I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 311

The sky over the DMZ slowly turned dark.

It was this item that made such an outrageous act possible.

[Name: Twin Wings of Heaven]

[Rank: Semi-Mythical]

[Type: Ring]

[Description: This ring contains the power of Typhon, who was said to have covered the sky just by spreading his wings.]


[1. Shroud: Blots out the sky, casting darkness over the surrounding environment.]

It was a reward for capturing Typhon from the Etna Volcano in the past.

Despite its quasi-mythical status and a name that makes it sound like it has something to offer, it only has a mediocre ability to block the sky.

It doesn't increase your physical abilities, so in the game, it was usually used to store them in a warehouse…….

No way, a semi-mythical item is only that?

The real power of this item is its ability to "darken the environment.”

To be more precise, it could create a night-like effect even in the daytime.

In other words, it's an object that can change the rules of the world at will, creating a phenomenon worthy of mythology.

What's even more interesting is that the power called "darkness" has the same name as the power used by dark spirits, as if that's the right way to use it.

At that moment, Latte's voice came from my in-ear.

-The area near the dungeon has been cleared. I think you can walk over slowly.

"What's the status?"

-Thanks to the dark spirits, I don't have any injuries.

"If we take any more time, the enemies might notice, so let's meet in front of the dungeon and enter at the same time."

-Yes, okay.

I ended the communication and looked up to see Jin-woo and Sasha in front of me, dealing with an Earth Elemental.


-Keh?! Humans?

"Jin-woo Bevalt, focus. This is a real battle."

"I know that, right there at your feet!"

"I know. Watch your head."

"What's that—-Ack! My head!”

The two of them are naturally in sync thanks to their training in the darkness.

Together, they had grown to the point where they could easily hunt down a mid-level Earth Elemental.

"Jin-woo, Sasha. Gather up, we're going to the front of the dungeon."

I led the two children to the entrance of the Spirit Kingdom that the scouts had already identified.

When I arrive, I find the area already occupied by Corleone and the Dark Spirits.

Apparently, the twin powers had worked, and there was an air of excitement among the spirits.

"Mickey, what's the situation inside?"

I approached Latte, who was leading the group at the entrance to the dungeon.

Her ears perked up at the sound of my voice and she turned her head.

"Oh, yeah, three of our guys just went in to scout it out, they've been in for about five minutes, so……should be back any minute."

And true to her word, not long afterward, the entrance flashed open and the scouting party, consisting of one elemental and two humans, returned.

What they reported was quite interesting.

"Inside, unlike outside, it was as bright as daylight."

"The entrance seemed to be connected to a forest on the outskirts of what appeared to be a city. There were no troops near the entrance, and most of the enemies were inside the city."

-The fighting force appeared to be about 200.

We, on the other hand, were only about 60 strong, 40 elementals and 20 humans.

In effect, we were outnumbered by more than three to one, but I calmly analyzed our strength. It was more than enough.

"I'll take the lead. We will enter the city under cover of darkness, beginning by blocking out the sun. Any questions?"

Silence returned to my question.

By the looks on their faces, they're all on the same page.

"All right, here we go."

* * *

Lúcĭfer, a border city of the Spirit Kingdom.

After driving out the dark spirits, this city on the closest border to humans has been relatively quiet due to recent events.

-After all, the scouts that entered the Black Forest were annihilated, and we must retaliate!

The fire elemental shouted loudly as he slammed his fist on the desk.

His fists send sparks flying over the stone table, and the Earth Elemental grimaces and opens his mouth.

-Weren't you the one who suggested we disturb the quiet Black Forest? You claimed all the blame then, acting alone, and now that we've lost all contact, we're supposed to retaliate together? Funny.

-What? You can say that even after your spirits are exterminated?!

-Why would we be exterminated? We're not going anywhere near the Black Forest, and it was your fault you entered the hive in the first place.

-You fucking asshole!

The spirits express their views on the events of the day.

One of the spirits, who had been silent in the increasingly heated atmosphere, speaks up.


A snow-white spirit with a pure white veil covering its entire body.

It was Nitheo, the Light Elemental in charge of this dungeon.

-You are to blame for stirring up a hornet's nest that has no intention of coming out. We'll have no further action.

-Nitheo, do you think you can bury the deaths of so many spirits so easily?!

-You were the one who said you were responsible in the first place. Don't lay the blame for them on us. All we can do is remain vigilant and prevent the dark spirits from making a comeback. Now, on to the next item on the agenda: what happened to the elixir cultivation grounds this time──?

-Nitheo! Nitheo!

After dismissing the question, the meeting was about to begin with a new agenda.

A spirit clad in white robes burst through the conference room door and let out a harsh breath.

-……I'm in the middle of an important meeting, what the hell is going on?

Nitheo asks, frowning, not pleased to have the meeting interrupted.

