I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 274

Here was a man who was depressed after winning a duel.

"You won so overwhelmingly, why are you so sullen?"

Young-jae put his hand on Jin-woo’s sagging shoulder and patted it.

In response, Jin-woo shook his head and sighed lamentably.

"……The boss cursed at me."

Hearing that, Se-ah lets out a laugh in disbelief.

"It's not the first time you've been cursed at, so why today?"

"Because he usually only does it when we're alone, and this time I got called names in front of all the first years!"

He pouts his lips out in a very tight pout and turns away quickly.

I sighed and opened my mouth to speak.

"Okay. Sorry."

"Huh? Sorry, boss, did you just say sorry?"

His eyes widened, his shy eyes gone, as if he didn't expect an apology to come out of my mouth.

"But if you're pouting, you won't be able to use the things I gave you, right?"


"Give me the Sea Wind Painting."

One of the reasons he was able to defeat the class leader of D-class.

It was because of the item he had gotten from the Dragon Palace this time, the Sea Wind Painting.

The D-clan leader's fighting style is to cover his surroundings with steam, invite melee combat, and then overpower his opponents.

However, Jin-woo was able to use the gusts of wind generated by the Sea Wind Painting to blow away his vapor, and after a series of hit-and-runs, he emerged victorious.

"You said you didn't like me. You must like things from people you don't like."

"Oh, no, that's not it."

“Well, you’re not trying to say something lame like things aren’t guilty, right? So far, I have covered up or forgiven you for a few of your mistakes. Oh, since you sulked anyway, should I give the punishment all at once this time?”

"No boss……."

"Don't gross me out."

"……I'm sorry."

Whatever. If I let him go too far, he tries to climb.

Sometimes I have to discipline him like this.

Just then, Choi Yeon, who was sitting next to us, stopped wiping the sweat from her brow and suddenly spoke up.

"I saw this."


What did she suddenly see?

"When couples argue in morning dramas, they sound just like Eugene."


"For your information, my grandfather's favorite soap opera is at 8:30 in the morning……."

Oh, I'm going to die of dizziness.

* * *

Today's assignment from the organization was a little different than usual.

"Today we'd like to assign you the task of training the new recruits, would that be okay?

The so-called babysitter or nanny role.

I would be dealing with new recruits who hadn't yet handled any official Corleone business.

It wasn't hard to guess why my father gave me this assignment.

The only people in the organization who go on missions with me, as of yet, are Executives and a few others.

Because the organization is so large, the rest of the world knows only vague details about me.

That's why my accomplishments have been treated by the outside world as an urban legend, or a propaganda piece created by Corleone.

However I decided to finally make it public.

I want to make sure that no useless nagging questions are asked, and I want to make sure that I'm on solid ground.

From the moment he said I'm babysitting, he’s already so sure that I can teach others.

"I think he recognized that."

And my reputation will spread even faster based on the activities of the new people I train.

In other words, it was my father's way of giving me what I needed at the moment.

"Still, training newcomers……I'm a bit cold toward newcomers, but what can I do?"

CS was a popular game, but it was also very difficult by default so there was a lot to learn.

I was known for my spartan teaching style and I wasn't sure I could do well.

"Just go with what you know anyway."

I was already prepared for that.

I still had about 30 minutes to go until the hour I was supposed to meet the new hires.

I'd arrived about four hours earlier and had already set up gifts for the new hires.

"If they’re going to be working here, it's good to know how to behave in certain situations……so hopefully they'll have some guys who are on good behavior."

The test method I used while creating my own organization during ‘Saber Crowd’ it's called weeding out the deadbeat extras.

It's the most efficient and fastest way to weed out the ones that show promise.

The conditions were simple: 1.

    1. Wear a mask to the task.
    1. Return with the object at the location I specified. But be careful not to get caught along the way.

It's a simple set of requirements, and the reason for the masks was not a big deal.

I didn't care what they looked like or what gender they were, I just wanted to see their skills.

-Ah, this is Mickey. Master, Mouse1 has arrived.

Latte’s voice came from the in-ear device in my ear.

"Okay. Which way?"

-Northwest wall. Looks like they're about to go over the wall.

This is my special guest, Latte, who will be helping me with my tests today.

She joins me as a watchful eye on the guys.

"I'll watch them from now. You keep checking to see if any other contestants are coming."


As she said, I looked to the northwest, and in an instant, I saw a figure coming over the high wall toward me.

After crossing the wall and arriving at the site of the abandoned factory, Participant 1 looked around and started walking toward the location I had designated without thinking.

"Let's check the new gacha today, shall we?"

After completely covering my face with [Clown Makeup], I threw myself from the top of the spire to the bottom as if diving into the darkness.

Just before I touched the ground, I canceled the damage by activating a chant. I continue to walk straight toward the direction of Contestant 1.

Contestant 1 begins to appear in the distance.

Riding on the shadows of the night, I traveled directly behind him and leapt at him like a dolphin snatching its prey from the surface.

