I Became the Youngest Prince in the Novel

Chapter 78: The Monster (1)

TL/Editor: Rungir

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

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Deep within the headquarters of the Ozlima family, a circle of about ten top-ranking members gathered around a large round table. The Ozlima family, known for producing the best magicians, were part of the five clans supporting the Agnes Empire.

"What has brought us here?"

An elderly man with a long, gray beard sighed heavily. No one asked what he meant. They all knew.

Prince Enoch was dead.

As Enoch's mother's family, the Ozlimas had backed him fully. Their turmoil, naturally, was more intense than anywhere else.

Enoch didn't just die. His death was wrapped up in taboos, forcing the family to keep their heads down rather than mourn or seek support. Despite avoiding immediate chaos, the family atmosphere was strained.

They lacked a unifying figure.

"We need to decide soon," said a middle-aged man, garbed in a red robe denoting the Flame Mage Tower.

"We need to decide which royal member we'll support."

Their silence, until now, had been born of caution, but it was time to take a stand. By backing a royal, they had more to gain than to lose.

If their chosen royal became emperor, they'd wield power beyond any of the five families. As it stood, Ozlima lagged behind the other families. Their decision was crucial.

"Offers came from the Second Princess, Fourth Prince, and Fifth Princess. One of them seems a safe choice."

"No, we can't play it safe," countered Groud Ozlima, the top heir of the family. He had remained quiet until now.

"We've lost the Third Prince. We're behind the other families. If we choose safely, we'll keep lagging."

"So, what do we do?"

"We choose what others have not."

Groud paused before continuing, his tone filled with implication.

"What about the First Prince?"

The room fell silent.

"He devoted himself to the Church of Light, severing most ties with the royals. He opted out of the throne race, but remember how much sway he held in the palace."

Everyone knew this. They didn't need reminding.

Yet, the First Prince was an unlikely choice.

Following a certain event, the emperor had lost all favor for him, and the First Prince himself showed no interest in the throne. Supporting him, therefore, seemed to promise no gain. Furthermore, this decision wouldn't sit well with public opinion.

"You may think it's senseless to back a royal who has no desire for the throne. But what if he does?" Groud suggested, cryptically.

"Are you suggesting the First Prince still has his eyes on the throne?" someone asked.

Groud responded with only a smile, but it was enough to stir the room.

"The First Prince has potential. If he gets the right support. His power has likely faded during his hiatus, making it easier to control."

Nobody challenged Groud's claim. They seemed intrigued.

"We shouldn't rush, though. Let's watch the other royals and keep our options open. We might meet the First Prince soon, so we could decide then."

Groud finished his statement casually, but his mind was already planning steps ahead.



On the outskirts of Hubris, the capital city, lay a small estate. Here, Zion wandered alone on a serene mountain trail.

'I had no idea such a place was nearby.'

The untouched natural landscape stretching beside the path was impressive.

No, it was more than that. It was breathtaking.

Zion was surprised such a scenic trail wasn't renowned.

Zion had a simple reason for trekking this mountain path.


The most skilled individual in human enhancement in the Empire.

Last night, Ahmad Ozlima had shared that Gui was near the capital. Gui was staying in this very mountain.

'I didn't think Ahmad would be the one to tell me.'

Instead of questioning the Eternal Shadows' intelligence, one should admire Gui's ability to hide. He stayed hidden from everyone but his friends.

It was safe to say he was like a figure never once revealed in the chronicle.

Meeting Gui was complicated too.

Only patients could meet him, and they needed a hand-written recommendation from one of Gui's friends to receive his treatment.

Consequently, Zion was navigating the mountain path, Ahmad's recommendation safely tucked away in his pocket.

'Did he mention that one treatment requires a single recommendation?'



Accompanied by a blue light, a petite bird materialized on Zion's right shoulder.

A blue-feathered bird chirping at Zion, almost as if conversing.


Zion regarded the bird, slightly bemused.

The azure creature was, in fact, the consciousness contained within the Frost Queen's artifact, a distinct spirit.

However, this spirit slightly deviated from the unique spirits Zion was familiar with.

'Firstly, it doesn't talk.'

While one would expect an exceptional spirit to possess vast wisdom beyond human comprehension, this one just chirped.

Moreover, the power emanating from it was weaker than anticipated.

-Um... Is it truly a unique spirit?

Thierry had questioned upon first laying eyes on the spirit.

Naturally, Zion harbored no doubts regarding the bird's status as a unique spirit.

'It's simply in an incomplete state.'

Perhaps this was a result of only two pieces of the artifact having been collected so far.

Moreover, it seemed to have been affected when Zion infused the resonating artifact pieces with the Black Star instead of mana for the first time.

'Yet, it appears to understand my words.'

Zion recalled the spirit's indignant chirping in response to Fredo's proposal to name it "Chirp."


While its chirping protests were admittedly adorable, they weren't particularly beneficial to Zion.

