I Became The Academy Necromancer

Chapter 148: Festival Date (3)

I continued to spend my time walking around with Findenai. And even though I didn't particularly intend to, we ended up having lunch together, and even afterwards, I thought we might wander around a bit more or take a break.

However, because of the gambling incident, Erica summoned Findenai to Dean's office.

Hence, after sending off the grumbling woman, I enjoyed the returning peace.

The Dark Spiritualist was nowhere to be seen and Illuania was roaming around with Sevia, showing her the festival.

Since Owen was also summoned along with Findenai, I had no one accompanying me at the moment.

Thinking I had seen enough of the festival, I planned to return to the lab. However, a certain girl caught my eye.

It was Aria Rias, wearing a ridiculous white hat that looked like a souvenir and green-rimmed sunglasses. She was holding skewers in one hand and a huge drink in the other.

Laughing and chatting among themselves besides her were her old comrades, Leorus, Happy, Florensia, and Jin.


Seeing her enjoying the festival was so rewarding that I unconsciously felt the corners of my mouth twitch.

"Oh, Professor!"

Noticing my gaze, with her sunglasses still on, Aria ran over. The other students naturally followed her.

Even though she joined the group later than the rest, it seemed like Aria had already taken on a leadership role in the group.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself quite a bit."

When I commented on how she seemed to be enjoying the festival twice as much as everyone else, Aria turned awkwardly and hesitated.

"It’s just that it’s been a long time since I was able to have fun at a festival without really thinking about anything in particular..."

I knew it well.

Because in the first round, I was the one who kept her busy since the start of the winter vacation of the second year; since then, she probably didn’t have enough time to properly enjoy events like festivals.

She must have not regarded those events as something to enjoy as a student but as ordeals to obtain something.

Seeing her enjoying the festival even more passionately to make up for that time now, I wanted to pat her on the head, but I didn't bother to because the big hat was in the way.

Aria momentarily handed over her drink to Happy and took out a cat ear headband from her pocket.

"By the way, Professor, do you know where Eleanor is? I bought this for her to put on."

I noticed that the other female students were also wearing animal ear headbands.

Since Eleanor had been hanging out with these kids lately, it must have been disappointing as she was not here.

"She is spending some time alone. She will probably join you in the evening."

"Geez, she always goes missing when we need her."

Since they hadn't seen each other for a long time, Eleanor must have been spending time with King Orpheus, but out of consideration, the King would likely ensure that his sister could join her friends at the festival in the evening.

Since I didn't want to take up Aria’s time any longer, I was about to say to enjoy the festival and leave.

However, all of a sudden, Aria took off her own hat, put it on Leorus, and gave Florensia her sunglasses.

She then handed the skewer to Jin and returned to her usual self, sticking close to me.

"I'm going to spend some time with Professor for a while! I'll join you guys in the evening with Eleanor!"

"What? Wait a moment..."

Leorus, who seemed to have feelings for Aria, tried to stop her, but Happy and Florensia responded immediately.

"Got it!"

"See you in the evening!"

Then the group left as they were.

I couldn’t help but feel unpleasant for some reason as I watched Leorus’s shoulders slump.


"I don’t feel like wandering around the festival."

Since I was planning to rest, I didn't want to wander around the festival with Aria.

However, Aria responded with a laugh.

"Do you know what? During the festival time, you used to draw me a rough map and make me run around without a break. 'Talk to someone three times, go buy something, eat something,' stuff like that."

"That wasn’t me."

"I know. But since you look the same, can't you even let me vent a little?"

When Aria mischievously asked me that, I finally sighed and nodded.

"Alright, if that’ll help ease your mind."

"Oh yeah!"

She pumped up her fist to celebrate, then immediately linked her arm with mine, and dragged me around.

The sight of a student and a professor walking around with their arms linked was bound to make people talk.

However, Aria didn’t pay any heed and continued to lead me around. No matter how much strength and effort I put into trying to slip out, she didn’t budge at all.

"The first thing I want to do is this!"

Aria pointed to the dart booth.

It was a simple yet subtly challenging game of hitting balloons with darts.

