go to the laboratory to reproduce it! Replicate all visible equipment. If one laboratory is not enough, run a few more.

The huge Harbin Institute of Technology, with so many laboratories, can it still have the equipment of a shipyard?

Back in the dormitory, Su Dingping simply washed up.

After lying down, he directly entered the forging space of the military industrial illustration and continued his research.

Holding a piece of information, he flipped through it while walking back and forth on the deck of 956E.

The information in hand is the retired '053K guided missile frigate Yingtan'.

"The 'Wasp Head' 343 fire control radar on the 053K was imitated from the Mao Xiongguo's 'Qiu-50' artillery sighting radar in the early 1970s. It works mainly in the X-band and can be switched when it is interfered with. To the backup Ku band..."

Looking at the external structure of the radar on 956E, Su Dingping fell into deep thought.

"The development of any radar cannot be achieved overnight, but must continue to evolve."

"Part of the performance of the 'Ball-50' gun sighting radar can be deduced from the 053K 'Wasp Head', and then by extension, we can get a glimpse of the relevant important attributes of the radar on the 965E."

He did not simply study hard, which would be too slow to improve the analysis progress, but added his own thinking and drew inferences from one example to gain more.

Su Dingping opened his eyes amid the sound of the alarm.

I glanced outside and saw that it was already dawn.

After a brief experience, he found that the busy night in the Military Illustrated Forging Space last night did not affect his state during the day.

This means that he can travel day and night!

With a bun in his mouth, Su Dingping came to Professor Zhang's laboratory. As soon as the door opened, he saw the busy figures of a group of senior fellow students.

Obviously, these brothers have worked hard to get on board 956E for a look.

Upon seeing Su Dingping, senior brother Huang Wei quickly waved and shouted: "Junior brother, come here quickly."

Su Dingping, who was replicating laboratory equipment, heard the sound and walked towards Huang Wei.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"Junior brother, when I went back to study the information given by my instructor last night, I encountered some problems. Come and help me."

As he spoke, Huang Wei turned half sideways.

Su Dingping took a closer look and found that the other party was studying the 'Wasp Head' 343 fire control radar that he had seen last night.

"Junior brother, the 'Wasp Head' radar measures the distance difference between the target and the water column, and automatically calculates and corrects the shooting elements..."

"However, I found that this cannot avoid the problem of background scattering, and the microwave cointegration equation does not seem to be able to solve this problem well."

With that said, Huang Wei looked at Su Dingping expectantly.

It seems to be related to the 'Wasp Head' radar, but in fact, this issue has gone beyond the scope and has already involved the special research field of doctoral students.

Su Dingping didn't think much about it and said casually.

"I have considered this problem before, and it is indeed not easy to solve! However, if you add Moshe's Wave Law into the calculation, you can significantly..."

Listening to Su Dingping's words, Huang Wei's heart trembled.

After talking for a while, Su Dingping said: "That's about it."

Before Huang Wei could speak, senior brother Zhao Haikuo on the side said immediately.

"What did I say just now? I just said that my junior brother can definitely answer it!"

Huang Wei's face suddenly darkened a lot.

There is a correct answer to this question, which he got early in the morning from a doctor. The answer given by Su Dingping was almost the same.

Huang Wei was desperate.

I'm done, I'm afraid I can't compete with my junior brother.

Su Dingping scratched his head and looked around in confusion. Seeing the complicated eyes of those senior brothers, he suddenly understood.

This is testing competitors.

Su Dingping quickly got into Professor Zhang's independent office.

Watching Su Dingping close the door, a senior brother said sourly: "The instructor is so partial."

Zhao Haikuo said: "There is no favoritism. If you had Dingping at the age of 19, you would be the envy of us today."

"Besides, Dingping is three years younger than us and five years younger. If you were the mentor, wouldn't you be biased?"

With Zhao Haikuo on the side to smooth things over, everyone's mentality suddenly became much more balanced.

Huang Wei sighed: "Yes, Dingping's level has almost caught up with that fellow Ph.D. fellow, so I'm not biased."

Patting Huang Wei's shoulder, Zhao Haikuo said: "No matter what, we have to fight for what needs to be fought!"

"Even if we don't win over our junior disciple in the end, at least we can't let other mentors' disciples look down upon us!"

For a time, everyone's fighting spirit was high.

In the days that followed, Zhao Haikuo and others could see Su Dingping entering the independent office almost every day, and they were used to it.

With Su Dingping as a role model, Zhao Haikuo and others also became anxious.

Three months have passed by and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Just when everyone was sharpening their knives for Bi She, Huang Wei suddenly rushed into the laboratory and said anxiously.

"Brothers, something happened."

"What's wrong?"

"Come here."

With that said, Huang Wei led everyone to the laboratory lounge.

Turn on the TV, a military interview program is playing on it.

[According to the latest news received by our station, Toyo’s fourth Kongang-class guided missile destroyer has been put into production... Expert Liu, what do you think of this? 】

[Toyo’s Kongo-class is the earliest Aegis ship outside of the Free State Navy, and there is no doubt about its power. The cost of the third ship is as high as 6.3 billion Chinese coins. The fourth ship is said to have undergone certain upgrades, so the cost should be even higher! 】

[Expert Liu, there is a voice circulating in the East. They say that the Chinese Navy will never be able to build a modern warship! Please tell me, is this really the case? 】

Military intelligence expert Liu was silent.

The reporter continued to ask.

[Then what do you think will happen if the East Coast Fleet and our fleet meet at sea? 】

Expert Liu was silent again.

[A senior colonel from Dongyanghai claimed that our navy can be completely wiped out within an hour. Is this really true? 】

Expert Liu fell silent for the third time.

His silence was deafening.

The students present had complicated expressions and their hearts sank to the bottom.

"What the hell! What does it mean that we can never build modern warships? What does it mean to annihilate us all in one hour! Damn it!"

"How much was our navy's total military expenditure last year? Is it 7 billion?"

"It seems... yes."

"The total military expenditure of our navy for one year is equal to the cost of building a warship! A warship worth six to seven billion is an Aegis ship. How powerful is that!"

Three months ago, they could confidently call out the Wolf Pack Tactics!

But Professor Zhang personally admitted that the wolf pack tactic was wrong.

There's really no way around it now!

Su Dingping felt heavy.

The pressure on the Navy is increasing.

Although for the 055 Great Driver of later generations, Dongyang's King Kong-level driver is not even a younger brother. However, for the navy, which currently has only two 956Es, the pressure brought by each King Kong class is very high.

Zhao Haikuo looked at Su Dingping, his voice a little hoarse.

"Junior brother, how much do you know? We really can't hold it for an hour?"

Others looked at Su Dingping.

At this moment, Su Dingping became the backbone of everyone.

Su Dingping did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"Brother, do you think we can make it?"

"Core technology, Western blockade, military spending..."

"Can it or can't it?"


"It's not a must, it's a must! We have no other way!"

After saying that, Su Dingping turned around and walked out.

"Junior brother, where are you going!"

"I'm going to change 'should' into 'must'!"

The cool breeze blew at Harbin Institute of Technology in October, but Su Dingping’s voice was clearly audible in the cold wind.

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