I Became the Youngest Prince in the Novel

Chapter 76: Snake Hunting (2)

TL/Editor: Rungir

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

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Ouroboros, often called the most feared terror group in the Frosimar Chronicles.

Their belief was that the end and the beginning of the world were connected. To create a new world, they thought, the current one must be destroyed. They seemed more like a religion than a crime group.

Their influence spread all over the empire, with many branches even in the capital, Hubris.

One of their secret branches was in the business district of Hubris.

"It's too quiet."

In a big room at the top of a building, a man with green hair tied back in a bun spoke. He was looking out over the city.

This man's name was Clint Debowel.

He was the boss of this branch.

"I don't like it."

Clint didn't like the peaceful night view of the city.

He wished for the city to be in chaos, on fire, and full of screams.

"But it won't be long now."

Muttering to himself, Clint looked at a pure white dagger in a glass box next to him.

It was as powerful as legendary artifacts, a second piece needed to use the real power of the Frost Queen.

The reason this piece was here was simple.

Each Ouroboros branch in the capital took care of its own acts of terror, or disasters. The disaster that Clint's branch dealt with was connected to the Frost Queen.

'Once I get the Frost Queen's breath tonight...'

He'd be closer to seeing the city as he wanted it.

In his eyes, there was no way he wouldn't get the ring.

After all, it was a mission led by Sharin May, one of the top leaders in Ouroboros.

On top of that, the special team sent to steal the breath was one of the strongest in the branch.

There was no way they could fail.

Thinking about the coming frozen city and the world on the brink of ruin, Clint felt a thrill of excitement.


One of his underlings rushed into the room, looking worried.

"What is it?"

"We've got an intruder."

"An intruder? How many?"

Clint asked his underling, looking serious.

After all, this was a secret branch that no one had found out about before.

If they knew about this place, they must have a lot of information and power.

But his expression changed when he heard what his underling said next.

"There's... just one."

"...Is he crazy?"

For a moment, Clint looked at his underling as if he couldn't believe it, then spoke in a cold voice.

"What are you waiting for? Take him down."

He didn't know how the intruder had discovered their location, but surely one person alone could do nothing.

Yet, his perception quickly shifted.



"Huff, puff!"

Jeff, the leader of the special Ouroboros team, gasped for breath as he looked at the massive building in front of him.

"I... I made it."

A glimmer of hope lit his eyes.

Was it because he had run non-stop, heart pounding?

Jeff had reached his destination without being caught.

"I need to... report this quickly."

Even though he felt like he might faint from exhaustion at any moment, he didn't stop.

He had to report the defeat of his team and the incredible power of the one who defeated them as soon as he could.

However, his goal was futile from the beginning.

"Thank you."

With the quiet voice from behind him,


A single pale hand pierced his chest.

"Guh, gah!"

His eyes filled with shock and pain, Jeff slowly turned around. A man was smiling at him.

"Thanks to you, I found it."

A being that defied logic - the one who had killed all of his team with ease a while back and who could use magic inside a mana-blocking barrier.

It was Zion.

"Damn you..."

Only then did Jeff understand that everything had been a trap set by Zion from the start, but it was too late.

With his last breath, Jeff's life left him completely.

Zion, carelessly discarding Jeff's body, looked at the five-story stone building in front of him.

"Is this the place?"

A secret Ouroboros branch.

He had to resort to such a tricky method because the location wasn't mentioned in the chronicles.

'Sharin May isn't here yet, so I should be enough on my own.'

With that thought, Zion walked up to the building and gave the huge front door, about three meters tall, a light kick.


From where Zion's toe had touched, cracks spread across the whole door like spiderwebs, and it fell to pieces.

As Zion stepped through the destroyed gate,

Dozens of arrows filled with cold air rained down on him from every side.

In a blink, Zion was lost among the storm of arrows.

"What? We couldn't stop him?"

One of the archers waiting at the entrance murmured, puzzled.

"No need to stop him."

A voice came from behind him.


As he turned towards the voice, the archer saw Zion coming out of his shadow.

The archer's head was swiftly cut off by Zion.


Only then did the remaining enemies start to charge at Zion, but it was too late.

Ouroboros fighters, among whom were numerous magicians, charged Zion as a cascade of multicolored spells poured from behind them.

Just as the magical onslaught raced past the fighters and approached Zion,

Darkness surged around him, cloaking his entire form and creating an abyss of oblivion.

Any attack spell that made contact with this oblivion vanished without a trace.


Witnessing their spells not being blocked or deflected, but literally erased from existence, the fighters stood stunned.

Zion, now shrouded in darkness, lightly tapped the ground with his toe.

And then.


In an instant, Zion vanished from his spot, reappearing behind the onrushing fighters.


A sonic boom erupted moments later.

Accompanying it, the bodies of the caught fighters began to tear apart.


Awestruck, the watching magicians were left dumbfounded.

They could not understand what had transpired.