Pushed by Aria's enthusiasm, I ended up attempting it first. However, since my physical strength was below that of an average person, I was unable to pop many balloons.

"Fufu! Let me do it!"

As if expecting it, Aria immediately stepped forward and threw the dart. Even in such moments, her extraordinary eyesight and muscular strength naturally shone..

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Aria popped all the balloons cleanly and shrugged her shoulders triumphantly.

"Fufu! This is the ability of someone who almost saved the world!"

"...If you feel satisfied by boasting about this, then I’ll let you have it."

Since she had popped all the balloons, I thought she might receive something like a large teddy bear, but what she actually got was a small coupon.

With that in hand, Aria led me straight to the side stall.

It was a food stall selling waffles.

When Aria presented the ticket, the stall owner shouted out enthusiastically.

"One special waffle!"

After a short while, he handed her a rather sumptuous waffle. While it was similar in size to the others, it had a variety of toppings and exotic fruits inside.

"Give it a try. This is something you can't eat even if you are willing to pay!"


It tasted good.

Well, it wasn't exactly to my taste, but considering that it was made by a student, it was undoubtedly excellent.

In terms of the price, it didn't seem to offer much value for money, so it was probably given out as a special prize for the dart game.

The rest was similar.

Aria must have been going around the festival busily and was able to spend quite a fulfilling time exploring and enjoying the festival.

If someone were to ask me if it was enjoyable, it wasn't exactly something I would prefer doing, so I felt somewhat tired instead.

However, after spending quite a long time together, we returned to my lab.

"We've been quite busy, right?"


We had been so busy that I really wanted to rest now. Aria nodded with a grin.

"Now, we can go about bragging that we enjoyed this year's festival 200%."

While I did agree that we enjoyed it thoroughly, I wasn’t sure if I could brag about it elsewhere.

And now, I thought I understood why she acted in this manner.

I sat down and asked her.

"So, was it similar to what I made you do in the first round?"

"More or less?"

In the first round, I probably had given Aria a tight schedule to nurture her, sending her here and there.

It was similar to how one cultivated characters in games, allowing only minimal rest.

In the first round, I probably imposed a similar inhuman schedule on her, making her unable to enjoy the festival as a student.

"It must have been quite difficult."

"That’s right, I was very tired."

When I responded with complete understanding, Aria smiled bashfully.

There were no ill intentions in her expression.

"Back then, I couldn't even think about disliking it. I thought it was natural since it was a mission given by you, Professor."

Considering the atmosphere around Aria from when I first met her until now, of course, she would consider it to be natural.

She probably acted like a Saintess who had received a revelation from God, saying that she had to follow it unconditionally.

"So, when you think about it now, how do you feel?"

Now that she had clearly chosen to part ways and move on from the me of the first round, I was curious about what Aria thought about those days.

It hadn't been long, but I was still curious about her opinion.


Aria made a sound with her mouth closed and placed a finger on her lower lip.

Each of those gestures made me feel like she was truly the protagonist of a game.

As if she was contemplating the answer, Aria rolled her eyes, then smiled and replied.

"It was great!"

…Today, I heard quite a lot of unexpected words.

Starting with Eleanor, then Findenai, and now Aria.

The women I had spent time with today had all given me answers that were beyond my understanding of women.

I never thought that she would consider my order from the first round, which practically took away the enjoyment of her school days, to be a good thing. As I stared at her silently, asking for an explanation, Aria put her hands behind her back and leaned forward towards me.

"Thanks to that, I am who I am today, right? Looking back, those days when I struggled so much that it nearly drove me crazy weren't happy ones, but in the end, I managed to overcome it all and pulled through."

On the contrary, Aria's face showed an expression of relief, one without any lingering regrets.

There was no trace of resentment or any emotion towards the me from the first round.

I realized that she had truly grown.

I found myself also smiling subtly.

"Yes, that's right."

Her growth was truly commendable. So, I didn't bother hiding the smile that was meant to congratulate her.

"And there's one more good thing!"

Aria sneakily approached me.

Seeing that, I felt a strange pressure from her. Therefore, I leaned back unconsciously, only to hit the backrest of the chair.

"I can tell you many things that you don’t know of, Professor!"