"I'll need to figure out how to utilize it effectively."

Mumbling to himself, Zion continued his ascent, wondering how much further he had to go.

As he neared the peak, a small hut entered his field of vision.

'Could that be it?'

In such an isolated location, the hut was likely Gui's dwelling.

However, several individuals were already gathered in front of it.

Two men, a woman, and a young girl.

Representing a variety of races, there was a giant, a fairy, and a human, among whom the giant man was bellowing at the girl, who appeared to be about fifteen.

"Damn it! When is Gui coming? I've been waiting since last night because I heard he was here! Yet, I've not seen hide nor hair of him!"

His frustration was palpable.

"I, I also don't know when my master will arrive... If you could please wait a bit longer......"

The girl responded, a distressed look on her face, but her plea did little to assuage the giant's anger.

"Do you know how many times you've said that? I've been kept waiting long enough! Do you know who I am?"

"Hey, your booming voice is giving me a headache, so could you quiet down? You're not the only one waiting here."

At that, the fairy man adjacent to him furrowed his brows, addressing the giant in a frigid tone.

An aura like a finely honed blade radiated from his form, indicative of his considerable skill.

"And who are you to hush me? And you're perfectly content with this waiting...... What about that fellow?"

However, the giant, who was also enveloped in a potent aura, noticed Zion approaching and continued his tirade.


A weary sigh tumbled from the giant's lips.

And his countenance mirrored his exasperation.

"When did Gui begin entertaining such inconsequential guests?"

The giant's disdain was understandable, given the negligible aura he could sense from the newly arrived Zion.

Though Zion's physique appeared well-trained by human standards, his eyes lacked any discernible spark.

"Do any riffraff get treated as long as they have a recommendation from a friend? At this rate, I might not even get my turn today."

Kaptan, the giant, voiced his annoyance while blatantly disregarding Zion.

He was the sole heir to the 'Blue Claw Tribe,' one of the distinguished giant clans in the north.

As such, his pride was colossal, and he was miffed at having to share his appointment with individuals he deemed beneath him.

Moreover, he had been traversing the empire for a month, away from his giant kin, solely to meet Gui, leaving his patience threadbare.

'Even a simple change in hair color seems to have a substantial impact.'

Zion mused, watching the irate giant.

As this was an unofficial excursion, Zion had altered his hair from the deep grey associated with direct royal lineage.

He had been apprehensive about being recognized, but gauging from the giant's reaction, it seemed he needn't have worried.

Upon reflection, it was logical.

Unlike other royals, Zion had rarely ventured out and hardly ever left the royal capital.

There were individuals within the capital unaware of Zion's appearance, so it would be peculiar if they did.

'The Ouroboros guys didn't recognize me either.'

So, he wasn't exactly irked.

At that moment, Zion noticed a human woman standing adjacent to the fairy man, her eyes wide, fixed on him.

'I didn't anticipate encountering her here.'

Recognition dawned in Zion's eyes as they took in the familiar face.

'Prince Zion Agnes...!'

The woman, Renet Ilones, with her gray hair, stared at Zion in stunned disbelief, her mind echoing her astonishment.

Despite his lightened hair color and the absence of the energy she had sensed at the previous succession ceremony, she recognized him instantly.

That lethargic expression.

That face that had beamed at her amidst the control room, littered with supervisors and monster corpses, was etched into her memory.

'Why, why is Prince Zion here!'

Even the recollection sent a chill down her spine, her body quaking with fear.

Although decorum demanded that she should greet him first, she instead evaded Zion's gaze, her head bowed low.

She vividly remembered when Prince Zion had smiled at her and Veil, asking them to keep it a secret.

Naturally, he was referring to the incident she had witnessed, but she felt compelled to act as though she was entirely unaware.


"Do you folks know this?"

The giant, Kaptan, who had been eying Zion with distaste, abruptly addressed the others with a wry smile, as though a thought had just occurred to him.

All attention converged on Kaptan.

"Gui's temperament is just as capricious and unpredictable as the rumors suggest."

Regardless of the presence of the girl who seemed to be Gui's apprentice, his words remained blunt.

"Therefore, when too many patients seek treatment, Gui might whimsically delay or outright decline to treat a few among them. I heard that such instances have occurred in the past."

Having a letter of recommendation from an acquaintance was merely the basic requisite to meet Gui.

Possessing such a letter didn't assure treatment.


The fairy man addressed Kaptan with frosty eyes.

Smirking at the fairy, the giant proceeded.

"What do you say we gamble our recommendation letters in a competition?"

"And how would we compete?"

"Through a test of strength, naturally."

Most who sought Gui's aid did so not because of illness but to enhance their physique and improve their strength.

Hence, it seemed fitting to decide who would be treated based on a competition of power.

As the fairy man prepared to agree, a grin tugging at his lips as though he relished the proposition,

Before he could utter his assent.

"I decline!"

A vehement refusal leapt from Renet's pallid, anxious lips.

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