I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 306

When the reinforcements from Corleone arrived, the spirit city of Darkness began to come alive.

The spirits have become very busy.

They knew very little about human society so every detail was something to learn.

From the finer points of Corleone’s discipline to the accounting process and more……so they would start by learning the administrative side of things.

My role here?

Nothing. I'll just get the popcorn.

With so much less to do, I eventually returned to the academy with the old man.

"It's a shame, isn't it? We didn't get a proper dungeon strategy after all."

It's early in the morning at the Academy.

I'm sitting on a bench in the Academy's park with the old man, moping about what happened in the DMZ.

"You fool, it's enough that we know the Spirit Kingdom exists. Why would we risk going in there?"

"Because it felt like a waste of time. After all, we didn't even get to see the entrance, did we?"

"Scratching the surface? The guy who claims he only scratched the surface has made the dark spirits his lackeys? You practically took over an entire dungeon, yet you're still greedy!"

Of course, I've taken over a place where dark spirits live……but it's not a dungeon.

It's just a town in a strange environment.

"Our opponents are nation-level. You know what that means, don’t you?"

"……It means they have a Spirit King, and not just one or two."

"Yes, even a country would be hard pressed against a horde of Spirit Kings, so it's best to wait for now. You're still a student, after all, and you need to focus on your academy life."

What can I say…….?

He's not wrong.

"Yes, it's better to move cautiously given the opponent."

"Yes, so don't worry too much. After all, DMZ was started by you and me together. I'll be with you until the end, so don't worry too much. Okay……!"

With that, he stood up and stretched.


Yes, organization is important, but the academy is my domain after all.

Watching the old man's back as he left for the main building, I followed suit.

"Ugh, boss, you're last today, what's up?"

Still giggling with a condescending look on his face, Jin-woo sat back in his seat, chuckling at the absurdity of it all.

"I got here before you. I just came from an interview."

"What? What interview? Boss, you need career counseling?"

"Who needs career counseling when you're a rich man like Eugene? He’s inheriting a family fortune or something!"


Jin-woo tilts his head in puzzlement after hearing Se-ah's words.

I wonder if he realizes that his future is mine.


Suddenly, I have an idea.

* * *

Jin-woo Bevalt stared at his cell phone, excited for the first time in a long time.

[Caller ID]

[Caller restricted]

[We're having a meeting today, we'll be doing a three-day program, so come prepared.]

It was a text from Master Corleone, who has been absent lately.

It came at just the right time when I wondered if he had forgotten about us.

"Three days……Is this like freshman OT, where we just get together, play games, and drink?"

Hanging out and drinking with the young master of Corleone.

Isn't that the kind of opportunity everyone dreams of?


It's a weekend starting tomorrow, so there's no problem with the schedule.

Jin-woo decided to leave a message on the Familia chat room, just in case.

[Familia chat room]

[Me: I don't think I'll be able to contact you for a while. Don’t be worried.]

[Me]: I probably won't be in touch for a while. Don't worry.

[Se-ah]: Just go die as you are.

[Me]: Nope, not gonna die~

[Young-jae]: You were supposed to help me organize documents this weekend.

[Me]: Sorry, won't be able to lol

[Young-jae]: That's ridiculous.

[Boss]: OK

[Yeon]: Eugene, let's spar.

[Boss]: └

[Yeon]: Oh.

As soon as I send the message, the chat room immediately becomes noisy, and I smile with pride.

"I knew you couldn't do without me, huh, you'll get along without me, right?"

I had already told my father that I would be away for a while due to a call from Young Boss.

I left the house, jumped on my motorcycle, and accelerated toward the abandoned factory where we always met.

I arrived at the secret location in a flash.

As I took off my helmet and looked around, I saw a familiar-looking woman in the distance.

"Hey! Long time no see!"

It wasn't that long ago that I was training with Young Boss. Her name was definitely…….

"Sasha! You're Sasha, right?"

Was it because they were familiar?

Jin-woo approached Sasha and extended his hand as if he was very happy to see her but she looked at him coldly.

"I don't think we're that close, asshole."

"Oh, is that because I called you by name? I can't remember your last name."

"Sasha Pivoakova."

"Sasha Piacopa."

"……You can call me whatever you want."

"I'm Jin-woo Bevalt. You know?"

She nods, giving me a look that says, "Oh, surely that's the name?”

"Yes, Bevalt."

"Well, you can't call yourself Bevalt in front of young master."

"……Jin-woo, never mind."

"Ugh. Take care, Sasha~"

I smiled wryly, and she glanced over at me in disbelief before grabbing my hand.

Knowing that we were going to be working together for three days, Sasha realized that there was no point in creating friction with Jin-woo.

"But it's definitely a little tense between the two of them."

The other successful candidate, Sang-ho, was shocked to learn that his friend was a spy, so he ended up not joining them.

