I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 73: "I'm Die,"

Once we got to the gathering of the horde, the three of us noticed that there were two groups of rabid humans. The Stage-7's were both facing each other, roaring and growling as if they were telling the other party to go somewhere.

Just from their roars alone, one could tell that a fight was about to ensue. But although they were two strong powers, neither side was backing down.

"That's a Ripper Zombie, and the other is a Gripper. Although, it's my first time seeing a Stage-7 High-Leveled one. Those shrieks are making me shudder in fear. So this is the difference between a shen rong and a regular screecher. No wonder the screechers are like cannon fodder for shelter leader." Liu Zhi commented.0

"As far as I know, these two are highly territorial and they value and prioritize expanding their territory when they get the chance. No matter what happens tonight, one side will perish in this very place." Blade said in a foreboding manner. "This is good for us since we can scavenge the zombie cores they drop."

"Yes, it's a good decision to wait here." Luo Zehn agreed. "We've covered a bit of distance since we left the shelter, we should at least get some rest before we continue our journey."

Perfect timi— whoa! Wu Yan?! Wu Yan, what are you doing?

Before I knew it, slender hands hugged me from the side as something soft leaned on my chest. It was Wu Yan. All the excitement today probably overtook her and she didn't realize she was already asleep. At first, I was surprised but after seeing the horde of rabid humans about to fight just a few meters from where we were, I regained my composure and decided to sleep with Wu Yan hugging me from the side. She seemed exhausted so I didn't want to wake her up.

From afar, I could feel the laser-pointed stares of Luo Zehn and the others as they smirked from ear to ear. Even from afar, I could clearly hear what they're saying based on their expressions.

I gulped as I felt someone's warmth on my cold and lifeless body. For once in my life, I felt secure upon feeling the body of an Immortal Realm Cultivator wrapped around mine. Saying that it's the greatest feeling of all is merely an understatement since I felt a hundred percent safe in her arms.

When it comes to an embrace, the woman should be the one to feel secure, but this time, someone stronger than me is hugging me, so it's a given that I'd feel more secure than her.

Enough about that!

One by one, I saw everyone drift off to sleep as the rabid humans were still menacingly growling and taunting each other. They were at each other's throats but none dared to make a move.

The Ripper Rabid Human, which was thin with long branch-like hands and short legs, bared its fangs towards the Gripper Rabid Human. Albeit its insignificant size compared to the Gripper Rabid Human, which is two feet in height and has arms as thick as a tree trunk, the Ripper Rabid Human still had the audacity to challenge it to a territorial fight. It was the living definition of 'size doesn't matter when it comes to cultivation.'

Their subordinates, or rather the two different hordes, comprised of the same kin but their levels were much lower compared to their leaders. But regardless of that, every individual rabid human was much stronger than me and that placed me in a difficult spot. If worse comes to worst, I'll just be cannon fodder to our party.

Whatever, let's just go to sleep.


<You've failed to complete your Daily Quest,>

<Failure to complete the daily quest will result in a punishment,>

<Generating punishment,>

<Mediator Trial has commenced,>


Honestly, that Daily Quest thingy totally slipped my mind due to the eventful day I had. Since it has a punishment if not met, I could tell that the rewards for the daily quests must've been rewarding.

And yet I missed out on it.

Also, what did it mean by Mediator Trial? What kind of punishment is that? Is it some sort of trial where I mediate between two parties and try to appease both parties so they won't reach out for each other's throats? If such is the case, then which or what parties am I mediating on?

A split second later, I realized that there was no need to ask any questions since the punishment immediately happened as soon as it was announced. The moment I blinked my eyes, I found myself in the middle of the Ripper Rabid Human Horde and the Gripper Rabid Human Horde. I blinked my eyes twice to see if it was really happening,

The only thing I heard next was the deafening roars of both parties.

<Mediator Trial: Mediate between the two parties of territorial zombies. Survive in one hour.>

<Failure to survive will result in another punishment.>




After the prompt overlapped in front of me so many times, another screen with my status and level was shown. It's as if it's telling me to keep track of myself while I fight so I won't necessarily die during the process. Still, with my current level, the status screen wouldn't help at all.

"I'm die, thank you forever," I told myself, remembering the famous last words of a certain famous idol as the Gripper Rabid Human and Ripper Rabid Human lashed out their appendages towards me, their fangs bared.

Of course! My first impulse was to run and run I did. I completely forgot about my dignity as an esteemed Sect Master and as someone who was once in the Dao Realm. The only thing inside my mind right now is that I'll die if they managed to catch me.

And what's even worse, my presence was what instigated the fight between the two hordes. And because of that, the whole horde subconsciously blocked all my escape routes, completely surrounding me as the fight commenced.

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