I Became the Youngest Prince in the Novel

Chapter 59: Agnes National Assembly (1)

TL/Editor: Rungir

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

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Stepping into his room, Tirian let out a quiet sigh as he shut the door.

"I'm not ready yet....”

His voice held a touch of bitterness.

He had narrowly evaded the empire's chase after falling into a trap the previous night. But that incident wasn't what currently occupied Tirian's thoughts.

It was Zion Agnes.

In a single day, Zion had made a lasting impression on Tirian, something he would carry for the rest of his life.

Indeed, the immense power of the great mage Ozlima was memorable. But, there was something about Prince Zion that surpassed the term "impressive."

'He had the solution to the problem I couldn't solve.'

That was shocking enough, but what really stuck with Tirian was the commanding, transformative presence Prince Zion had in the classroom at the scene of the murder.

'I bet he knew from the start that Professor Proud was the guilty party.'

The image of Prince Zion decapitating Professor Proud without hesitation upon his arrival.

Such an action was only possible with the firm belief that Professor Proud was both guilty and a demon from the start.

How did Prince Zion, who had no connection with the tower and was a first-time visitor, know this?

The subsequent battle between the demons and Prince Zion was a high-stakes affair. Tirian couldn't even begin to get involved, let alone be of any assistance.

Watching the fight, Tirian felt truly powerless for the first time since his rebirth.

'I won't be this lucky next time.'

With this thought, Tirian managed a wry smile.

Only the worthy can ask questions.

He recalled these words, heard when he visited Prince Zion earlier in an attempt to answer the question that had been nagging at him.

"…Maybe that's true."

He needed to get stronger.

So that he wouldn't feel so powerless if another such incident occurred.


So that he could confidently approach Prince Zion and ask for answers next time.

'First, I need to reach level 7.'

A determined light flickered deep within Tirian Friharden's eyes.

The greatest mage who had surpassed level 9, reached the unprecedented level 10, and stepped beyond the abyss of truth, was slowly stirring himself into action.



A bright, moonlit path near the capital city.

"Hmm, hmm~"

A plump, middle-aged man with a meticulously groomed mustache hummed contentedly within a fancy magic car that sped along the path.

The man was Cleon Havas.

He hailed from a distinguished provincial noble family and was one of the hundred members of the Luminous Assembly. This assembly wielded authority second only to the royal family in the empire.

The Assembly was a collective of nobles, each representing one of the many regions that made up the empire. As such, their power was considerable.

Cleon was humming for a single reason.

"So, the Agnes Assembly is about to commence?"

He was eagerly anticipating the upcoming Agnes Assembly.

The Agnes Assembly.

Taking place at the Palace of the People, this meeting was the empire's second-largest gathering. Direct descendants of the royal family and a variety of influential figures, including assembly members, gathered here to discuss the empire's future.

The assembly's power and symbolism were significant, and whether one could attend or not often indicated their influence within the empire.

"I wonder what proposals will come up this time."

A sense of anticipation gleamed in Cleon's eyes as he voiced his thoughts to himself.

The Agnes Empire Assembly was primarily run by the attending members of the royal family.

Their speaking rights were determined by the number of assembly members supporting them.

So, during this time, many royals would shower the neutral Cleon, who didn't support any royals, with tempting proposals.

Cleon had exploited this situation for several years, reaping significant benefits.

'All I need to do is back them during this assembly and then return to my neutrality.'

Cleon Havas was an assembly member who opportunistically switched allegiances rather than genuinely pursuing political neutrality.

But there was a reason he maintained neutrality as a fundamental principle.

It was for safety.

Cleon was a safety-first kind of man.

His survival always took precedence, and he prioritized his safety above all else.

If he served a royal family member, he risked immediate removal if that royal failed to become the emperor. He could also face potential harm from other royals seeking to control him.

So, Cleon preferred neutrality.

'I guess the 4th Prince or 5th Princess might offer good deals this time...'

With such thoughts, Cleon contemplated which royal he would support in this Assembly.

However, he hadn't considered the name Zion Agnes.

'He won't be able to attend anyway.'

Despite the fact that Zion's reputation had been soaring recently.

For a direct royal family member to participate in the National Assembly, they needed the support of at least ten assembly members.

Yet, to Cleon's knowledge, Prince Zion hadn't managed to secure the support of even a single assembly member.

"Well, that's the limit for a powerless royal."

With that dismissive remark, Cleon sank deeper into his seat, turning his gaze to the capital's night view outside the window.

Although it was midnight, and the moon was high, the empire's capital, Hubris, was brilliantly illuminated by lights from countless structures.

Just like the empire's future that seemed unending.

And the distant view of the palace.


Cleon's eyes, focused on the palace, widened in surprise.