"──You came alone."

Was he startled by the grotesque voice?

The participant turned around, but I was already close to him.

"Holy shit!"

I control the force of my kick and deliver it straight at his back.

He's defenseless, and the kick sends him flying off the ground.

He rolls around and around, until his head finally hangs downward against the wall of the factory.

"Uh……I kicked him too hard?"

I said I was controlling the force, but I hadn't expected him to pass out so quickly.

"……Latte, contestant 1 is down. Take him away."

-What? Uh……Yes, sir, by the way. Contestant 2 has just arrived at the factory entrance.


Seeing that rats were swarming around me, I left the fainted man behind and started running toward the location of Contestant 2.

Once again, I see the masked contestant walking briskly.

However, the difference from the first contestant was that he was moving at a very fast pace, and his movements to check his surroundings and respond to changes in his surroundings at any time were quite different from the previous one.

"I guess I'll have something to look forward to this time?"

I prepared to change my voice again, and activated Shadow Walk while running towards him.

This time, I appeared from the front.

"──I am your fear."

I suddenly rose up from the ground, but rather than panic, my opponent chose to put out his foot.


What a response to a sudden situation.

Even though he felt a momentary panic, it was a reflexive movement that seemed to be hardwired into his body.

Just being able to move your body, regardless of your mind, is a testament to how hard he's been training.

"Not yet."

I grab the foot that's outstretched toward me and throw it as hard as I can against the wall.

With the momentum, he flies toward the wall at breakneck speed.

But as he spins around in midair, he absorbs the impact by slamming his legs into the wall, then uses the recoil to lunge at me.

He must have realized the difference in skill level, but he still lunged at me?

He was funny.

I'll give him a little credit.

I pull my aura up slightly in my arms.

His attacks were controlled, sharp when it needed to be and not a single one of them wasn't a critical one.

This one was clearly educated.

I've heard that sometimes the heirs of other families, or heirs of branches, are brought into the main family's organization, and I doubt this is one of them.

“Not bad.”

Sharp, but the attack is too light.

I end the situation with a sweeping blow to the jugular, followed by a grateful grunt in his direction.

For once, this guy isn't bad.

"Latte. Contestant 2 out. Move."

-Yep. I'll be there soon~.

In total, six participants were accepted in this way.

They were promptly taken away by Latte's rats and hung upside down in the basement where they could not hear each other.

"But……Master. Why are you doing this to the new recruits? I've never seen such rigorous training before, except in the Information Department."

Latte, who had by now finished transporting all the participants, shuffled over to me and asked the question cautiously.

I'm sure that in the eyes of others, my behavior might seem a bit over the top.

I've indiscriminately assaulted inexperienced people, and I've hung them upside down as if to torture them, but it all made sense to me.

"After all, my father gave me the job, so I might as well do it right. It's also a way for me to identify people I'll be seeing a lot of in the future."

As I replied, I could see Contestant 1's body trembling as I watched the CCTV screen.

"That's the first one. Latte, do you want to go to him?"

"What? Me? What do I do when I go in there?"

"You know, just put on a mask and go in and say something like, ‘What are you here for, where are you from?” Just scare the shit out of them by asking them questions."

"Uh……just scare them? I won’t actually beat them up?"

No……that would be real torture…….

"Don't hit him for the purpose of torture. Just to intimidate him? A slap would be fine."

"Aaah~ You're saying a slap is okay? I felt a little bad at first, but……sounds like fun!"

With that, Latte enters room 1 with a smile on her face and a mask on.

As I peer inside through the screen, I see her creating a sense of dread from the start.

A swarm of rats creeping in the darkness and a squeaky sound…….

It was a classic, direct appeal to human nature.

After that, there wasn't much else she did.

She didn't do much more than slap contestant 1 mask, or ask for its name and affiliation.

At first, he tried to hold out, but then he felt the mice start to climb on him, and eventually he began to divulge information about himself.

At this point, he was eliminated.

I'm like, "I can't believe he's finally blowing this much.”

I felt like I should suggest to my father that he should move him to a less important, non-informational position.

"That's a real slap in the face, new recruits these days have no backbone…….!"

Latte walks out of the room, leaving Contestant 1, who has finally peed himself, behind.

She shakes her head in disappointment and points to the CCTV screen.

"Oh, it looks like we're breaking number 2 now, too."

True to her word, I could see No. 2's hanging body stirring slightly.

"I'll go in on No. 2."

I was looking forward to it, so this time I was going to do it myself. I put on my mask and adjusted my voice.

"Wake up. Rat."

His body shudders as I open the door and step inside.

A trickle of fear rises from him as he sees the dark dagger in my hand.

Here, by releasing the color-changing aura once, the fear of no.2 is further heightened.

How will he react?

"Help me, help me, help me, help me, I'll tell you anything, help me, help me, help me!"


For some reason, I heard a familiar voice coming from the dangling no.2.

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