I built an armada

Chapter 13 Hope of restart!

Wang Xin, who was stopped by the soldiers, quickly spoke.

"Comrade, we are Professor Wu's disciples. We are here to find Professor Zhang's disciple Zhao Haikuo. We are troublesome..."

"No one is allowed in."

Wang Xin was stunned, and she subconsciously looked at Guo Xueyun.

She remembered that Guo Xueyun told her before that she told Zhao Haikuo what she had told him at the door.

It's only been less than an hour, and why can't I even get in?

Guo Xueyun also looked confused.

"This is our student ID card, we..."

"I know, but you're not allowed in."

Taking a deep breath, Wang Xin changed his approach.

"Then could you please contact Zhao Haikuo and tell me..."

Before she could finish her words, the soldier flatly rejected her and asked her to leave here quickly.

Guo Xueyun pulled Wang Xin aside.

"Senior Sister, something is wrong. It was really not like this when I came here before."

"It's just a graduation review, how can there be such a big movement! It doesn't make sense!"

Wang Xin looked confused.

She also wanted to come over to see how the situation was with Zhao Haikuo, but she didn't know she couldn't even get close.

"Now what?"

"How about we wait here? I guess they are almost done. There is no review for the final project of Professor Zhou's experimental group!"

After thinking about it, the two decided to wait somewhere further away.

However, after waiting for a while, the soldiers did not leave. Instead, a professor arrived.

"Hey, isn't this Professor Zhou? Why is he here?"

Wang Xin recognized Professor Zhou at a glance.

"Maybe their experimental team is anxious."

While the two were still surprised, Professor Zhou was stopped not far away by two heavily armed soldiers.

Although they couldn't hear what they were saying, they knew by looking at their postures that Professor Zhou couldn't get in and had to return without success.

"Can't even Professor Zhou get in? What kind of extraordinary thing did Professor Zhang do inside?"

"It's strange. Nothing happened before. The review was blocked as soon as it started."

The two looked at each other, filled with curiosity.

As time passed, a lot of people gathered around, looking at him curiously.

And as long as these people are far enough away, the guarding soldiers will not drive them away.

After a moment, Guo Xueyun suddenly pointed at the person coming from a distance and shouted: "Sister, isn't this Professor Zhang! Why did he come from outside?"

Wang Xin took a closer look and found that it was really Zhang Gongnong.

"Professor Zhang is not in the laboratory!"

This time, she was even more confused.

Zhang Gongnong was about to enter the laboratory when he was stopped by two soldiers.

"Two comrades, I am Zhang Gongnong, the person in charge of this laboratory. This is my ID."

After taking a look, a soldier said: "Professor Zhang, please wait a moment, I will contact the major."

Wang Xin was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

Even Professor Zhang was blocked and needed to be notified. What happened in the laboratory?

Soon, the soldiers who went in to inform came back.

"Professor Zhang, please come inside."

After escorting Zhang Gongnong into the laboratory, the two soldiers continued to stand guard at the door.

As soon as Zhang Gongnong entered the laboratory, Major Wan immediately walked out.

"Professor Zhang, this way."

When the two of them passed by the lounge, Zhang Gongnong heard a chirping sound, which seemed familiar.

After listening carefully, he remembered.

This is the content of the confidentiality regulations that he has already memorized by heart!

Zhang Gongnong stretched his head and looked inside, only to see Teacher Qian and his disciples reciting there.

"Comrade Major, what is this?"

"Report to Professor Zhang. This is Colonel Zhang's request to adopt high-level confidentiality measures."

Zhang Gongnong looked confused.

"Comrade Major, what happened? Why are you so serious all of a sudden?"

"I'm sorry, Professor Zhang, I don't know either."

After taking a look, he found that Su Dingping was not here.

"Comrade Major, have you seen my other disciple Su Dingping?"

"have no idea."

He couldn't get any results, and what Professor Li said on the phone before made him more and more confused.

Oops, nothing will happen to Dingping!

He was so anxious that he didn't think much and quickly continued walking inside.

When he arrived at the door of the independent office, he was about to open the door, but found that the door was locked, so he had no choice but to knock on the door.

"Old Li, what are you doing in there?"

As soon as the door opened, Zhang Gongnong immediately saw Professor Li with a happy face.

"Old Zhang, you are finally here! If you don't come, the cooked duck will fly away!"

"What duck?"

"Don't worry about it, come in first and then talk about it. Comrade Major, thank you for your hard work."

Professor Li thanked Major Wan and quickly pulled Gongnong Zhang into the room.

Before Zhang Gongnong, who was full of doubts, had time to speak, he was attracted by the huge model in the room.

He recognized it with just one glance.

"Model 956E! When did it come out? Why didn't I know? It was even moved to my office!"

"Old Li, what are you doing? You treat my office as your home! Also, Old Li, what do you think of someone snatching my disciple?"

While talking, he saw the drawings all over the room.

Looking around, his eyes finally noticed Su Dingping and the others.

"Dingping! I thought something happened to you! Colonel Zhang and Professor Huang, you are all here."

Seeing that Professor Huang and Colonel Zhang were embarrassed and embarrassed to look directly at him, Zhang Gongnong was a little confused. How did he know that the two people in front of him were the ones he said just now.

"Can no one explain to me what happened?"

Just as Su Dingping was about to speak, Professor Li spoke first.

"Lao Zhang, why do you look like you've taken some medicine? Look at this model before you speak!"

"is not it……"

Only halfway through speaking, Zhang Gongnong, who was staring at the model, was stunned.

Before, his mind was all on Su Dingping and he didn't notice the details of the model.

Now that I looked carefully, I immediately noticed something unusual.

so similar! Exactly the same!

He quickly moved closer and looked at it inch by inch, making a sound of surprise in his mouth.

"You old Li, you secretly made such a big move behind my back! Tell me, how did you get to know the internal structure of 956E? Didn't there be an order from above that disassembly of 956E is not allowed!"

Professor Li said with a smile.

"Look at those drawings again!"

"You old boy, you're playing riddles with me!" he said, but he still reluctantly turned his attention to the surrounding drawings.

In his opinion, Professor Li was able to figure out the internal structure of 956E and model it, even if he was doing research in private behind his back, which was already very impressive!

This progress has exceeded that of the entire institute!

As for the design details on the drawings, he felt that they should be within his own tolerance.

The past five months have not been in vain.

However, after he glanced at it casually for a few times, he couldn't take his eyes away.

"This...this is the detailed design of the 'Warshipbird-MA' air situational awareness radar! Old Li, where did you get it? Did you bribe the experts from the Bear Country?"

"Huh? Why are there still design ideas for the MP-401 electronic countermeasures system? Design and planning of the 'Lake Baikal' tactical command system... Has the problem of converting DC power into AC power inside the warship also been solved?"

After only watching a small part, Zhang Gongnong was completely stunned on the spot.

These are the core technical difficulties that need to be overcome for the navy to enter modernization! It's baby! Not for sale for ten thousand gold!

When I first purchased the 956E, I didn’t think about buying the core technology as well! But the furry bear country doesn’t sell it! We won’t sell it for another 900 million U.S. dollars!

"Even if you bribe the experts from the Bear Country, you can't get these! This is a secret that needs to be shot!"

Professor Li pushed Su Dingping out and said.

"Old Zhang, you have gained a good disciple!"

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