I Became the Youngest Prince in the Novel

Chapter 84: Fallen Star (4)

TL/Editor: Rungir

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

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Behind Zion.

Specifically, the leaders of the Border Guards started to form a line behind Liam, who stood next to Zion.

Had they planned this in advance?

Their actions appeared entirely coordinated.

"How did they get the Border Guards..."

A voice mirrored the thoughts of many, from someone observing the unfolding scene.

The Border Guards had always remained neutral in the royal family's power disputes, ever since the first demon war hundreds of years ago. Their support of Zion, who wasn't yet the emperor, was tantamount to declaring their allegiance to him.

This was a first in the Empire's history.

However, Zion remained as serene as ever.

'All of this is just for show.'

He had managed to rally the Border Guards to his cause by leveraging Liam's reputation, the most recognized face at the empire's edge against the demon realm, and a few agreements. However, their real strength wasn't at his command.

Their duty was to guard the border with the demon realm, and rightfully so.

They would likely return to the border as soon as the funeral concluded.

'This should be enough.'

By bringing the Border Guards, deemed impossible to sway, to his side, he had made a powerful impression on everyone present.

Sometimes, appearances and the impact of a single moment can carry more weight than the actual situation.

Indeed, the expressions of many, including those in the royal family, changed instantly. Some even had a distinct sparkle in their eyes.

'So far, so good.'

Among the crowd, Zion focused on Utekan's face.

The demon who masqueraded as the 4th prince generally thought and acted like Utekan.

Therefore, he must be feeling the sting of the Border Guards, a part of the military, aligning with Zion.

Yet, his face only twisted slightly, maintaining an unexpected calm.

Zion understood why.

'Because he still has a card to play.'

If Zion's hunch was right, that event was likely to take place before the funeral ended.

'I hope it starts sooner.'

A peculiar anticipation twinkled in Zion's eyes with that thought.



To pay respects to Emperor Urdios' passing?

The sky above the Imperial City was gradually growing darker.

The emperor's funeral was proceeding smoothly under the gradually darkening sky.

"...Always prioritize the empire's citizens, and the nobles should dedicate themselves to their service..."

Solomon's distinct voice reciting the eulogy before the emperor's coffin filled the funeral grounds.

The attendees were obliged to listen and commit the words to memory. Yet, most of them found their attention drawn towards Zion.

'I've been taken aback multiple times today.'

Groud Ozlima, one of the attendees, observed Prince Zion's silhouette in front of the emperor's coffin.

Zion's previous show of resolve against First Prince Rubrios was impressive, but the spectacle that Prince Zion presented moments ago surprised him the most.

'He had Liam Rainer appear late intentionally to draw attention, and then had the Border Guards line up behind him as a finale.'

Such a move required extensive planning and perfect timing.

Sure, rallying the Border Guards was surprising in itself, but the way he did it amplified its effect.

Indeed, a carefully thought-out strategy.

'I had thought him to be crafty based on his actions at the last national conference...'

This time, it appeared to be no different, if not more so.

'If that's the case, dealing with him might be challenging...'

As Groud's gaze lowered with these thoughts,

"Next, we have the successor's eulogy."

Solomon's voice rang out, having finished reading the late emperor's titles and achievements.

The reading of the successor's eulogy.

The 'successor' referred to here wasn't the royals who had passed the succession ceremony, nor was it Evelyn who led the funeral.

It was the one royal appointed as successor by the previous emperor.

Only they were eligible for the 'successor' title.

Hence, the only one eligible to read the eulogy here was Zion.

"Then, Prince Zion, please ascend to the stage..."

As Solomon turned towards Zion and began to speak,

"Wait, there's something I want to say first."

A loud voice cut him off.

It was Utekan.

The Fourth Prince, now under everyone's gaze, stepped onto the stage.

After a quick glance at his onlookers, he spoke in a relaxed tone.

"Firstly, I apologize for interrupting the former emperor's funeral in this way."

Indeed, Utekan slightly bowed his head as he said this.

"However, I stepped forward because there's something hard to understand about this situation."

The Fourth Prince looked at Zion.

"Specifically, that Sixth Prince Zion Agnes is the rightful successor."

His emotionless eyes made it impossible to discern his thoughts.

"Isn't this a resolved matter? As I recall, the former emperor twice nominated Zion."


Utekan shook his head in response to Evelyn's words.

"Emperor Urdios, our father, was confined to his bed for many years due to illness. His condition was so debilitating that he struggled to even rise, let alone manage simple tasks. Zion's nomination as successor occurred merely months before the emperor's passing."

"You mean..."

"Yes, the former emperor may have been incapacitated and unable to make a sound decision due to his illness."

"What are you suggesting! That's preposterous!"

Evelyn responded with a furious outcry.

At the same time, whispers began to circulate among the envoys and nobles in attendance at the funeral.

Regardless, Utekan continued to speak with an unchanged, calm demeanor.

"I understand your ire. But think about this, sister. Reflect on the public perception of Zion when he was chosen as successor."


"A discredited prince, the disgrace of the imperial family. The former emperor had even banished Zion to the Forbidden Palace. While Zion later proved his worth in numerous ways, it's a fact that the former emperor selected him before these developments."

