I Became The Academy Necromancer

Chapter 119: The Artist

As summer vacation for Loberne Academy came to an end, it was time for students to return to school once again.

Despite the tumultuous events that happened at the beginning of this year, the academy managed to find a period of stability once more.

Not only that, as the good deeds of the Soul Whisperer, who had been tirelessly active throughout this summer vacation, began to become known, people’s interest in where he was employed, Loberne Academy, grew even stronger.

Furthermore, as it had become the only place in the Griffin Kingdom where one could learn about Black Magic, requests flooded in under the guise of special lectures from renowned mages to attend Deus' lessons.

Numerous prominent figures were led by the bait known as the Soul Whisperer, lining up to give special lectures at the academy.

Upon hearing about this magnificent lineup, the parents of the students spared no expense in supporting the academy, and the students' anticipation for the coming semester only grew.

And the already plump Dean's belly swelled even more.

"Hehehe! Deus Verdi is the best!"

The Dean laughed heartily, with a demeanor suggesting he would even bow towards Norseweden if asked.

Though Deus’ lectures were only for three days a week, the Dean had prepared the largest auditorium for him because, other than the students, he had to anticipate the countless mages who would attend the lectures as well.


Moreover, the preparations for what Deus had demanded when they signed the contract were also complete. Using the Dean’s authority, he obtained access to the Index Librorum Prohibitorum in the Millenium Library and also made a separate application form for the required research equipment.

The Dean thought these gifts should be able to satisfy Deus.

Eager to see Deus soon, the Dean smiled contentedly as he glanced out the window with his hands behind his back. However...


Without even knocking, Academy Nurse Caren entered his office. With candy in her mouth, she spoke.

"Sir, Professor Deus will be arriving a bit late."


With widened eyes, the Dean immediately made a big fuss.

* * *

Students gathered in front of the massive bulletin board.

Despite being relatively small compared to the size of the bulletin board it was posted on, everyone's attention was focused on the single notice. The reason for making the notice small stemmed from the Dean's subtle desire, which he wished not to be noticed unless viewed directly.

"The Soul Whisperer will be coming late?"

"Ah, I was looking forward to his lectures."

"I heard he solved the unsolved case of the Scoria serial murders. I wanted to hear about it."

"I planned to pry for some information since I was considering writing a paper about the eerie incident where corpses were scattered in all directions..."

"But seriously, was it really all done by ghosts? Honestly, I didn't believe in such things."

"Since we experienced it this year, everyone realizes that ghosts really do have some influence."

Students who despised Dark Mages and were ignorant of evil spirits chattered inquisitively.

But despite that, they all intended to attend Deus Verdi's lecture.

After all, the first semester’s incident lingered like a trauma.

When evil spirits ruled over the academy, everyone felt it was necessary to learn from the Soul Whisperer in order to protect themselves.

Amidst this, everyone couldn't help but worry at the thought of the Soul Whisperer's arrival being delayed, causing the lectures to be postponed.

"He wouldn't bail on us, would he?"

"No way, the schedule and plans for the lectures are all set."

"It's impressive that despite his affiliation with the Royal Family, he still holds onto his professorship."

Amidst the various comments, Eleanor subtly turned away from the crowd.


Originally, she had planned to come to the academy with Deus. However, since Deus was waiting for his maid to come back after the latter had momentarily disappeared, Eleanor had no choice but to come first.

Even though she said she would wait for Findenai together with him, she was pushed away by his advice to act like a student when she was a student.

Yet he's the one who's late!

She was extremely annoyed, but there was nothing she could do. As someone considerate, she had to endure it!

Returning to the classroom, Eleanor rushed to her usual seat from the first semester and took out her notebook and pen.

Others marveled at seeing Eleanor acting like that, thinking that even the princess studied ahead on the first day of class.

However, Eleanor herself simply doodled diligently with her tongue sticking out.

Not only did she find drawing fun, but she also got permission from the person she wanted to draw.

Eleanor was currently drawing Kim Shinwoo, dressed in the attire of those within Griffin Kingdom.

Formal clothes for nobles look good on him, but rather than that, he looks better in casual robes like mages.

Having drawn Kim Shinwoo several times before, she was now adept at drawing him in different clothes that would suit him.

She wasn't sure if Deus would approve of that, too, but she just drew it since she got his permission to draw him.

Today, Eleanor was once again drawing Kim Shinwoo, pondering about clothes that suited him as if she were shopping for him.

