I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 283

It's been a few days since I duoed with Jegal Hyun-ho.

"Tomorrow is the start of the competition, how are you preparing?"

~The president's office of the Familia Club~

She came to visit me as a bat, as usual, and asked me while sipping green tea.

"I think we'll probably win easily."

For the past few days, Hyun-ho and I have been practicing day and night, and as a result, we are now able to move as one.

Considering the tension right now, I wonder if anyone can beat us.

Besides, we had prepared a game plan just in case, so there was no need to worry.

"Don't let your guard down, junior. If you go to our student council right now, the president is practicing."


"Well, that's how desperate he is."

"By the way, who's the soldier and who's the general?"

"Oh, that? I don't know the details, but I've heard that the president……is going to lead the charge himself, is that what you mean?"

Pendragon is the general? That was another surprise.

Well, a ‘General' is a position where control alone can make up for a huge power difference.

Being a narcissist, it's not surprising that he would choose to eliminate the variables himself.

“Then the secretary will take charge of the military.”

"Yes. Certainly, given his abilities, the military is a good fit."

The student council secretary's abilities are mostly buff-related skills.

Considering that, it shouldn't be too difficult for him to learn how to handle the military.

"So, tomorrow is the big day, what do you think will happen…….?"

“Well, it’s probably one of two things. Either completely collapse, or give up everything and go crazy. Personally, the latter would be a little scary……Wouldn’t it be resolved if the master of Corleone, rather than my junior, steps forward at that time?”

She glanced at me with a wry smile.

“I would do the same if he came out as a Pendragon instead of as an academy student. Well, I hope that doesn’t happen.”

He's not stupid. It's just that everything I do as an Irregular is ruining his plans.

"Well, then, shall we salute tomorrow's victory?"

"With green tea?"

"It doesn't matter what's in it, it's the vibe."

She smiles brightly and hands me a cup, and I smile brightly and take it.

"Well, whatever."

* * *

"The scale of this is out of this world."

The stadium was too big to be held for a small group of enthusiasts.

The size of the stadium, which was built by borrowing the entire Jamsil baseball field, was beyond my imagination.

"……Yes. I didn't expect it to be this big either."

Jegal Hyun-ho is crying next to me as I stare at the stadium.

"I'm……successful in life……!"

He sits down on the ground and begins to sob, as if he can't believe that his board game is competing on such a large scale.


"No, come on, people staring!"

Somehow I helped him control his emotions and we walked into the stadium.

Staff members are checking the participants from the entrance.

As Hyun-ho and I approached, one of them checked the list of participants.

"What are your names?"

He casually asked our names.

"Eugene Han, Jegal Hyun-ho."

"Yes…..Eugene Han and Jegal Hyun-ho……eh?"

The employee suddenly jerked his head up and looked at Jegal Hyun-ho.

"Your name is Jegal Hyun-ho?"


His voice was still filled with emotion.

At his answer, the employee was at a loss for words and extended his hand toward us for a moment.

"Could you, could you, could you, could you wait a minute? Alas, Mr. Jegal Hyun-ho is here. Mr. Jegal Hyun-ho is here."

He suddenly says that to someone in his in-ear, and looks nervous.

I don't know what's going on, so I wait for a moment to be still.


Suddenly, a strange song begins to echo around him.

-All attention, please, the honored guest is entering!

……What is this?

-The father of ‘Bush Land' and ‘Bush War Land'! The genius of the board game world! Mr. Jegal Hyun-ho is entering!

-Parabarabararam! Parabarabararam!

A song similar to the entrance song of the division commander we heard in the past.

At the same time, a giant red carpet began to be laid out in front of us, and pollen began to burst out of the sky and flutter in our path.


"Junior Eugene……what the hell is this?"

Neither party knows what's going on.

"You may enter!"

A staff member gestured for us to walk on the red carpet, and we slowly walked on it.

No, the other participants just checked their names and let them in, so why are they doing this to us?

It's just a bunch of unnecessary aggro.

Strategically, I don't have a problem with it, but…… this is a little embarrassing.

As we entered the stadium, shielding Jegal Hyun-ho, who was walking in an awkward manner, we were greeted by an unfamiliar voice.

[You're finally here, Founder!]

A man dressed in a pure white suit welcomes us with open arms…black sunglasses and a white beard covering his face.

It's a very ‘geeky' look, but for some reason it feels a little familiar.

‘……Who are you?’

He greeted us and walked over to Jegal Hyun-ho and offered his hand.

"I'm Silverman Shoes, the organizer of this competition. It's such an honor to meet the creator of such a masterpiece in person."

Ah, it dawned on me.

Silverman Shoes, the CEO of a mega-corporation that owns an investment bank and several companies on the American side.

