I Became the Youngest Prince in the Novel

Chapter 64: Night of Annihilation (2)

TL/Editor: Rungir

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

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"He's got bigger plans than I imagined..."

The Fifth Princess, Diana, voiced her thoughts aloud in the Blue Star Palace library, a place Zion had abandoned.

"I had presumed he was scheming an assassination."

Amazement colored her gaze.

The royal family's contest for the throne, an unending dance of power, has endured since the reign of the first emperor, the Eternal Emperor. The skirmishes, however, were mostly covert operations and hidden power plays.

Should it come to inflicting direct harm on other royals, they typically used subtle methods: poison, assassins, or even deploying the star brigade when the target surfaced in the city.

A full-blown war, a real struggle for survival amongst the royals, was a rare occurrence in the span of the 400-year-old history.

Zion's proposition to Diana this time, however, was very much on that scale.

'He's not even targeting the Ritual of Four.'

When Zion suggested advancing the Ritual of Four during the council meeting, she assumed his aim was to bait the Third Prince Enoch.

However, Zion's true target was something entirely different.

His profound strategies and audacity were enough to send chills down Diana's spine.

'It's risky and very perilous, but...'

If all goes according to plan, Enoch might entirely vanish from the city.

Preparations to handle the subsequent fallout were already in place.

"It's a possible route."

No, viewed from another angle, a better opportunity might not come again.

Furthermore, if she pulls this off and contemplates the benefits Diana could gain...

'I can't back out now that I've agreed.'

With her decision made, Diana motioned for Lloyd, who was waiting patiently behind her.

"Yes, Your Highness Diana."

"How many spirit armies are currently at our disposal?"

"Every squad is available, except for the 7th and 8th who are out on duty."

"Bring them to the Blue Star Palace immediately. Make it seem like it's for the Ritual of Four."


Lloyd, who didn't question her abrupt order, nodded and exited the library.

In the solitude of the library,

"We're in it now, best to go all out."

The eyes of the Fifth Princess glinted coldly, then fell silent.



A large iron door marked the end of a corridor in the Red Star Palace's basement, shielding a room from prying eyes.

This was a room that not even the third prince's closest advisors, those who supervised the human experiments in the basement, had seen.

Only Prince Enoch could access this room. Curiosity about what lay beyond the door was not permitted.


Enoch boldly opened the iron door and stepped inside.

As he did, an overwhelming magic power engulfed him, pressing against his body.

Despite his numerous visits, and even growing to accommodate the magic power within himself, Enoch still found the magic energy in this room disconcerting.

"Diral, are you there?"

Enoch squinted, casting his question into the room's unseen depths.


"Haha, of course, I'm here. Where else would I be in this city?"

A figure emerged from the darkness, a voice full of cheer.

He appeared to be a man in his mid-twenties, donned in a dark blue suit from head to toe.

With his snake-like slit eyes and pointed ears, he looked somewhat human. However, Enoch knew this was not his true form.


This man, Diral, was an immensely powerful demon. So powerful, Enoch couldn't fathom his strength.

Approximately a decade ago, Diral unexpectedly appeared before Enoch with a compelling proposal.

'I'll lead you to the throne. But in return, you must assist me.'

Enoch accepted the proposition and constructed an experimental lab in the basement for Diral.

Soon after, human, elf, giant, and beast-people were subjected to inhumane experiments with black magic. But Enoch didn't bat an eye.

In fact, he was interested.

The results of these experiments substantially enhanced Enoch's own magic skills.

Moreover, the naturally cruel Enoch found enjoyment in it all.

"We seem to be on the same page. I was just thinking of you."

"Spare me your banter, how is the experiment progressing?"

"Thanks to the continual supply of test subjects provided by Your Highness, we've made significant progress. But perfection requires more time."

"How much longer?"

"A few more weeks seem necessary."

"I see..."

Upon hearing this, Enoch's eyes clouded with regret.

If Diral's experiment were to succeed this time, Enoch could anticipate an unparalleled enhancement in his magic abilities.

'It would be ideal if it were completed before the royal ritual ceremony... well, no matter.'

Enoch mused, contemplating the royal ritual ceremony of the imperial family, now only two days away.

The ceremony, by tradition, should have been held a month later. Yet, it had been prematurely scheduled by Zion Agnes, who had recently become nothing short of a constant nuisance for Enoch.

Unaware of his younger brother's rationale for advancing the date of the ceremony, Enoch was intent on leveraging the situation to his advantage.

"Oh, how are the preparations for the ritual ceremony progressing?"

Diral, as if sensing Enoch's thoughts, flicked a finger and asked.

"Flawless. Just as you predicted, Diral, Zion's motive for moving up the ceremony is likely his intent to expel me from the palace as soon as possible."

Enoch replied, his face expressionless.

That was the only explanation that made sense to him.

Despite the stringent security measures surrounding a royal family member leaving the palace, they inevitably become more exposed than when within the palace walls. This vulnerability was likely what Zion sought to exploit.

