I Became the Childhood Friend of a D*ug Dealer

Chapter 6


On the fourth day.

After dinner, the doctor entered the house.

“Really excellent restraint. I thought you would have used up all the medicine by now.”

The doctor said in admiration.

There was still half of the blue medicine left in the bottle.

It’s true that I’ve always administered the medicine on time, so the restraint is indeed remarkable.

“Then we should go celebrate Si-Hoo’s graduation.”


“It’s a precious time for Seo-Ah to become an Awakener.”


[7 hours 7 minutes]

Maybe it was because I received additional medicine a little while ago, but I felt really good.

It was time to meet Han Si-Hoo again.

Even after several days, my anger toward Han Si-Hoo strangely hadn’t subsided.

It was probably because I kept eating the food the doctor gave me.

The doctor rummaged through his black bag and took something out.

I always think about this, but it seems he really likes to match his attire; black clothes and a black bag…

“By the way, why do you always wear black clothes, Doctor?”

“It’s hard to see at night like this.”

“Aren’t you a criminal?”

No wonder he comes in and out of my house like it’s his own without a hint of a robber around.

A professional criminal, it seems.

“I’m a doctor.”

The doctor replied nonchalantly as he organized his bag.

On the table was a black medicine bottle.

As expected, it was black too.

I really don’t understand how much he likes black.

“This is a medicine produced using a new technology called Magic Engineering. It’s used to awaken an Awakener’s potential.”

The doctor said, looking at the black glass vial in his hand.

He seems to have great pride in the medicine.

“Is it true that anyone can become an Awakener if they take that medicine?”

“Based on our experiments so far… not at all. There must be some degree of potential for someone to artificially become an Awakener.”


“Seo-Ah has potential. You can tell pretty easily.”

“How so?”

“I can tell because I’m a doctor.”


What could that potential possibly be?

Like seeing a status screen in my vision?

[7 hours 5 minutes]

I can still see something, though.

How many people can see things like this?

Thinking this way makes it seem more likely.

“This medicine has been prepared for the promising Seo-Ah. I’m going to use the best medicine we currently have.”

“The best medicine?”

“Yes, if you were in a state of addiction and couldn’t even maintain your own body, I wouldn’t give you good medicine.”

So does that mean there are bad medicines too?

There’s a hierarchy for medicines?

“Isn’t good medicine needed for someone who’s very ill?”

“For someone who can’t overcome their addiction, no matter how good the medicine, it would be poison. It’s only right for someone like Seo-Ah.”

“I see.”

So, it was the kind of good medicine that someone like me needed.

Because I’m absolutely certain I won’t get addicted to drugs or anything.

Good medicine is all I need to get better quickly.

But thinking it over, this medicine isn’t to heal me.

It’s the medicine to become an Awakener, right?

Something feels off, but my brain isn’t functioning right.

Even trying to recall what I read in the novel doesn’t work well anymore.

Ever since I took the blue medicine.

Well, I trust it will work out fine.

I just need to believe in the doctor and follow along.

There hasn’t been any problem so far.

“I must emphasize again that this is a very important matter.”


“I mentioned that the medicine has a strong potential for addiction. Well, I can always supply medicine continuously, so there shouldn’t be much of an issue.”


No need to worry.

Worrying won’t change a thing.

“Now, I’m going to administer the medicine. Do you have any questions?”

The doctor said, pulling out a sealed syringe from the bag.

“Um, what happens when the medicine runs out?”


“If there’s no medicine, will I go back to being an ordinary person?”

“No, this is good medicine. You might just want to take the medicine again.”

“Wow, that’s really something!”


Is my head in a flowery fog from getting the medicine?

I feel happy no matter what I think.

Only an optimistic future lies ahead.

I feel like I’m about to become an Awakener just like the Academy students.

“Then can I attend school like Han Si-Hoo?”

“…First, I recommend that you go have a deep conversation with Si-Hoo.”

“But I’m still angry. I don’t even know why…”

“That’s normal.”

The doctor maintained a casual demeanor as he filled the syringe with the medicine.

The medicine was black like ink.

How is it that the medicine is also black, not just the bottle?

“Seo-Ah is really kind.”


“If you weren’t kind and naive, I wouldn’t have been able to do this job.”


Is the reason I started using the medicine because I was kind and naive?

Could that really be the case?

[6 hours 57 minutes]

I checked the remaining time.

How much longer will this shot extend my time?

I hope the effect lasts a long time.

I really don’t want to take multiple injections.

“Please tilt your head slightly.”


The needle goes into my neck.

It’s my first time injecting something into my neck.

Something strangely hot flows through my veins.

My vision seems to widen.

My senses become more acute.

The doctor pulled the needle out.

[103 hours 2 minutes]

The effects of the medicine have significantly increased.

I feel omnipotent.