In effect, they became a team.

Sasha, of course, was happy about it.

"Isn't it better that it's just the two of us? It's just too cumbersome to have a lot of people here to serve Master."

"Isn't it?"

At the same time, Jin-woo's mind flashed through the countless people surrounding the Young Master.

"Well, it's definitely……cooler if it's just me next to Boss Young."


"No, nothing. Oh, look, here comes Master."

Seeing Young Boss' timely appearance, Jin-woo quickly turned around and looked at the two walking towards them.

The master, still wearing the black mask on his face, and his rat-masked servant, Mickey, standing by his side.

This was the woman who had been training them alongside the master.

Suddenly, Jin-woo's mind flashed back to when he had asked the people in his family about her.

"Uncle, do you know who Mickey is?"

"Mickey? The copyright ghost?"

‘No, not that one, but the one who used to hang around Master Corleone all the time, wearing a rat mask.’

‘What? Next to Master Corleone? If she's wearing a rat mask, she might be La……Oh, I think I know who you're talking about.'

She's in charge of my education with Master Corleone, but I don't know who she is.

"Mickey, how should I put it…Among the new generation of operatives, she's a legend."

‘Huh? A legend?’

‘I only know a few things about her, like she's an ace in intelligence and she's from Niflheim?’

‘What? Niflheim?!’

Niflheim is a prison called the Hell of the Awakened.

It's not a place where just any villain goes, it's a hell for the most heinous.

How evil must you be to be from Niflheim?

‘Niflheim is a place where once you go in, it's hard to come out. How did such a person end up in his entourage?’

‘That's something I don't know, but I do know this. She's killed a few villains in Niflheim, too…….'

‘What, what?!’

‘That's why we're a little wary of her, because there's a devil living under that cute face.’

‘A devil lives there? And she's cute? Uncle, elaborate a little more.’

"Get a grip. Jin-woo."

"Huh? Ah, well."

Sasha's swat from the side snapped him back to reality, and he swallowed hard as he stared at the two people in front of him.

"It's been a while."

"Have you all been well?"

At Young Boss and Mickey's cheerful greeting, their voices still cold, Jin-woo and Sasha bowed their heads in acknowledgment.

"Long time no see. Master Young Boss, Mickey!"

"Long time no see."

Young Boss returned the greeting with a twitch of his head, his eyes sizing them up.

Sasha with a black bag slung over her back, and Jin-woo carrying nothing.

"Jin-woo Bevalt, didn't you pack anything?"

The young boss tilted his head as he looked at Jin-woo, who had no luggage at all, and waved his hand as if it was no big deal.

"Oh, I did bring one bag, but I put it in the subspace, eek!"

With that, Jin-woo pulls a huge bag his size out of thin air.

"I put this one in, but it's full, so I'm just using it to save weight, haha!"

Young Boss nods at the sight.

But even at that moment, he didn't miss the expression on Sasha's face as she looked at Jin-woo's hand with envy.

He immediately reached into his pocket, pulled out something, and tossed it towards Sasha.

"This is……."

"A small subspace artifact. Sasha, you can put your stuff in here. It'll fit in a suitcase."

Sasha looked at the bracelet, which had somehow landed on her hand, and then looked at Young Boss in confusion.

"I've heard subspace is expensive. Are you lending it out?"

Just fitting one carrier into it brings the value close to ten million credits, that's what the subspace is all about.

Sasha's voice was clearly trembling as she opened the subspace slightly to see what was inside.

But the Young Boss looked at her as if he didn't know what she was talking about.

"Just keep it. It will be of great help in future missions."

"…… Thank you. I'll cherish it."

Holding the bracelet as if it were a precious object, she placed her bag in the subspace and bowed once more to the Young Boss.

"Well, it looks like everyone's ready to go, so let's get moving. Mickey?"

"Yes, I'll call them right away."

Mickey summoned someone at Young Boss's command.

Shortly thereafter, the sound of helicopter propellers began to echo loudly over the abandoned factory site.

Young Boss is the first one on board.

"Where do you think we're going?"

Jin-woo is skeptical.

"It's none of our business. If Young Boss says we're going to hell, we have to follow."

As Sasha climbs into the helicopter ahead of him, Jin-woo rushes after her and boards the chopper.

At the same time, the helicopter slowly begins to gain altitude.

In his mind, he asked himself, "Where are we going?” dozens of times.

The calm voice of Young Boss came from the headset he was wearing as he boarded the helicopter.

-From now on, our destination is the DMZ. It's the base of the newest family to join Corleone.

Huh? There was a new family in Corleone?

But that wasn't the end of Boss Young's shocking statement.

-For the next three days, you will be living among the dark spirits there, learning their techniques. I hope for good results from your endeavor.


"Dark spirits?"


The two were curious about the sudden appearance of dark spirits here.

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