He likely had set a trap outside the palace and was now waiting patiently.

"Starting tonight, I intend to covertly relocate all forces within the Red Star Palace to the outside as a precaution."

Even with the forces assigned for the ritual ceremony, Zion's trap could be easily dismantled.

However, Enoch, having experienced several past failures and constantly finding his plans surpassed by Zion, was preparing meticulously this time.

'I will obliterate him with absolute power.'

Regardless of whether Zion initiated an attack, it was of no concern.

He could simply make Zion his primary target.

Enoch was determined, even if it required great effort during the ceremony, to take Zion's life.

"Oh, if you're so prepared, barring any unforeseen circumstances, you'll certainly be able to kill Prince Zion!"

Watching the resolve in Enoch's eyes, Diral exaggeratedly gestured, expressing his words with an inscrutable smile.

"But exercise caution, Prince Enoch. The recent rumors concerning Prince Zion are far from ordinary."

"That is of no concern. Even if he were ten times the threat the rumors suggest, I am more than capable of crushing him."

Enoch declared, his voice resounding with certainty.

He had meticulously prepared for this ceremony and had great confidence in his plan.

All that remained was to witness Zion, reduced to a helpless insect under his foot, on the day of the royal ritual.

'I will not grant you a swift death.'

He planned to corner Zion, leaving no escape, and then subject him to a slow, agonizing death full of despair.

Just the thought brought a surge of pleasure to Enoch's eyes.


The demon, Diral, silently observed Enoch with narrowed eyes.

He refrained from informing Enoch that the rumors he knew of Zion Agnes differed greatly from Enoch's understanding.



Why, in the annals of Frosimar, did the moon turn red?

The turning of the moon to a crimson hue in the records of Frosimar was a question that plagued Zion upon his immersion into the chronicles.

No exact cause was documented, though several hypotheses were proposed.

Zion was partial to the theory that proposed the moon as a repository for the souls of the departed.

The theory suggested that upon the demise of a living being, its soul ascended to the moon. As the moon accrued more souls, it deepened into a richer shade of red.

'Something doesn't feel quite right.'

Such were Zion's thoughts as he studied the full moon overhead.

Should the hypothesis hold true, the moon was destined to be steeped in an even more profound red, courtesy of Zion himself.

"Prince Zion."

In the quiet solitude behind Zion, who was gazing at the moon from a secluded garden in the Xing Palace, Thierry appeared.

"The third prince has made his move."

No further words were necessary.

Every other element was already flawlessly in place, with one key remaining to set everything into motion.

Thierry was implying that the key was now available.

Upon hearing this, Zion slowly turned to regard Thierry.

Thierry's eyes, unlike before, held no trace of doubt.

Instead, they bore only awe and unwavering loyalty towards Zion.

A look reminiscent of a zealous follower.

Yet, it was a look that Zion found oddly familiar.

It was the look worn by all who had looked upon him during his reign as emperor.

"And Liushina?"

"She has just arrived in Hubris."

"Then she should arrive in time."

Upon hearing this, Zion, grinning, slowly began to move away from the garden.

"Do we depart immediately? Perhaps it would be wiser to wait for the Thousand-Year Witch to reach the imperial city..."

"No, the time is now."

Zion interrupted Thierry, who had been speaking as he followed.

From the moment he had annihilated one of Diana's spirit armies to his proposal to expedite the royal ceremony during the national assembly.

All these steps were precursors to this day.

'In reality, there's another reason I proposed moving up the royal ceremony.'

The primary reason for Zion's initial targeting of Enoch was not solely due to him being the most vulnerable among the royal family.

It was also because, given sufficient time, Enoch had the potential to become the most formidable adversary.

The human experimentation conducted by the third prince in the palace's subterranean levels, in collaboration with demons, was a case in point.

In a short span, Enoch would reap significant gains from these experiments, increasing his power exponentially.

The apex of this power surge was due to coincide with the royal ritual, had it proceeded as originally planned a month later.

At that juncture, Enoch would become as challenging to eliminate as one of the world's strongest beings, Iverlin.

'The failure of Diana's attack at the royal ceremony in the chronicle is a testament to this.'

The week Zion had alluded to when proposing to advance the royal ceremony at the national assembly.

This week represented Zion's last opportunity, he believed, to bring an end to Enoch.

Step by measured step.

Having concluded his contemplation and exiting the garden, Zion navigated the imperial city at a leisurely pace, his foreboding shadow trailing in his wake like an ominous specter.

Guided by this impending darkness, perhaps?

Softly, secretively.

Figures began to emerge from hidden corners, commencing their silent pursuit of Zion.

Scores, no, hundreds.

Their numbers swelled within moments, amassing into a formidable battalion.

Sensing the formation of this legion, Zion cast his gaze upon the moon overhead.

The full moon was awash with a striking red hue.

Tonight, the crimson glow of that moon would intensify further.

Gradually, a glimmer of black starlight commenced its dance in Zion's eyes.

It was finally time to initiate the inaugural royal hunt.

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