His mansion was in close proximity to the palace.

The palace couldn't look so far away.

"What's happening! Where are we heading!"

Cleon, realizing something was wrong, shouted at the magic car's driver.

Yet, the chauffeur continued driving in silence, as if he hadn't heard Cleon's outburst.

"Stop, stop right now!"

The moment Cleon's panicked demand left his mouth.


The magic car abruptly stopped.

They had stopped in a dark, open field, devoid of the luminous presence found in the heart of the capital.


Simultaneously, the unidentified chauffeur swiftly exited the vehicle and vanished.

A sense of foreboding gripped Cleon at the chauffeur's abrupt departure.


The moment Cleon flung open the car door and scrambled out.


An object plummeted from above, pulverizing the magic car Cleon had just vacated beyond recognition.

"Ugh... What on earth!"

Cleon, his face ashen at the close brush with death, hastily distanced himself from the wrecked vehicle.


Thump, thump.

The hushed sound of footsteps started to echo from the edge of the field, a place shrouded in darkness.

The ominous tread sent a chill down Cleon's spine.

A faint silhouette emerged from the darkness, catching Cleon's eye, which had involuntarily turned toward the source of the sound.


The thing approaching had no business being here.

Cleon, guided by instinct, retrieved a tiny jewel from his pocket and crushed it without a second thought.

At that moment.

A blinding light erupted, summoning five bodyguards to surround him.

Despite the astronomical cost of this one-time spatial summoning magic, Cleon didn't hesitate.

He had procured it for such an occasion, and after all, his life was his utmost priority.

"Stop that entity!"


Responding to Cleon's order, the summoned bodyguards, their faces obscured by masks, surged towards the advancing figure in the darkness.

Relief flickered in Cleon's eyes.

The might of the bodyguards he'd carefully selected was beyond that of an elite royal palace knight.

Yet, the very next moment.

Cleon's expression morphed into one of shock.

In a single movement.

With a single swipe of its hand, the dark figure obliterated the head of the leading bodyguard.

And even before the decapitated body of the guard touched the ground.


Accompanied by another gruesome sound, the head of the next bodyguard vanished on the spot.

Was it due to the speed of the events?


Only after the heads of two comrades vanished did the remaining bodyguards express their silent horror, swinging their swords simultaneously at the close-quarters figure.

The trio targeted only the critical points of the figure with precision.

Just as their swords were about to puncture the figure's vitals.

The figure calmly took one step forward.

At that moment.

A sinister darkness erupted from the figure.

The darkness devoured and tore apart the slashing swords and their wielders.

The bodyguards, leaving not even a trace behind, perished instantaneously.

The figure, having dispatched all the bodyguards in an instant, resumed its approach towards Cleon as if nothing had transpired.

"Who, who are you! Why, why are you doing this!"

Was it because his final hope had been instantly crushed?

Cleon, face etched with terror, backed away while pleading with the advancing figure.


"What do you think I'm doing this for?"

A subdued voice, accompanied by moonlight breaking through the clouds, revealed the figure's face.

With that, a vacant look filled Cleon's eyes.

He recognized that face.

"Prince... Zion?"

His voice trembled as he spoke.

Though the atmosphere surrounding him was entirely different from their previous encounter years ago, the face undoubtedly belonged to Prince Zion Agnes.

Zion, clothed in pitch-black attire as if he had merged with the night itself, exuded an unnerving, alien aura.

"Why are you doing this to me...."

"Do you know?"

Zion interrupted Cleon's words, filled with confusion, and began to speak.

"Even in the ancient nations preceding the formation of the empire, there were councils and councillors."

Step, step.

"Back then, when a councillor was found guilty of corruption, they would first gouge out their eyes and tongue. This was punishment for witnessing corruption yet turning a blind eye, and for fostering corruption with lies."

"Then, they would sprinkle salt on their wounds and gradually flay their skin from their bodies until death."

Finally drawing near, Zion peered down at Cleon with languid eyes.

"All of this was done in front of their families. The horrifying spectacle served as a deterrent against corruption."

Cleon, trembling under the weight of Zion's gaze, was rendered speechless. His eyes shone like black stars.

"The endless instances of bribery and illicit wealth accumulation. The possession of dozens of slaves to use for perverse hobbies... and even political assassination. You'd be facing capital punishment if even a few of these charges came to light."

Zion calmly recited the information unearthed by the moon's gaze and the shadow of eternal darkness.

"How in the world did you..."

Cleon's voice trailed off, disbelief etched on his face as each accusation fell from Zion's lips.

"I'll offer you a chance."

In Zion's eyes, the horizon stretched infinitely.

"A chance to spare, at least, your life."

The figure standing before him was the image of a devil, proposing a non-negotiable pact to a human destined for sacrifice.

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