I Became the Childhood Friend of a D*ug Dealer

Chapter 29

Before leaving the Training Grounds, there’s something I need to do.

Put on the blindfold and wrap the bandages nicely.

That’s how I feel at ease.

I really don’t want to run into those kids who used to hit me at the Academy.

It’d be great if they wouldn’t even recognize me.

This place is unusually large even for the Academy.

It’s a hub for all sorts of training facilities.

I doubt I’ll run into anyone, but you never know with life.

“Can I use the Training Grounds anytime?”

“Usually, yes, but Seo-Ah, since you need medicine, it’s better to let me know before you go.”

That’s what I thought too.

“I’m temporarily in charge of a special class, so I don’t know if the teacher will change or not, but until then, just tell me.”


“And don’t get too involved with the other students. Got it?”

I nodded.

I don’t really want to get involved anyway.

Just talking to people is exhausting.

[11 hours 13 minutes]

There shouldn’t be any time wasted.

“Anyway, morning classes are over. Just come back here after lunch.”

“To the Training Grounds?”


The class has finished.

More specifically, the test has.

“If you run into any trouble while wandering outside, you know to contact me right away.”

As if any trouble would happen.

I said goodbye to Lee Yoo-Ram and left the Training Grounds.

It felt good to be wandering around alone after a long time.

Or maybe it’s just because the medicine is still working.

[11 hours 5 minutes]

I’m not that hungry.

I’d be satisfied with just one can of tuna.

Where should I get food from?

The restaurant area I went to with Han Si-Hoo last time seems nice.

There are restaurants inside the building, but I want to eat outside.

The air is definitely better outside.

Even though it’s class time, I can see some students out here.

They look like upperclassmen.

There’s one person that stands out.

A boy with white hair.

“…Who’s that?”

I quickly turned off my path and hid behind a nearby column.

Who could that be?

That figure is definitely familiar in my memory.

White hair.

-That white-haired jerk…

When did I remember that?

Someone definitely said something about him.

I’ve never seen anyone with white hair before.

-Why is that white-haired jerk sending so many watchers?

I remembered.


My stomach churns.

The instigator of something that was completely trivial.

How hard did they hit me to leave such bruises?

It’s feeling much better now, but it hurt a lot before.

They said something about an humanoid watcher while hitting me.

I’m glad a Doctor rescued me.

But the one who hit me wasn’t the white-haired guy.

So, there’s no reason to hide.

I know that in my head.

Still, I feel like I need to watch my back.

But it’s also weird to just stand still behind this column.

Shouldn’t I do something?

I took out my device.

[Han Si-Hoo: Let’s have lunch together.]

Together, huh?

That’s right, it’s way better than eating alone.

Did I act too much like a loner?

I really don’t have any friends.

The desire to make friends at the Academy doesn’t seem like it’s going to come true.

Especially since I’m isolated in a special class now.


Eating together sounds nice.

[I’ll be at the restaurant area.]

I need to eat something, so let’s go.

Nothing bad will happen, right?


Something bad happened.

The white-haired guy called out to me.

If I answer with “Huh?”, I’ll ruin my cool vibe.

“…What is it?”

I quickly corrected my tone.

“Are you a new student?”

The white-haired boy stood up from his seat.

Since he’s asking if I’m a new student, he must be at least a second-year, right?

“Yeah, sort of.”

“I thought you seemed familiar.”

“What do you mean?”

What a strange guy.

Maybe avoiding him would’ve been the better choice.

I never expected him to talk to me.

A warning about the strange people in the Academy keeps ringing in my ears.

“Hey, do you see that? The pigeon over there?”

He walked closer and pointed at the top of a streetlight.

A pigeon was sitting there.

“That one saw you hiding.”

So this is what a watcher is like, huh?

This is why Awakeners are such a hassle.

They can do the most unexpected things.

I never imagined using a pigeon as a watcher.

-…Weren’t they warned about watchers?…

-Still, they hit me hard, so it should be fine.

-Who was it that warned about the humanoid watchers again?

The conversation from that time comes flooding back.

I don’t feel good about this.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

“It’s weird for a new student to be wandering around at this hour.”

It’s not my fault the special class ended early.

“Hey, with the blindfold, bandages, and your tone…”

He seemed to deep in thought for a moment.

“You really are a helpless kid.”


He puts a hand on my head.

His expression shows pity.

I tried to shake it off, but my arm wouldn’t move.

Wait, what?

-[You cannot attack targets not designated by a superior.]

Is that what that means?

“Cheer up.”

Pat pat.

He gives my head a gentle tap, as if he finds it admirable.

Does he think it’s okay to just stay still?

“I heard girls hate being petted. You’re not mad, are you?”

That’s not the problem.

I can’t attack.

Even if I wanted to swing my arm, it feels like it has a heavy weight attached to it.