It seems like I can do anything.

“Are you okay?”


Words aren’t coming out well.

“You seem fine.”


A groan escapes me.

It feels like someone is stirring my brain.

I’ve never felt anything like this before.

All my senses have amplified into pure pleasure.

Everything I see, hear, touch, and even the smell of the air and the taste of dust feels new.

“Then let’s get going. We need to show Si-Hoo your healthier self.”


“I’m planning to use a portal to get to the Academy.”


“In this state, you might not fully understand what I’m saying, but let me explain anyway. Breaching the Academy is not an easy task, so I’ve used Monsters to demolish the necessary space beforehand.”


“I’ve planted many traitors within the Academy. It would be wonderful if we could eliminate Han Si-Hoo, the hope of this world, right here.”

I didn’t care much about what the doctor was saying anymore.

The sensations I was currently feeling were incredibly heavenly.

Was there anything more important than that fact?

“Are you enjoying yourself?”

Am I enjoying it?

Honestly, it’s at a level that words can’t express.

I vigorously nodded my head in response.

“Fighting will be even more enjoyable for you.”


“Because everyone has felt that way. So will you, since you’ve even taken Military Supplements.”

I’m already feeling great like this, but there’s more enjoyment to be had?

Then I should go fight.

But who was I supposed to fight again?

“Remember, you need to kill Han Si-Hoo.”

“Yes, yes, Sir.”

“Good job. I’m going to open the door now.”


The space in front of me warped.


Yes, this is what you call a portal.

“It’s a device that allows you to travel instantly to the Academy. Please wait a moment until it fully opens.”


The distortion in space felt incredible with my enhanced senses.

This is an experience no one else has ever had.

I hope this feeling lasts just a little longer.

[100 hours]

Fortunately, there was still an incredible amount of time left.

Just a few minutes of this happiness made me feel so good, and now 100 hours?

“Now you can go inside.”

The portal was completed.

It looked just like something out of a game.

If I go in here, I’ll be transported elsewhere.

“The portal is a high-level technology used when Monsters come over to this side. Very few can replicate this.”

The doctor said as he reached out his hand to me.

Was he asking me to hold his hand?


When I grabbed his hand, it felt like I was going on a school trip when I was little.

I think I felt a little anxious before getting the shot, but now I just felt joy.

I followed the doctor and stepped into the portal.

It was incredibly dark.

And then a faint light appeared.

“We’ve arrived.”


In the blink of an eye, we were transported somewhere.

I could see the Academy buildings through the trees.

I turned around, but the portal I came through with the doctor was already gone.

“The Academy is built in the heart of the city, but behind it, there are forests and small mountains. It’s designed to be advantageous for students to go out for practice.”

As I looked around, I noticed we were in a forest.

No, rather than a forest, it was just flat ground with some trees planted.

Is this a practice space?

How fascinating.

As I inhaled the fresh air among the trees…?

This isn’t fresh air.

It tastes charred.

But this felt good in its own way.

“Charred flavor? Fire?”

“Yes, fire. I sent fire-type Monsters into the Academy as well.”


Looking closely, smoke was rising from the buildings.

Something was burning.

“Han Si-Hoo is coming from over there.”


I turned my head in the direction the doctor pointed with his finger.

Han Si-Hoo was approaching with his sword in hand.

With my heightened senses, I could see very clearly, even from a distance, despite the dark surroundings.

White hair.

It was true that his hair changes color when he uses his powers.

“Si-Hoo believes that if he captures me, all problems will be solved. I intentionally made him come this way, though.”

The doctor muttered as he walked ahead of me confidently.

I didn’t know the way, but he was overflowing with confidence.

“Seo-Ah, remember? You need to kill Han Si-Hoo.”


Seeing Si-Hoo running toward us faster now, it seems he’s realized we were here.

He’s still far away and hard to see, but I could make out that a few others were following Si-Hoo’s lead.

A glimmer of light shone.

Soon, the form of the protagonist became clear.

“How dare you pull such a stunt…?”

Si-Hoo, who seemed to be speaking toward the doctor, suddenly froze and stared at me.

He looked surprised.

He probably didn’t expect to see me here.

Didn’t we agree to not meet again? But here we were.

“Hello there.”

The doctor took advantage of the moment to greet him politely.

Of course, the protagonist didn’t return the greeting.

“-Are you taking a hostage?”

Si-Hoo’s voice turned low.

He seemed angry.

“A hostage? Hostage? That can’t be true. Seo-Ah came here of her own accord.”

The doctor gently patted my head while standing in front of me.

Pat pat.


Oh, that actually felt nice.

The enhanced sensation made it even more pleasurable.

I wish he would do it longer.

“……What have you done to Seo-Ah?”

Si-Hoo asked, his expression blank.

He looked shocked.

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