I Became The Academy Necromancer

Chapter 134: Traveling Companions

Chapter 134: Traveling Companions

At a point far from the mountainside village, which was now the stronghold of the Marias tribe, the outpost where the tents of the Royal Army were stretched out came into view.

Not only did it have sentries standing guard, but sturdy barricades built with sourced material were surrounding it as well.

From looking at how intricate and sturdy it was, one would find it hard to believe that the outpost was created in just a few days.

However, the morale of the soldiers was noticeably low.

Those who came out to welcome me had haggard eyes, and they clearly seemed to be drained of energy.

Upon seeing them, I couldn't help but think of an army that had nothing to eat, but since the kingdom's army was fighting in their own territory, there shouldn't have been any issues with the supply.

"You’ve arrived."

Gloria Grace, the Royal Knight Commander with crimson hair, greeted me calmly.

The aides on her side simply nodded briefly as well; there was no grand welcome ceremony.

Actually, looking at her face, it reminded me of the conversation we shared at the drinking fest held in the Palace.

"I heard you faced an assassination attempt on your way here. Are you alright?"

"They were sent by the traitors who crossed into the Forest. They were not really a problem."

Hearing my words, some of the knights shuddered and gritted their teeth. The fact that the traitorous nobles, who crossed into the Marias Great Forest, had now sent out assassins further fueled their anger.

"It seems like it will be better if I get straight to the point. I heard that you were defeated by the Great Warrior."

Gloria and the other knights as well flinched visibly. And those around her especially didn't even bother hiding their discomfort.

This was a battlefield.

They should have had a better understanding of the military hierarchy than me.

However, it seemed like my special position, officially recognized by His Majesty, was yet to be acknowledged by them.


[Kkaacck! Kkaacck!]

[Save me! Save meeeeee!]

I manipulated my mana in a manner so that only the screams of the ghosts wandering inside the tent could be heard.

This technique was an application of the Necromancy I had learned from the Dark Spiritualist. To be precise, only I, who could see all the dead, could use it to create this kind of atmosphere.

The Dark Spiritualist saw it and christened it the [Pretending to be a Sinister Man Technique].

The knights flinched as screams suddenly echoed from inside the tent, and immediately looked at me.

"Do I have to act cautiously around all of you just because your defeat was humiliating?"

It was a clear warning.

A firm declaration to not look down on my position recklessly.

It was impossible for the Royal Knights to fail to notice that, and they bowed deeply, unable to utter a word.

"I apologize. Our military officers are sensitive to victories and defeats."

Gloria, who hadn’t done anything wrong, immediately rose and bowed deeply to me as well.

Seeing her do so, the other knights flinched again and looked away.

She did it on purpose.

Gloria deliberately took the lead to set an example to ensure the knights didn't treat me disrespectfully.

She demonstrated that if they failed to do so, she would be the one who would suffer from humiliation.

"Alright, I accept your apologies."

As I let the matter pass smoothly, Gloria also raised her head. I thought she was about to give me a briefing, but that wasn't the case.

“Saintess Lucia will also arrive here in about two hours. As the explanation might take quite a while, I'll explain everything to the both of you then.”


"I have assigned you a personal tent. However, it will be difficult for us to allocate individual tents to your maid and the boy as well."

"I do not expect that much. The two of them can stay in the same tent as me."

"Then Valter here will show you the way. Just wait here for a moment."

Knight Valter immediately walked up to the front, gave a courteous salute, and then politely motioned for me to follow.

"Please follow me, Soul Whisperer."

The treatment was clearly different.

I then followed him to the large tent they had already set up for me.

I called for Findenai and Owen, who were waiting, and we went together.

After ushering us to the tent, Valter gave another salute before he cautiously retreated outside the tent.

"Military discipline is impressive, isn't it?"

Findenai clicked her tongue and muttered in amazement. Then, while Findenai and Owen unpacked, I stepped outside the tent once again.

Although I couldn't see the enemy's stronghold from here, I could still feel a strange energy.

It wasn’t mana, but a different sensation.

Similar to the pressure exerted by the Mountain Lord of the Norseweden mountain range, it felt like the entirety of nature was observing us.

As expected, Horua, the guardian deity, is interfering in this matter.

