I Became The Academy Necromancer

Chapter 130: A New Beginning

Chapter 130: A New Beginning

The Loberne Academy was fundamentally an academy which focused a lot on practical training. However, I wasn't sure if this was solely included due to the gaming aspect of [Retry], or if it was because the students were required to learn swordsmanship or magic.

The countless practical training sessions to prepare for the various situations that would arise in the future had begun.

And the first-year students were preparing to leave the classroom to have their very first practical training.

They were yet to be sent out to face any extreme situations and as far as I knew, they would be camping in a nearby forest where demonic monsters usually appeared for about three days and two nights.

Though I obviously wouldn't be overseeing the training, I still made myself available at Erica's request to assist in forming groups among the students this time.

[I think I know why she called you here.]

The Dark Spiritualist beside me grinned annoyingly as she spoke with a hand over her mouth while bending her head strangely.

[It's to have you act like one of those totems, you know? Like the menacing totems they usually put up in rural villages of other kingdoms to ward off foreigners or all kinds of evil ghosts.]


[You see, the students are so cautious around you that they didn’t even talk among themselves, only doing as they were told.]

"I have never threatened any student secretly."

When I responded with my arms crossed, the Dark Spiritualist chuckled again.

[But they already find you scary by just looking at you standing here without saying a word.]

While my itself wasn’t too difficult, perhaps me being a Dark Mage and also a public official holding a high post in the kingdom made them feel pressured.

It wasn't really a big deal, but I wondered if simply standing there as a professor would still make the students feel intimidated.

[You can't fix that part of you. No way you can. How can you possibly fix it when you insist on standing there so terrifyingly?]

The Dark Spiritualist, who had been nagging at me persistently, trailed off when a group of students rushed towards me.

The students seemed to have already formed groups for this practical training.

"P-Professor Deus? May I try to give the answer?"

A girl with small eyes from the group of commoner students raised her hand eagerly.

Of course, I allowed her.

"Yes, go ahead."

The girl took a deep breath, met my eyes once, and then quickly averted her gaze like a frightened hamster darting away.

Seeing this, the Dark Spiritualist, who had been annoying me with her teasing from the side, waited for the answer.

"It's a man, right? Big in stature!"


[Oh, are they trying to guess my appearance?]

The Dark Spiritualist finally understood what the girl was trying to do.

Watching the girl get eliminated without any regret, a male student behind her jumped in immediately.

"I'll give it a try too! It's a woman, right? With a scrawny figure!"

[If you don't want to die, tell them that's not me.]


The Dark Spiritualist folded her arms at the front to highlight her ample bosom, which curved like a mountain range. I sighed and shook my head.


The next question followed immediately after.

"She's a woman! With a voluptuous figure!"

[Calling me voluptuous gives the impression that I'm fat, but well, he can continue for now.]

I didn't expect her to participate in this verification process herself.

"Keep going."

Hearing my words, the male student smiled brightly and continued.

"And she has black hair and is very beautiful!"



The Dark Spiritualist immediately complained after hearing my response. I tried to ignore her to listen to the answers of the next students. However, it was difficult.

[I’m a beautiful woman, you know?!]

"How am I supposed to know?"

She had a translucent fabric covering her face below the nose every day, so how was I supposed to tell if she was beautiful or not?

[C-Can't you see it from my silhouette?]

"Appearance is subjective, so it should not be used as a basis for judgment. That student chose the wrong aspect to focus on."


Even though the Dark Spiritualist appeared to be dissatisfied, she still hesitated to remove the veil covering her face and I had no intention of forcing her to do so either.

[Anyway, will you consider it correct if they keep guessing like that?]

Instead of attempting to guess correctly, it seemed more like the students, who had returned to their places, were playing a game of twenty questions based on the Dark Spiritualist's appearance.

They probably received a commission from the son of a wealthy noble household and had sold their attempts.

Not bad.

If they were unsure about their ability to attain the reward, selling their attempt for profit was...

"Well, that is up to the discretion of the student as well."

Whoever that noble's son was, I hoped that they would bring back a perfect picture after piecing together the clues regarding the Dark Spiritualist's appearance.

So that all this effort and hard work wouldn’t simply vanish like bubbles.

"Alright, have all the teams been decided?"

Erica's voice echoed throughout the spacious classroom. For now, the students formed groups with whoever they wanted, while those who remained would form groups through another method.

Since this practical session itself wasn't particularly difficult, the students were given some autonomy.

Unfortunately for the timid students, forming teams and smoothly integrating into them was also one of the criteria for evaluation.

At that moment, I noticed a girl at the far end—Aria Rias.

Unlike last time, she had her black hair tied up in a ponytail, wore her uniform neatly, and her dazed gaze was completely gone.

She was currently fidgeting with her hands while glancing at a certain group.