Before the magicians could regain their senses,

Zion, pushing off with his foot and dashing before them, extended his previously withdrawn right hand.

From Zion's fingertips, a blade-like darkness jutted out in a straight line, obliterating everything in its path, magicians included.

"Kill... Kill him!!"

The remaining fighters, recognizing Zion belatedly, rushed towards him despite the terrifying scene unfolding before them.

But the tide had already turned.

This was no longer a fight.

It was a one-sided slaughter.


A term referring to beings who have exceeded human limits by honing their abilities, whether it be swordsmanship, magic, or other skills, to an extreme degree.

In the Black Star, the standard to achieve superhuman status began from the 3rd star.

Zion was unparalleled among those who hadn't exceeded these limits.

"Mon... Monster..."

The last standing magician, stepping backward with a pale face and mumbling at Zion.

Zion, who claimed even this magician's life without a hitch, looked up.

'I should handle this quickly.'

It was fine to thoroughly eliminate every last pest, but doing so might bring Sharin May here.

Sharin May still posed a challenge for the current Zion.

'I wish I had brought Liushina.'

Thinking of her who had returned to the Blood Tower, Zion chuckled and took a step forward.

With that, Zion's figure melded into the darkness.

Shortly after.

"What... Aaaargh!"

"Block... Aaaargh!"

Bursts of sound, accompanied by continuous screams, reverberated from within the building.



"All communication with the second-floor defense forces has been severed!"

"There was an intruder confirmation in Room 1 on the third floor... now their signal is lost!"

"Signals from Room 2 to Room 5 on the third floor have vanished simultaneously!"

"The fourth floor! We've just received a message from the elite combat unit on the fourth floor!"

-We are engaged with the intruder... Can't hold on any longer... Aaaargh!

"What on earth..."

Director Clint mumbled, taken aback by the terrifyingly rapid disappearance of signals from the combat units.

What was happening?

The layout of this secret branch, where he resided, differed from conventional buildings.

There were no central corridors or passages, only interconnected rooms, and to ascend to the next floor, one had to traverse through all rooms.

And yet.

"...Is this speed even possible?"

Yes, with a significant stretch of imagination, he could fathom someone breaking through the rooms alone.

But he couldn't understand this speed.

Ten seconds.

The intervals at which the signals from the combat units safeguarding each room vanished.

A speed only achievable if there was an extreme difference in ability, like an adult versus a child.

As Clint murmured, signals kept disconnecting.

Along with it, the sound of explosions neared.

A word surfaced in Clint's mind as he heard the resounding echoes.


An entity destined to hunt all other beings.

Clint acknowledged the existence of such predators.

No, he had actually encountered one such individual.

Although he hadn't directly witnessed it yet, he strongly sensed that the intruder causing this havoc was an entity born with the fate of a predator.

The instant they crossed paths, Clint was certain he wouldn't stand a chance and would be torn asunder.

'It's too late to flee.'

There was no hope that Sharin May would arrive here in time.


As the booming sounds drew closer, the other organization members gazed at Clint anxiously, seeking instructions.

'In that case...'

With this thought, his eyes sparkled.


He shattered the glass box next to him.

And Clint gripped the pristine white dagger within.

With that, immense cold energy erupted from the dagger, rapidly plunging the room's temperature below freezing.

The water glass solidified instantaneously, and frost began to form all around.

"Director, that's!"

The organization members stared at Clint in surprise, but he remained silent, his gaze fixed on the door.

'There's no other choice.'

Using the dagger's power might derail his plans, but it was far preferable to everyone perishing and their relics being pilfered.

A chilling, luminescent white light began to coalesce around the dagger Clint clenched.

Unable to resist the dagger's formidable power, the surrounding air began to freeze.

'One shot. The moment they enter, I'll unleash everything into this one strike.'

Even if the intruder bore the fate of a predator, they wouldn't be fully on guard until the door swung open.

If he timed it perfectly and released a blow equivalent to a high-level Grade 7 frost magic, there was a chance.

No, if he landed the hit, it was even plausible to claim their life in return.

The booming noise was now directly outside.


Despite his ragged breathing, Clint's concentration was at its pinnacle. As he tightly gripped the dagger.

Finally, the sturdy wooden door was blasted to smithereens.

And from behind it, a shadowy figure emerged.

At that moment.

From Clint's dagger, a concentrated blast of cold energy was unleashed, metamorphosing into a massive ice dragon in an instant, lunging towards the intruder, Zion.

Frost Dragon's Fang.

The most potent attack Clint could muster with his dagger 'Frost Fang'.

As anticipated, the ice dragon froze everything it grazed, and within seconds, it stood directly before Zion.

Ultimately, the ice dragon opened its gargantuan maw to consume Zion.


At that moment, a sense of exhilaration filled Clint's eyes.

At that moment.

Everyone in the room, including him, witnessed it.

Slowly yet swiftly.

The medium-length sword swung by Zion.

From that sword, a line carved into reality.

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