I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 258

-that…… do? Are you really doing it? No, I don’t know! Hello everyone! Cute culinary researcher……This is Se-ri!!

Finally, we started filming.

Jin-woo, who was watching the scene next to me, looked very satisfied.

"……I guess that's fine until the live broadcast. But is it really necessary to use such embarrassing lines?"

The exaggerated poses and embarrassing lines that Lee Seri is doing now are all the result of Jin-woo's consulting this time.

When I asked him if he felt sorry for her as she filmed the video with tears in her eyes, he chuckled and replied.

"Boss, I promise, the viewers will love it."

"They'll like……?"

"Look at this. It's just starting, and they're already going crazy."

With that, Jin-woo shows me his phone screen.

There was a live chat about the current broadcast.

[What? Real live?]

[Wow. You're cooking live, too, sister.]


[What is that? Are you crying while saying hello? lol]





"…… What the hell is this?"

"What the heck, it's on trend, so it works."

On how Se-ri’s outfit has now changed from her usual white apron to one with frills to emphasize her cuteness.

-Yes. hello. Oh. More people than I thought…… Oh, yeah! Hi! Do you think the apron is cute? Oh, thank you!

For a moment, Se-ri was overwhelmed by the baptism of chat.

However, Se-ri's expression gradually brightened as she felt the favorable atmosphere of the chat window.

[So, are you free today?]

[Are you free today?]

-Ah, yes! I've prepared a special dish today, not the usual one…… Monster? No, no! It's not a dish made with monsters, it's more special!

Saying that, the chef removes the "golden mandarin oranges" from the table.

At the same time, a brilliant golden glow emanating from them began to illuminate the surroundings.

A once-in-a-lifetime fantasy elixir. A golden tangerine! ……! Voila?

She smiles and shows the golden tangerine to the camera.

[Golden tangerine? Isn't that the elixir that Saudi princes used to take? They used to say that it turned a B-ranked prince into an A-ranked prince…]

[Big one came]

[Kkkkkkk, it's a miracle on a cooking show kkkkkk. What's the level of ingredients here? It's at Seo Young-ah's level.]

[But can the elixir be cooked? I know that my uncle is a hero, but I heard that the elixir must be consumed raw.]

Okay, the questions we were expecting before the show came out. Thankfully, she didn't panic and began to explain.

Enough talking, let's get to the cooking!

Cutting off the talk at the right time and moving the content forward.

This was also something Jin-woo emphasized before the broadcast.

‘Sister. You shouldn't be dragged around by the viewers. It's your cooking content, so you should lead the way.’

‘Then, if the viewers get angry, they can go to…….’

‘You shouldn't be dragged around by the kids who came to your show to watch you cook. It's only a small percentage of the viewers who chat anyway.'

A visionary who recognizes the blind spots of broadcasting.

‘Also, since we're in a hurry, go to sprout wiki and look up the latest memes and memorize them all.’

‘Huh? Now?’

‘Come on, let's go!’

And studying memes to connect with viewers.

-yes? Are you saying you’re going to get upset if I don’t tell you more? But what are you going to do? What can you do other than get angry?

……though I feel like she learned something wrong.

"Hmm. Good lesson."

But there she is again, nodding her head. Even the reaction in the chat room wasn't bad at all.



[If what Nuna says is right, then it’s okay haha]

[What can you do besides get mad at me, you stomach busters~]

[Yeah~ I can shoot a sponsor~]

[Ya-myung sponsored ‘50,000C']

[Ya-myung: Yeah~ What can we do besides get sponsorships~]

-Ouch! Hey, Ya-myung, thank you so much for your arrogant credit! I'll carve an apple into a rabbit shape with that…… reaction!

From the first reaction to the last.

[wow fast hands lol]

[Are you actually a swordmaster?]

[Jealous me]

[Jealous me]

[Jealous me]

Not sure what the hell is going on with this.

My head is starting to get dizzy from what Jin-woo is doing next to me.

……Ah, I don't know.

* * *

The broadcast was a huge success.

The highest number of viewers officially counted was 12,000.

This was due to the fact that the news of cooking with golden tangerines spread through several communities and brought in a lot of viewers.

The number of subscribers also exploded as clips and short highlights of today's broadcast went viral.

In no time at all, we were regaining our old numbers.

At this rate, the crisis in the recipe development club seemed to be over.

"Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver for us!"

The aftermath of the first live broadcast.

Gathered in our club room, the members of Recipe Development Club and Familia were having a good time eating the food they had prepared.

"Boss, things went well, so why are you so upset?"

Jin-woo, who was munching on a macaron next to me, glanced over and spoke up.

"No, I just had a sudden thought."

"……What thought?"

"The idea that we've gotten so many clubs to trust us with our club support policy, but we haven't really protected them."

Familia was originally founded to provide security protection but that was only for things that happened inside the academy.

This left it vulnerable to intervention from outside companies and forces.

"I'm going to have to think about this a bit more seriously."

"…… Hmm. So you're going to start a group, like a company?"



I realized I should probably talk to Haru about it separately.

Then. I received what I was expecting from Haru.

[Haru: I've got it, I've got it, do you want me to organize the materials and send them to you?]