It was a group of four formed by her former comrades.


Even though I didn't want to interfere with the formation of teams, I strode towards the girl standing near the wall. Despite not being too far from the other students, she didn’t stand out as much.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh my gosh!"

Aria turned to me in surprise, fumbling before clenching her fists.

"N-no. Uhm... I was scouting! I was trying to figure out which group is the most efficient to join!"

"I’m sure that it's already been announced that this practical session isn't particularly difficult."

In fact, it was almost like going on a picnic.

Rather than fighting against demonic monsters, it was more about teamwork and a three-day and two-night camping experience, observing how to make meals, rest, establish bases, and more.


Aria puffed her cheeks at my words, and lowered her head.

Maybe she was just trying to shut her mouth for now since she had nothing to say in response.

"It's not that hard. If you behave like yourself, those kids will surely accept you."

"B-But... I made a slip of the tongue last time..."

"You're really a handful student, aren't you?"


I gave Aria's back a push to encourage her. Startled, she stumbled forward, ending up in front of her former comrades' group.

I felt like I could hear Aria's resentful cry of ‘Professor!’ echoing, but I crossed my arms and decided to simply observe her for a moment to see what she would do.

"What's up all of a sudden?"

Jin, the assassin, asked bluntly. He probably felt uncomfortable due to Aria's manner of speaking from before.

"N-no, I mean..."

After a brief hesitation, as if she had made up her mind, Aria took a deep breath and lowered her head.

"I'm really sorry about last time!"

The sudden apology caught the four students off guard.

However, soon after, the archer, Happy, slowly approached Aria and asked.

"Are you good at cooking? None of us know how to cook."

"Huh? Um, well, if it's cooking food while camping, I think I can manage..."

After all, she had some basic knowledge as she had been traveling for so many years.

Happy then smiled and linked arms with Aria.

"Then that’s settled! Let's add Aria to our group! After all, we didn't have anyone among us who could cook!"

"If not careful, we could also end up eating poisonous mushrooms."

It was Florensia who approached her from the other side. Seeing that the female students in their group were determined to include Aria, Jin sighed heavily, as if they were giving him a headache.

"You guys... don't be so hasty.”

"I'm fine with this arrangement as well."

The blue-haired Leorus immediately brightened up and nodded enthusiastically.

In the end, it was three against one.

Aria's recruitment had been decided, and Leorus slowly extended his hand to her.

"Let's do well together."

Aria suddenly felt a lump rising in her throat as she momentarily stared at his hand and her shoulders trembled briefly.


But soon, she smiled brightly and took Leorus' hand.

"Be careful, it seems like he's been watching you since last time."

"Did you notice Leorus sneaking glances at Aria?"

Aria smiled wistfully as she watched the two people at her left and right gossip about Leorus.

Her life as a hero at Loberne Academy had already come to an end.

Aria Rias was now taking her first steps to live as a student of the academy.

"I'll be counting on you." freewebnøvel.com

Aria's bright smile was purer than ever.

[What a beautiful sight.]

The Dark Spiritualist, who was watching alongside me, murmured as she observed the scene with satisfaction.

"It is a lovely smile."

The same applied to me.

As I observed the scene, a gentle smile formed on my lips.

“It is definitely better seeing this in person than from a screen.”



After wishing the best for the rest of Aria Rias' days at the academy, I left the scene.

* * *

"Hey, Aria. What's your relationship with Professor Deus?"

As she glanced at the spot from where Deus had already departed, Happy whispered her question.

Aria tilted her head in confusion and followed Happy's gaze to where he had been—the person who had given her a push forward and then disappeared.

"Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?"

As the conversation unfolded, it wasn’t particularly difficult to talk with the four of them, and Happy perhaps brought up such questions because she thought they had become closer.

"Well, you sort of... towards Professor Deus... Um... how do I put it?"

“Overly obsessed with him.“

Florensia interjected from the side. Even though she had smoothly used polite language, she still managed to hit the nail on the head.

Listening to them, Aria hesitated for a moment, then laughed and shook her head.

"We're just a student and a professor. Nothing special."

Aria's response was somewhat unexpected.

They both replied with a tone of acknowledgment, yet there was a hint of suspicion in their voices.

"No, there were just some rumors. That you liked Professor Deus and followed him around or something."


Aria laughed awkwardly and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess it could be misunderstood like that."

Aria's movements so far were enough to fuel such assumptions.

"It was just that I mistook him for someone else."

Aria replied vaguely with a faint smile and the two nodded in understanding.

Following the back of Deus, who was conversing with Erica there, their gazes naturally drifted towards the podium.

"So, it's not because I like him or anything."

Watching that scene, Aria whispered.

"At least, not yet."

However, surely, someday…

Following that unspoken ending, Aria resumed chatting with her /genesisforsaken

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