"What are you drawing?"


Startled by the dreary voice from behind her, Eleanor quickly covered her drawing with both hands.

Aria Rias, whose long black hair fell on Eleanor's shoulder, glared at Eleanor with a weird expression.

"You didn't draw me again, did you?"


The two had spent time together in Norseweden and also arrived at Loberne Academy in the same carriage.

Even during the carriage ride, Eleanor was immersed with drawing. This was how Aria, who was curious about what she was doing, caught her.

Eleanor avoided drawing Kim Shinwoo to keep his appearance unknown to others. So, instead, she had drawn Aria.

On top of that, she drew Aria wearing a flashy and ostentatious magical girl outfit.

Seeing it, Aria rolled her eyes and tore up the drawing.

"You didn’t dress me in weird clothes again, did you?”

"I told you, they're not weird clothes! Besides, these are the clothes Professor mentioned to me!"

Being deeply into magical girls, Eleanor retorted loudly, causing Aria's eyes to widen.

"The clothes Professor mentioned? Wait, was it the magical girl you mentioned to me?"

"That’s right! That’s what he told me himself!"

Convinced that there was no falsehood in Eleanor's expression, Aria tilted and turned her head.

"Does he like things like that?"


"Hmm, then show me."

"You tore it all up, so it's gone now!"

"You can just draw it again."

Aria smoothly took a seat beside Eleanor. Eleanor surreptitiously flipped to the next page of her notebook to hide the drawings of Kim Shin-woo.

Eleanor then placed a pen on the pristine white notebook and said.

"Then you'll be my model this time. I'll draw if you agree to strike a pose I'm going to ask you to do."

"...Do I really have to do that? You can just draw the clothes, can’t you?"

"There’s no need to do it if you don't want to! This is my stubbornness as an artist!"

"You’re a Princess. How could you be an artist?!"

Aria sighed in disbelief and pondered for a moment. Though those extravagant clothes were quite embarrassing, they weren't something she would actually wear anyway.

But there was a possibility of catching a glimpse of Deus’ taste, as he typically maintained an impregnable wall around himself.

"Okay, I got it."

"Great! Then I'll draw it right away, so strike a pose with your chin in your hand."

Aria didn't expect this to start right away like this, but she falteringly struck the pose.

She positioned herself with her chin propped up by her right hand, staring at the blackboard. Although it was slightly unnatural, Eleanor didn’t mind at all.

Scribble, scribble, scribble.

Eleanor, with her pen moving swiftly, did her best to draw Aria, perhaps aiming to finish it before the lecture began.

"Did Professor not tell you anything else?"

Aria casually asked, attempting to pry for some information, but Eleanor didn't fall for her tactic.

The conversations and knowledge she shared with Deus Verdi were like a treasure trove to her.

"Be quiet."

"If you tell me one more thing, I'll be quiet."


Eleanor stiffly stared at Aria before letting out a deep sigh, answering her.

"There are magical girls, right?"


"He said that people who really like that kind of thing are called 'otaku1.'"


Aria frowned momentarily because she felt something off-putting from the nuance of the word, but Eleanor seemed to think the opposite.

"It feels just right. Besides, the original meaning of the word is someone who is strongly devoted to something."

"Is that so?"

Eleanor chuckled.

"Yeah! That’s why I've decided to be an otaku since I quite like magical girls."

"It doesn't seem like a good idea."

Aria murmured as she scratched her cheek with the hand propping up her chin. Eleanor pouted her lips at her reaction.

"What? You practically begged me to tell you more about magical girls, and this is just your reaction after you found out?"

"Well... The Professor wouldn't have told you anything strange, would he?"

However, could it be that the Professor mentioned these kinds of stuff just to get rid of the annoying Eleanor?

No matter how much she listened, Aria didn’t like the way the word 'otaku' sounded.

"Hehe. Tada!"

Eleanor quickly flipped open the notebook to show Aria the completed drawing.

There was Aria, depicted as a magical girl lost in thought with her chin propped up, adorned in a flashy dress with a magical wand resting on the desk.

And below the drawing was Eleanor's signature.

- By Otaku Eleanor Luden Griffin.

"Don't you think it'd be good to use a pen name? Otaku Eleanor! Doesn't it sound catchy? Like a great artist, you know?"

"...I have no idea."

Aria made a mental note to ask the Professor later if it was really appropriate for a princess of a kingdom to flaunt such a nickname openly.



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