"That's undeniable, indeed."

Diana added her own distinctive laughter to Utekan's commentary.

"So you're implying that the former emperor may have nominated him out of remorse for our youngest sibling?"

Naturally, she knew this wasn't the truth.

She was among the individuals who had seen Zion's capabilities firsthand.

However, the way the situation was evolving wasn't unfavorable to her, and it seemed she was simply fueling the fire because she thought she could use Utekan to undercut Zion's standing.

"I believe the possibility is high. But being the rightful successor isn't something granted merely by acknowledgment. Moreover, there were questionable aspects in the elimination of the Seven Great Disasters, which was the proof test."

"So what's your proposal? Are you attempting to strip Zion of his succession rights now?"

Rubrios, the First Prince, asked, a curious smile on his face.

"No, not at all. I merely propose that we make an impartial judgment about him here."

Is this his main point now?

As if he'd been waiting for this moment, Utekan raised one hand.


A swoosh-

An object materialized beside Utekan.

It was a sword.

A very old and valueless sword, missing half of its hilt.

What made it peculiar was that it was embedded in a thick slab of stone inscribed with indecipherable letters.

"This is a relic of Emperor Yixing. I discovered it in the basement of Baeksung Palace."


At Utekan's offhand remarks, astonishment filled the eyes of those present.

Emperor Yixing, Irmadeon Agnes.

Emperor Yixing was the second to ascend the throne following Emperor Yeongeob.

If the sword, as Utekan suggested, was indeed a relic of such a monumental figure as Emperor Yixing, it bore substantial historical significance.

"Emperor Yixing had an unwavering obsession with the blood of Agnes, that is, the lineage, more so than anyone else. Hence, he crafted artifacts such as this sword. If a person possessing Agnes's blood grips the hilt of this sword..."

With that, Utekan seized the sword's hilt.

In that instant,


A white radiance burst from the semi-embedded blade, swiftly filling the surroundings.

The light was reminiscent of the resplendence of the celestial sea.

"...This reaction occurs. The purer the Agnes bloodline, the greater the response."

The light dissolved, as if washed away, the moment Utekan released the hilt.

"This should be sufficient to ascertain the legitimacy of succession, if not the throne. Of course, I'll stake my life on the veracity of this. Regardless, what you've witnessed should be proof enough."

Unlike conventional blood, Agnes's lineage from the past was said to possess the attributes of a ruler, manifesting stronger as the lineage becomes purer.

Many indeed believed this.

Because the Agnes lineage was distinctive and regal.

"Undeniably an intriguing proposal. I'm in favor. Moreover, all royal family members, not just Zion, should attempt to wield that sword."

Rubrios was the first to endorse, sporting an interested expression as Utekan concluded his proposition.

A slight smile appeared on Utekan's lips.

The relic sword of Emperor Yixing.

This sword, discovered in the basement of Baeksung Palace through an inadvertent channel of information, was actually designed to react to the celestial sea, not to Agnes's blood.

Against historical belief, Emperor Yixing was obsessed with the power of Agnes itself, the celestial sea, not the blood, and this sword was a creation to discern that power.

'So, if the sword is wielded, the First Prince and the Second Princess would emit the brightest light, but...'

That was irrelevant.

Utekan, no, the demon Tarahal's goal was to strip Zion of his heirship rather than securing an advantage here.

Tarahal knew.

He knew that Zion had not mastered the celestial sea.

'The power that Zion Agnes wields. No matter how I perceive it, it's not the celestial sea.'

So, it was clear that if Zion, oblivious to this fact, held the sword, there would be no reaction at all.

It was a snare.

A snare he had set for Zion Agnes.

Having concluded his thoughts, Utekan fixed his gaze on Zion, indifferent to the responses from Eveline and Diana.

Because the paramount matter now was the reaction of the person in question.


"Why should I?"

A soft voice emanated from Zion's lips.

The voice was faint, yet it resonated clearly in the ears of everyone assembled in front of Baeksung Palace.

Simultaneously, the increasingly tense atmosphere.

"I'm already the rightful heir. Even if I comply, there's nothing to gain... is there a need to proceed?"

All eyes turned to Zion.

The unusual charisma emanating from Zion's voice stirred their hearts.

An unfamiliar sensation they experienced for the first time.

The eyes of the envoys from all over the empire wavered.

"What do you want, Zion?"

Utekan, struggling to shake off the unsettling feeling, asked of Zion.

He must understand that refusing to wield the sword here equates to declaring his lack of eligibility for succession.

Yet, declaring so implied that he desired something.

"The Jinglo Army."

Zion, meeting Utekan's gaze with his listless eyes, responded.

"Hand over one of them to me."

The Jinglo Army.

The five elite legions under the command of the Fourth Prince Utekan.

Zion was currently demanding one of these to be transferred to him.


At that, a hearty laugh erupted from Utekan, echoing around.

"Alright, do that."

Words of acquiescence flowed from the Fourth Prince, finally curtailing his laughter.

"But only if you uphold your eligibility as a successor."

Originally, such a request would have been dismissed without consideration, but it was irrelevant now.

After all, it was impossible for Zion to retain his status as heir.

"Honor that promise."

Zion's eyes narrowed subtly as he regarded Utekan.

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