Although his power was similar to that of the Mountain Lord, he wouldn't be able to display his full power since he was outside the Marias Great Forest.

A sudden thought emerged, it seemed that he probably teamed up with the man known as the Great Warrior.

Then what is his goal?

While they were using the pretext of seeking revenge for the Chieftain and the residents of Setima, in reality, it was a weak excuse.

Mere sugarcoated words from the former nobles of the Kingdom wouldn’t sway them enough to even make them consider fighting the gigantic monster called Griffin.

They must have had other reasons for starting this war, but I couldn't grasp what they might be.

And just like that, time passed.

Although Gloria said ‘ two hours’, it was already late. The sun had set, and the day turned into night.

Only then did the carriage carrying the Saintess arrive at the outpost.

And then…


"It's the Saintess!"

"Saintess Lucia!"

"The gods are with us! We will win this battle!"

A massive crowd welcomed Lucia. The soldiers who were exhausted and weary from the cruelty of war cheered towards the Saintess.

Now, I could understand why King Orpheus had dispatched Lucia here.

"Wow, it's totally different from the treatment you received, Master Bastard."

[This treatment is ridiculously different, like day and night.]

"Uh, f-for me, you are the greatest, Soul Whisperer!"

Findenai, the Dark Spiritualist, and Owen. Each of them displayed different reactions.

Although Lucia and I were in similar positions, the manner in which we were treatedwas completely different.

It wasn't exactly disappointing.

However, all of a sudden, Stella, who was sleeping inside me, came to my mind. She must still be sound asleep, right?

I just hoped that her rest wouldn’t be disturbed by the heat of the battlefield and the screams of the dead.

"It'll take a moment. Let’s wait by the command tent."

Upon seeing their reactions, even Knight Commander Gloria felt awkward, so she ushered me away.

Well, I didn’t want to be bothered by that, so I instructed Findenai and Owen to return to my tent for now and followed Gloria.

So, after a while, Lucia finally appeared amidst the cheers of the soldiers, smiling awkwardly as she stepped inside.

"Long time no see, Deus, Gloria."

With her silver hair still striking as ever, Saintess Lucia smiled gracefully as she greeted me.

If I had to compare, her hair color was similar to Findenai’s, but the atmosphere they carried was completely different.

If that woman was like a beast, this woman was like a maiden.

That was how it could be summed up.

"Especially you, Deus. Thank you for your work at the Elia Convent. I've heard about everything from Reverend Mother."

"Indeed, do not forget."

Gloria seemed dumbfounded at my response, but Lucia just smiled knowingly.

Then, she took a step forward towards me and spoke in a whisper. However, since we were in the tent, it was clearly audible to everyone. freewёbnoνel.com

"Has Lady Stella found rest?"

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"Yes, however, she will need to sleep for a while as she must have been fairly tired."

"I see. I’m relieved then."

Lucia smiled brightly and nodded slightly in gratitude. I accepted it without attaching much significance to it.



I felt something surge in my chest all of a sudden. Not that I had changed anything.

It felt like someone else's emotions were crashing over me instead of my own.

And it seemed to be some sort of tantrum.

…Was she acting up just because they were both Saintesses?

I wasn't completely oblivious, so to avoid disturbing Stella's rest, I kept my distance from Lucia.

Tilting her head, Lucia asked what the problem was, however, before I could respond…

"So, let's start with the briefing about the situation."

Although it was a little late, Gloria began her briefing. The situation itself was simple.

They fought against the Marias tribe to suppress them but lost, so they retreated from the stronghold of the tribal people and built an outpost in this place.

It was simple, but the implications were significant.

"Well, the other members aren't much of a threat. They're skilled warriors, but compared to us, they're laughable. But the key difference is... the Great Warrior, Valkzar."

Gloria's voice faltered. I could tell that she had struggled a lot with this.

"He's truly beyond measure. I was unable to even put up a proper fight against him and was defeated. I've never seen anyone who could be fittingly called a one-man army."

"One-man army..."

As Lucia pondered over those words, her expression began changing subtly. Though inexperienced in battle, Lucia knew the strength of Gloria, her childhood friend. Seeing Gloria devastated by someone to this extent must have been a first for her.