It was an incredibly timely message.

"I think I need to go see Haru right now. Se-ri, can you prepare some food for me?"

"Oh, yes, Haru, she’s the president of the……International Trade Club, right?"

After saying that, Se-ri Lee put her hand into the basket-shaped subspace and took out two boxes of boxes with antique patterns engraved on them.

"No problem! I prepared these in advance, just in case. The top one is for dessert. The one below is…… the golden tangerine pie I made for today's show!"

I wondered where she kept the finished product, and there it was.

"Thank you. After using the box, I will wash it thoroughly and return it to you.”

"Of course! That box… it's very expensive.”

"Sure. I'll take care of the food."

With that, we headed to the International Trade Club office where Haru was working.

It's almost evening, but unlike the other clubs, the ‘International Trade Club' has a faint glow to it.

This time, the club has been upgraded to a gold club, which means it has a larger staff and a bigger office.

A beam of light shines as I enter the building with my pass from Haru and a sign above it that reads ‘President’s Office'.

I knocked on the door and heard a voice from inside say, "Yes. You may enter," a voice said from inside.

"How did you know it was me?"

I opened the door and stepped inside, and Haru, who was drinking coffee with dark circles under her eyes and a tired expression on her face, turned from her monitor to me.

"There are usually two kinds of people who come to see me at this hour. One type is angry and the sound of their footsteps is usually unruly. The other has an appointment with me, or is an acquaintance. Their footsteps are calm, but……"

Haru's lips curled up in a slight smile.

"I thought it was you."

With that, Haru stood up from her seat and bowed toward me.

"Long time no see. Master."

"Yeah, it's been a while."

I closed the door and walked inside. Sitting down on the couch at one end of the office, I set down the box.

"Here's a snack from the recipe development club. Eat this and rest."

I opened the box to reveal macaroons and cookies.

The cookies and macaroons smelled like they were freshly baked, thanks to the imprint on the box itself.

"……I was just in the mood for some sugar, and I'm always impressed with your flair."

"If you hadn't seen the broadcast today, you'd be amazed twice."

"You mean the broadcast?"

"Sit down. I'll explain."

At my words, she grabbed her coffee and moved away.

As I told her about my day over a quick snack, she looked intrigued and worked hard to consume the cookies and macaroons.

That is, until she ran out of coffee in her cup.

"I didn't realize you had such a talent, and I can see why the Master asked me to investigate these companies."

"Yes. I smelled something fishy."

Finishing her coffee, she poured a fresh pot from a tumbler on her desk and returned with the documents I had requested, placing them on the table.

"Here, Master, are the most recent data on the companies you requested. The only thing that's unusual is that they're less than a year old, but there's something suspicious……about them."


"They all have one thing in common……The heads of these companies are all MW Company's second son."

"MW Company? Isn't that the company that develops Awakening weapons using monster materials?"

When I learned about it in the Successor class, I remembered it as a company with one of the best technologies among mid-sized companies.


"Why is the second son of such a place running such an octopus-like company?"

“… … According to information, the succession process has begun for MW Company’s eldest son, and it appears that he broke away from the main family to create his own business.”

“……Since he was kicked out of his family, he made this attempt to become independent. Then why did he put a straw in the ‘Recipe Development Club’? Even bribing an instructor.”

"Because a hero with a good image makes money."

The reason was so clear and simple.

“In the case of Director Lee Se-ri, the slime cooking that he did with the master instilled in society at large the idea that even monster meat can be eaten as food. For Mun Doha, who was doing business with monster ingredients, the WeTube channel of ‘Lee Se-ri’ and the Recipe Development Club must have been very attractive.”

In the end he pushed them to advertise too much, cutting down the life of their channel.

"They're worse than I thought……."

I open the envelope and look through the documents about this incident.

As it turns out, this isn't the first time, and the number of victims like her is in the triple digits.

"So many victims?"

“Yes, it seems like they are grabbing channels one by one and using them as consumables. Thanks to this, the advertising effect is good. Short videos on social media are trending and awareness is growing. but…….”

"The results are not good?"

"Yes, basically because the quality of the product is not as good as the ads. Sales are up, but the channels that received the ads are down. They're like parasites looking for a new host."

"I see……."

I said.


A familiar face popped out of the paperwork.

"This guy. Is this Mun Doha?"

"Yep. He's the mastermind behind this. Mr. Mun Doha."

A very familiar face.

I thought to myself, "Where have I seen this guy before?" and racked my brain.

‘What are you talking about? Kill him! Don't you realize that if my father finds out, he'll come after you all?’


I remembered.

The yellow suit I'd met at the Bucheon club.

"Do you know……?"

"Huh? Ah, we met briefly before."

Then it was already decided what kind of judgment I should give him.

"Haru. I'm sorry, but can I ask you one more favor?"

I pulled out the Fatigue Restorer my father had given him from the cube, handed it to her, and smiled brightly.

"We can do one more."

"When you say just one, you don't mean that……do you?"

She winced at the flashback.

"No, no. Not the magical girl this time. I'm thinking of doing something else."

"If it's something else……."

"A villain like this needs to be judged as a villain."

Evil for evil.

──It's time for Dark Spirit to act.

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