Is it better than rampaging and smashing everything?

But this feels wrong.

How long is this going to last?

I’m pretty sure I heard something about it.

-[You cannot attack targets not designated by a superior.]

That line played before this explanation.

-It lasts only as long as the medicine is effective.

Only while the medicine is effective.

Then it will end once the effect wears off, huh?

[10 hours 53 minutes]

The effect needs to last longer, right?

This isn’t good.

I need to find a way.

I can’t just sit here and let this happen.

“…What are you doing?”

Really, what is he doing?

Isn’t this rude to pull this stunt on a stranger?

“What’s your name? I’m Seol Ha-Jin.”

He suddenly seems friendlier.

“You don’t need to know.”

“The problem is that the Academy brings in all the sick kids too.”

I think he mistakenly believes I’m sick, which is why he’s being a bit lenient.

I mean, it’s true.

But my mind isn’t sick or anything.

“You came here to have lunch, right? I’ll treat you.”

“Stop wasting your time.”

“You don’t have to refuse. I’m treating you as a senior.”

He’s weirder than I expected.

I tried to refuse, but my refusal didn’t go through.

“I already have someone to eat with. So, it’s useless.”

“With how alone you are, you’re a new student, right? You probably don’t know anyone. I don’t know why you came out so quickly. Did you get an early dismissal?”

Seol Ha-Jin skillfully keeps the conversation going.

“Oh, it’s fine. If you don’t want to talk, you don’t have to. I know someone like you. He had a tough time at the Academy…”

It seems tough.

For me, I wear a mask to avoid people.

“The Academy isn’t a place that cares for the weak.”

His expression becomes serious.

At this point, it feels like anything I do won’t bother him.

He’s just saying what he wants to say.

It’s clear he sees me as weak.

“Come on.”

He grabs my hand and leads me toward the eateries.

“Ah, um…”

“No, it’s okay. I’ll cover everything. Eat something delicious. What do you want?”


I don’t even know what line to throw back.

Keeping up this act shouldn’t be prolonged; it’s getting tiresome.

It was supposed to be just a way to push people away.

But Seol Ha-Jin looks like he’s becoming more familiar.

Well, since it’s come to this, maybe I should just make a friend?

Nah, that’s still not right.

“You don’t have to refuse; no, better yet, don’t refuse. Come on, sit down.”

I sat down.

In the open area of the restaurant, there are tables and chairs set up.

There is no one else sitting here except for me.

Since there aren’t any people yet.

I’m not sure if this is the right thing to do with a complete stranger.

If I can’t fight back, what am I supposed to do?

And his grip on my hand is strong enough that it’s hard to break free.

“You really don’t need to. I have someone to eat with…”

He sighed.

“You don’t have to avoid me.”

Somehow, things feel seriously wrong.

Seol Ha-Jin sits beside me, picking up the menu.

“Here, choose.”

[10 hours 17 minutes]

Time is running low.

Just talking to someone feels like a burden.

Seol Ha-Jin is relaxed.

“I’m leaving—”

I tried to get up from my seat, but failed.

He grabbed my shoulder.

“Choose something. Anything.”

Bad memories tried to resurface.

It was this jerk that caused me to be misunderstood.

Even though it was someone else who hit me, not him.

“I don’t want to.”

“Your manners are pretty.”


My mask slips.

[10 hours 5 minutes]

I wanted to keep others from approaching me.

But failing to block someone from talking to me was a mistake.

“Don’t stiffen up too much.”


He naturally drapes his arm over my shoulder.

What a jerk.

There’s really no other word for it.

I remember Lee Yoo-Ram‘s advice about not getting too involved with people.

Maybe he was worried about this kind of situation happening.

“I’m just being nice to this poor junior—”


A dull sound.

Seol Ha-Jin falls back after getting punched.

“What are you doing messing around with someone else’s friend? Seol Ha-Jin.”

It’s Han Si-Hoo.

Do they know each other?

Looking at how he threw his punch first, it doesn’t seem like they’re on friendly terms.

Han Si-Hoo? What are you doing…?”

He stands up from the ground, looking like it hurt.

Han Si-Hoo seems angrier than I expected.

He’s not the type to start with a punch.

“This kid’s my lunch buddy, so back off.”

“…Oh, right.”

Seol Ha-Jin looks at Han Si-Hoo with a curious expression.

“Is that so?”

It sounds like he’s muttering to himself.

“Were you from the Slums too?”

He looks not just at Han Si-Hoo but through to me.

He has a smile that looks intrigued.

I don’t know how he found that out.

Awakeners might have some skills for that.

Maybe he just inferred it from the way Han Si-Hoo protects me?

“Yep, so quit messing around and get lost.”

Before you make me taste defeat.

I could hear Han Si-Hoo grinding his teeth.

He seems really angry.

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