"Strategies and tactics are ineffective against him. He doesn't use mana but wields a different type of power, and when the red wings on his back unfurl, his agility surpasses imagination."

Horua's wings.

As expected, Horua, who abandoned the Marias Great Forest, seemed to have descended directly into the Great Warrior.



"Hold on."

At that moment, the Dark Spiritualist, the Saintess and I simultaneously turned our gazes outside the tent. The Knight Commander realized it a beat later.

And then, screams of agony began to pour out.

We were immediately met by a copper-skinned man with a hideous tattoo as we stepped out of the tent.

Reminiscent of Icarus1 from Greek mythology, fiery flames, like surging hot waves, and burning wings surrounded him.

And its owner was the Great Warrior Valkzar.

Behind him, warriors riding lizards engaged in skirmishes with knights.

Valkzar's booming voice echoed throughout the barracks.

"Who among you is the Soul Whisperer Deus Verdi?! Come forth and face my spear!"

Being singled out like that, the attention of the three women was immediately directed at me.

[W-wait a moment. Don't react and just hide for now.]

"Retreat along with me. You're not a warrior, so there's no need for you to fight."

"Come behind me."

The Dark Spiritualist and Lucia tried to hide me, while Gloria drew her sword to become a barrier to protect me.

Just as Findenai came out from the tent and was coming in my direction, I gently pushed Lucia aside and replied.

"I am the Soul Whisperer, Deus Verdi."

It felt like the sharp gaze of a hunter had penetrated accurately. Valkzar snorted and thumped the ground with his spear as our eyes met.

"If you are so outstanding! Let's compete in martial arts! This Great Warrior will judge your skills!"

"That’s nonsense!"

When the Great Warrior made a proposal to fight me one-on-one, Gloria was startled and tried to stop me.

My gaze was solely focused on him, and he also only looked at me.

Ignoring the shouts of the Dark Spiritualist and Lucia, I moved forward and reassured Gloria as I passed by her.

The last was Findenai.

As she ran up to me, she hesitated for a moment, and then threw her axe to the ground with a sigh.

It was a sign that she wouldn't interfere.

"Are you confident you'll win?"

At her question, I glanced at Valkzar slyly and snorted.

"He is a weakling who relies on borrowed strength."

My evaluation of Valkzar seemed to have pleased her as Findenai chuckled and nodded approvingly.

"Hah, you're one to talk, seeing as you're just a weakling. Don't worry, Master Bastard, I'll give you a nice massage when you're back. Let's make Owen sleep outside our tent."

"...Please refrain from speaking like that when Owen is around."

Subtle glances surged from behind me. Gloria and Lucia, who just moments ago were worried, looked at me strangely.

"And in front of others as well."

"But this is like my trademark…"

Just that one statement was more than enough to dampen my morale. I ignored it and strode towards the stage confidently.

I stood in front of Valkzar, who had the wings of flames spread out.

"The souls of your ancestors, the guardian deity Horua. It seems like you are traveling with some pretty remarkable individuals."


Interestingly, as soon as I stood there, the atmosphere reversed.

Valkzar's eyes, which just moments ago looked confident, were now trembling slightly.

I didn’t need to do anything special.

Because the souls of the ancestors, which were clinging to Valkzar, were now trembling in fear as they attempted to flee, while the power of Horua was weak, allowing me to overpower him easily.

Was it because he was in a position to borrow strength, or was it due to his keen senses from living in the Great Forest, that were akin to that of beasts?

Valkzar seemed to have sensed something as he bit his thick lips and asked.

"Then, what exactly are you traveling with?"

"Nothing special."

Although I had captured the soul of the Monstrumancer Dina, Valkzar would probably just snort at someone of her level.


"There is a former Saintess who has now become starlight...."

She was a presence that no one in this place would dare touch. Coincidentally, within me, accompanying her, was a slumbering monster.

Valkzar’s senses were keen.

Too keen, indeed.

With the energy of Horua, he had gained a sense that was close to foresight.

However, that became the decisive factor that led to his defeat.

"The Demon Lord of Deformities might also be present within."

That was why he was even able to notice the energy of the Demon Lord Velica, sleeping alongside the Saintess within /genesisforsaken

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