I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 76: Skipping Realms

"A name, you say?"

From all the experiences I've had of asking someone's name in the past, I've never had anyone tell me to give them a name or something of the sort. Therefore, this is truly a new experience for me. And as someone who only knew how to cultivate and with no experience to socialize back then, I didn't know how to react to this puzzling situation.

"Yes, if you really want to be w-w-with me then you can at least give me a name. I mean... that would prove my importance to you, Yongrui." She continued.

"I guess that's understandable, but a name? What name do you like? I'm so sorry, I've never really had any experience with naming someone before so I don't know what to give you." I continued.

"A-anything is fine."

"T-then... how does Natali—"

"Not that, anything but that." The System vehemently rejected it.

"But that's such a good name!" I continued as I let out a chuckle. "Then... how about Hui-ying? it's written with the kanji for smart."



"It's a nice name, it also means to shine, just like how I shined in your life and you got your consciousness back." She continued. Clearly, she liked the name Hui-ying. "It's settled then. I will go with that name."

"Why did you want me to name you in the first place though? Didn't you have a name?" I asked.

"Not really, I have no memories of the past whatsoever. I probably just manifested in your mind as a wandering soul or something like that." She continued. "There aren't any known cases about wandering souls though so maybe I'm just an unknown entity."

"Or perhaps, your someone legendary from the past, and this is your intent. Seeing that you can talk, we might have a way to give you a body and separate you from my mind. But I'd have to reach the Dao Realm before I could do that." I continued. "And that's assuming you're someone's intent. If you weren't, then I guess I'm stuck with you in my mind forever."

"I- I don't mind. Just treat me right from now on, Yongrui." She pouted.

"Right right, I will. I promise. I'm looking forward to working with you from here on out, Hui-ying." I cupped my hands as I greeted her.

"Same here." She greeted back. I imagined her cupping her hands towards me but I don't even know how she looks like.

Well, I guess I'll just leave it at that.

"Now that that's settled, do you want to know about the Automatic Qi Condensation, Yong Rui?" She continued.

"It's not like I have anything better to do. Can you tell me everything about it? Also, is there anything I could do to help my dying body even if it's just a little bit?"

"There's nothing you could do but cultivate, Yongrui. As for the gathered Qi, you don't have to worry about the shortage of Qi. The Automatic Qi Condensation is an autopilot technique of the System that gathers all Qi energy in the surrounding area. This has happened before while you were unconscious. Back then, you were supposed to die but the System utilized the Qi energy from around you and managed to stabilize your two Qi Cores."

"If that's the case, then why is it giving me a harder time by giving me a third Core? Wouldn't that be called torture?"

"Yes, I think having three Cores would actually be pretty risky, and yet... I feel like the System has been planning on giving you this core right from the start. Just like the Virus Qi Core, I think this third Core will be a key foundation to an unknown breakthrough or an advanced element like the dark element and blood element."

"If that's the case, then I'm getting another new element, is that the case? Or maybe I'll get rare martial art or ability? That would be great. But the risk is too paramount and I can't get excited about it."

But there was no time to complain. Upon hearing that, I tried to focus on my consciousness as I eased my breathing. Once I got into a calm and tranquil state, I started trying to form my Qi Cores although I couldn't feel it at the moment.

A minute later, I felt a strange light encompassing my body, filling me with warmth. At that instant, I immediately felt my Virus Qi Core and my Original Qi Core. And just a few ways from them, there was a third Qi Core forming. It was still small but the power it held was vast, greater than the Virus Qi Core and the Original Qi Core combined. Compared to my first two cores which were pure white, this third Core had the color of darkness with occasional sparks of white. It was a super weird Qi Core but I knew that if I failed in forming it, then I'll die earlier than expected.

For some reason, my Virus Qi Core and Original Qi Core were relatively calm while my third Qi core was on the verge of exploding. Hence, I decided to direct my complete focus towards my third Qi Core.

My third Qi Core was unpredictable and it wouldn't submit easily. However, its power was still a bit weak since it was still in the process of condensing. Normally, if one were to encounter such uncontrollable Qi Core, one wouldn't be able to subdue it, but I was a different case.

As someone who had been in the Dao Realm, I've managed to subdue my Qi Core, and that Qi Core was way stronger than this one. Since my mental strength far surpasses the threshold needed for me to be able to control my third Qi Core, I was able to subdue it after putting a considerable amount of effort. Somehow, even though I'm in my consciousness, I could feel beads of sweat trickling from my forehead.

"You're almost there, but there's a problem..." The System, or rather, Hui-ying pointed out. "Since you're Virus Qi Core and Original Qi Core has enlarged to such a state, the only way you could compress it before it explodes is by breaking through. With the System's help, it would be much easier but it still needs your permission."

"That's fine with me."

<Congratulations! You've broken through the Spirit Realm!>

<Congratulations! You've broken through the Emperor Realm!>

<Congratulations! You've broken through the King Realm!>

<Congratulations! You've reached the First Level of the Immortal Realm!>

<Congratulations! You've reached the Second Level of...>


"WAIT WAIT! STOP! What's going on?!" I exclaimed.

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