He's a character you'll meet several times depending on how you operate, especially in the corporate management part.

No, but was he a Bush War Land fanatic? He usually plays poker at the casino exclusive event, right?

This guy, a tycoon if ever there was one, is the organizer of a tournament like this…….

Only he could afford to give away things like Green Belt as prizes.

"Ah…… thank you for such a warm welcome."

Jegal Hyun-ho was dumbfounded at first, but held his hand.

After shaking his hand, he looked at me and smiled curiously.

"What a familiar face here."


"I haven't seen you in a long time, and I'm always indebted to your father, Eugene."

My head quickly began to spin as he smiled brightly and offered me his hand as well.

This familiar repertoire…….

An acquaintance of my father's!

"It's been a while since I've seen you, and I'm glad to see you're well."

"Haha, thank you. I didn't know you were teaming up with the creator. I hope you'll give us a good game today."

"I'll do my best."

With that, we shook hands and Mr. Silverman slowly walked away.

I hadn't realized that he and I had a history, so I watched his back as he walked away.

“Sigh! I feel like I'm going to cry again, to see us welcomed this much."

“If you cry now, I will tear up your damn dragon card.”

"──Not really. Mmm, it's nice."

With that, we headed to the waiting room before the match started with Jegal Hyun-ho looking like a man.

According to the event officials, the participants gather in a separate room before the start of the match, where they can watch the situation on a monitor.

When I walked into the room labeled [waiting room]. The guard in front of us reaches out and stops us.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you two don't belong here."

"What? What does that even mean?"

Just a moment ago, we were greeted by the host himself, and suddenly we were cut off in front of the waiting room.

Hyun-ho's temper flares up at the sight of such a guard.

However, the guard silently points in a different direction.

“Please go that way."

Another passageway appeared in the direction the guard pointed, with the words "VIP Room" written in large letters above it.



Silverman Shoes, again.

* * * *

What the hell.

The crowd on the monitor was frenzied.

"Moo, what's with all the people?"

"It's just that it's being held in Korea. It's practically the world championships."

The injuries are top-notch, and there has never been a competition like this before, so they all crawled out.

This means that all the enthusiasts who love ‘Bush War Land' have gathered from all over the world.

The game itself was not easy, so there were 32 teams compared to the crowd.

"By the way, I heard from someone I know that they had to hold qualifiers because there were so many foreigners who wanted to participate."

"Is this the part where I'm supposed to faint? I mean, I'm sure I created the ‘bush war land' and started the club, but I never thought so many people would like it."

"Well, you should be proud of that."

When I started my own club, one of the first things I did was help out with the board game club.

"Let's sit here and see how good they are," I said, "the president and secretary are in the first game."

It was a great opportunity to see their skills.

We grabbed some snacks from the VIP room and relaxed, watching the guys on the monitor.

With a shout from the caster, game one begins, with the secretary in the ‘military' position and Pendragon in the ‘general' position.

Looks like Julie was right after all.

What would Pendragon look like as a general?

As we wait in anticipation, the center of the map begins to swirl with mana, and a field begins to form in an instant.


│ Flat Flat Flat │

│ Flat Flat Flat │

│ Flat Flat Flat │


-Aaaah!! flat! It’s a flat map!! It’s a flat land with no hills!

-When a flat map like this appears, it's a pure battle of skill! Military control becomes important!

"This match is going to be really fun!"

Jegal Hyun-ho munches on the popcorn handed to him and looks at the chat on the streaming channel on the monitor next to him.




The chat window is also in chaos.

The most important part of the game was how the troops moved, as you could see the opponent's movements and troop composition right away.

"What? Junior, is that…….?"

"Yeah. I see."

General Pendragon covered his entire body with the 100G given in the first round.

It was the same plan we used against the board game guys the other day.

-They choose to invest all the money in the general! That's a strategy that's possible because they completely trust Pendragon!

The chatroom erupted in chaos, as this was a strategy that was often used overseas as an artistic move.

[He's Pendragon, why not Arthur?]

[Arthur Pendragon? Isn’t that a pretty girl? ㅋㅋㅋ]


And the fact that it's all happening in the middle of a flat field was enough to get the commentary and viewers excited.

Of course.

"That's lame."


To us, it was nothing more than a seasoning to flavor our popcorn, nothing more, nothing less.

Well, at least we got to see how good they were……Shall we get out of here?

As I started to walk toward the door, he chuckled and held out his fist.

"Are you ready?"

"……Do we have to do that?"

"Yeah, I don't think I'll be as good as I should be if I don't do that."


"……Of course."

"Kiya~ That's it!"

In our first match we were going to showcase our "real art" that could only be seen because it was us.

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