"I can also be of great help to you, Professor. So, I, who has only been on the receiving end until now, am your final arrangement."

Her voice was cheerful and she had a smile on her face.

To anyone else, it would have looked like a cheerful girl was approaching me, but strangely, it felt like I was facing a predator.

_Thud. _

It was truly an astounding move.

Before I knew it, she was already sitting on my lap, facing me directly.

She confined my legs between her thighs and was rubbing her buttocks in a provocative manner that didn't suit her age.

"Do not cross the line."

"When saying goodbye, it was the first time I was held in your arms, Professor."


I immediately realized that she was referring to the time when she had let go of the me from the first round, causing me to be momentarily stunned.

"Can you please let me feel your embrace once again?"

"Keep your lower body still."

"...You never respond to students, do you?"

Aria sulked as she pouted her lips. However, since I didn’t refuse her request, she cautiously leaned her petite body against me.

"I can hear the sound of a heart pounding."


"I don't know if it's the sound from my chest or yours, Professor."

I could hear Aria’s playful laugh coming from beneath my chin. Slowly, she wrapped her arms around my waist. Despite the slight tension in her grip, her voice surprisingly contained a hint of tears.

"As you know, Professor, saving the continent means living with pain."


"People will clap, cheer, and thank you, Professor."

Aria's touch trembled softly.

"But do they know that? In the end, it all came back to me as a burden."

Expectation, gratitude, blessing, envy, and so on.

Aria must have felt so many positive emotions. When she first received them, it likely ignited a sense of duty and enthusiasm within her.

However, as time went on...

As she lost more and more…

And as the path became more difficult...

Ultimately, all those things just became another burden weighing on her shoulders.

"It was a path of hardship with swords and spears thrust into it. In order not to lose anyone else, there was a time when I had no choice but to lose myself instead.”


"Professor... Professor... I hope you will never have to experience the suffering I've endured, Professor."

Tears gradually soaked my chest as I heard Aria's voice turning tearful.

"Just say the word, anytime. You can tell me whenever you want, and I'll be ready to walk that path again. Instead of you, Professor, I, who has already become numb to all this, am ready to sacrifice everything for this continent."


Perhaps Aria didn’t completely grasp the weight of the words she had just uttered.

Even though it was only the second round, there was one reason why I didn’t consider it fortunate to meet Aria Rias for the first time.

If it were Aria, who was already in that state, she wouldn’t have been able to reach the true ending, even in the second round.


One could only reach the true ending of the second round through the sacrifice of a girl named Aria Rias.

The death of the protagonist.

And just like that, the game concluded—the girl saved the continent and closed her eyes for the last time.

Now, Aria had matured enough mentally to guide the continent to the true ending. However…

I gently pulled the girl into my embrace but added some strength to my hold. It was a symbol of my determination to never let go.

"You only have one thing to do."

It wasn't about collecting the items needed to save the continent, building relationships with comrades, or growing.

"You should do well in your final exams this winter."


"And then, find something you actually want to do before graduating from the academy."


"Anything is fine. Find your aptitude, discover your talents, and hone what you want to do. There's no need to fear the future."

Slowly, I placed my hand on the girl's head. Aria didn’t resist; instead, she closed her eyes and accepted it.

"Little Lady, the continent is safe."

Because I am here.

Because I will save it.

Tears streamed down her cheeks.

The girl who had suffered a lot until now had finally let go of her burden properly, so the tears contained relief.

She didn't bother wiping them away.

After shedding tears for a long time, Aria sniffled and planted her forehead on my chest.

Perhaps now that her emotions had calmed down, Aria whispered breathlessly.

"Even so... If it's really tough for you, you can come and talk to me. You can lean on me. As the only one who has already walked the path you will walk, as the predecessor who walked it before you. I'll be here for you."

"You're so reliable."

"Fufu, I'm the strongest female student on this continent."


Aria hugged me tighter and rested her chin on my shoulder. Along with the sound of her hot breath, her voice reached my ear.

"Professor, I'll be waiting for the day I become your sword."

I hoped that such a day would never arrive.

"Don't wait for it."

That was my reply.



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