Normally, he would have been horrified and apologized, but instead spirit pointed to the door through which he had entered and shouted.

-Night! Night is coming!

-What do you mean, night is coming?

-It's literal, the sun has disappeared and night has come!

-What does that mean──?

-Nitheo, you need to look outside.

The Earth Elemental, who was the first to stand up, muttered as he approached the window.

Nitheo turned his head to look outside at his words.

-……What the hell.

He looked outside, his expression blank, as if he hadn't seen this coming.

-Isn't it a total solar eclipse or something?

The Fire Elemental sneered at him, as if to say, what's all the fuss about? The Earth Elemental snorts in response.

-You think a total solar eclipse can happen at will? It's a long way off.

-What's that, then? The sky has literally turned to night.

The two spirits start growling again.

But as if he couldn't see that, Nitheo's gaze never left the sky, and he jumped to his feet, shouting.

-I'm issuing a state of emergency for the city, have all combatants gather at the city walls as soon as possible.

The two spirits turned their heads as if they didn't understand what he was talking about.

-An emergency? For something like this?

-Suddenly, an emergency is going too far.

Nitheo sighs in frustration at the two spirits' words.

-The failure of the ambush, and now this, do you think it's a coincidence?! Send all the troops──

At that moment, a huge boom rang out from the direction of the city walls, and the ground shook violently.

-Attack! Attack!


Nitheo gritted his teeth as he listened to the shouts and screams coming from outside.

-Is it too late……!

The war had begun.

* * *


The air around me crackles with red electricity in the aftermath of Tanngrisnir's shot at the gates.

The gates were shattered in a manner worthy of a siege weapon.

Shuddering once at its majesty, Black Hand swallowed hard and shouted.


The dark spirits quickly rushed into the city, slashing at the spirits that rushed towards them.

-Uh, dark spirits!

-Stop them! Stop them somehow!

-Where are they?! Which way?!

-Fire bastards! Shine some light!

The entrance to the city is quickly turning to rubble.

As Corleone and Darkness' forces rushed through the breached walls, I slowly made my way into the city, escorted by Sasha and Jin-woo at my side.

"It definitely feels like a city."

As a city created by the combined efforts of several spirits, it had distinctive buildings and streets.

The most prominent of these was a building that stood like a spire in the center of the city.

I immediately realized it was where the city's administrators gathered.

"I hope they like our greeting."

The raid must have been an unexpected gift for them.

"I guess not all spirits are strong, huh?"

Jin-woo smirked as he smashed the head off one of the charging spirits. Sasha opens her mouth to protest.

"Jin-woo Bevalt, concentrate on keeping them away from the Master."

"Yes. As you wish."

Everyone's skills are growing, and I have nothing to do.

I'll get bored if we continue like this──

"Master, above!"

Just then, Sasha looks back at me and shouts urgently.


I pull my aura up and swing my fist above his head, and with a dull thud, something flies out and hits the floor.


Something immediately crashes to the ground in a huge cloud of dirt.

-Damn……! That hurt like hell……!

Looking toward the source of the sound, something rises from the dirt.

A strange creature in human form, but with hair made of burning flames.

From the looks of it, it was an advanced Fire Elemental.

-Damned dark spirit bastards. I can't believe they've joined hands with a human.

He stood up to his full height and approached with flames in both hands.

Sasha and Jin-woo stepped in front of me to block his path, intent on confronting him, but I remembered the feel of my fist from earlier and pushed past them.

"I'll take him."

-Wow, you're a hothead. Usually the higher ups don't step up to the plate.

Had he been watching the whole thing from above?

Perhaps he's seen what's going on and realized I'm in command.

"Then you know I'm pretty strong."

-Of course, that's why I'm here.

He clenches his fists in a ready stance as I close the distance.

-If I just take care of you, the others will take care of your men.

"……That's ridiculous."

In all of time, humans and spirits have never fought a proper war.

Is that why?

I felt the corners of my mouth turn up at the arrogance I hadn't seen in a long time.

"In that case, I'll take care of you first, and the others will take care of your men."

-That's ridiculous. How could you possibly think that I─Hmph──

His whole body turned black in an instant.

-Eh, eh?!

While it was panicking, I activated Shadow, stealing its vision, and shot straight ahead, punching it in the face with all my might.

With a loud crack, it bursts into flames and disappears, leaving only the Spirit Stone behind.

I clucked my tongue in disappointment as I picked up the spirit stone left behind by the creature.

"……Was that a mid-level spirit?"


As I turned to place the spirit stone in the cube, I caught sight of Sasha and Jin-woo's wide-eyed faces behind me.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing."


The two shook their heads at my words.

I kicked away the remnants of the spirit, which had quickly turned to ash, and looked at the spirit in front of me.

"Let's move right away, the target is that spirit."

The spirit emitted a pure white light that seemed to push away the darkness around it.

I had a feeling that this battle would probably end there.

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