I Became Stalin?!

Chapter 91:

Chapter 91

The American delegation did not come only for Wallace.

They could not always send Molotov to the US and make him dodge the questions, so they brought some diplomats from the State Department to butter them up and show them around Moscow, and maybe get some information from them if possible.

The NKVD agents were working hard, so there might be some income.

There were many issues to be decided between the US and the Soviet Union.

In the actual history, after the war ended, five victorious countries became permanent members of the UN and dominated the world order. 

The US, the Soviet Union, Britain, France, and China. But their fates diverged dramatically…

“If Vichy France participates in the war, which group should we recognize as the legitimate government of France?”

“In France, a National Resistance Council has been established…”

Britain had fallen, and the royal family and the government had fled to Canada.

Naturally, the Allies, the US and the Soviet Union, recognized the exile government as the real one, and on the contrary, the Axis claimed that their puppet ‘legitimate government’ was the real one. 

Anyway, there was no way that the Soviet Union would recognize a fascist puppet government as Britain, but now the problem was France.

Free France eventually followed the British exile government, but the two-man triangle government led by Attlee and Eden did not like de Gaulle at all.

Roosevelt, Attlee, and Eden all thought that de Gaulle was not a suitable person to lead France, and he had almost no support in France. 

His only claim was that he led something like a remnant of the French army, but this did not appeal much either.

In the original history, Henri Giraud, who could have replaced de Gaulle, was still in a German prison, and François Darlan, who should have led the Vichy navy to join the Allies, was assassinated as a traitor. 

In the end, Free France’s influence was literally evaporated.

“Wouldn’t it be more reliable and legitimate to have the French Resistance that established the National Council? At least they don’t run away like somewhere else.”

“That’s right. The Resistance has become a de facto representative of anti-Nazi French people.”

They spoke with ‘achievements’.

They succeeded in assassinating Navy Minister Darlan, and Marshal Pétain almost blew up.

They sabotaged and blocked weapon production in France, attacked power plants and caused fires at power plants supplying electricity to Paris!

The Resistance happily threw bombs at gendarmerie offices and sniped at Germans, and had more internal support and external legitimacy than Free France, which gathered together with mediocre personnel in Canada. 

Above all, one of the two great powers, the Soviet Union, actively supported the Resistance.

China was also a problem.

Although we instigated it from behind, ‘the military adviser sent to support our ally China’ brought documents that detailed the corruption of the Kuomintang government.

Someone stole and sold off supplies from the US, someone colluded with Japan and lost their head. 

How much money and manpower leaked out and flowed into Chiang Kai-shek and his corrupt subordinates, powerful families. 

It was listed with a little exaggeration.

Of course Wallace was pissed off.

“These bastards are they out of their minds? How dare they fill their stomachs with this stuff with American taxpayers’ money?”

I heard him spit out guesses that Chiang Kai-shek’s mother was actually a meat eater and his parents were not even married.

Maybe China will suffer quite a bit after reconnecting directly with America later… Hahaha.

If America gets tired of China’s complex internal situation and lets go of its hand then it will be possible for us to hold China in our hands with strings attached to both sides of Kuomintang or Communist Party.

The US is already struggling to fight Japan right now so they can’t actively intervene in Sino-Japanese War.

We can’t know the future perfectly but we had already made some assumptions.

The most likely prediction was that Chiang Kai-shek would barely hold off Japan. 

As seen in history Chiang Kai-shek never surrendered no matter how cornered he was. 

If that happens we will just apply our China division plan.

At that time China will probably become a permanent member but its influence will be reduced so it won’t affect US-Soviet confrontation and create a 1:1 structure between US-Soviet. 

We could at least believe that there won’t be any situation like ping-pong diplomacy or détente where China joins America.

If Chiang Kai-shek surrenders to Japan then Soviet troops and Chinese Communists will take over China together. 

In this case there is a side effect of China becoming too strong but there is an advantage of having three pro-Soviet members in permanent council.

A coalition government led by Communists who led Resistance in France Communist China who dominated China and Soviet Union. 

The US won’t be able to cut off Britain who is in a 3:2 disadvantage in permanent council.


The war was still far from over but there were many issues to be dealt with for the reorganization of the post-war world.

China and France were clearly big ‘problems’ and Turkey which surrendered to the Soviet Union recently Middle East India Southeast Asia African colonies. 

The fate of dozens of countries and billions of people passed by like a light joke.

The colonies of Britain and France were to be independent some were to be under trusteeship some were to be immediately independent and some were to be left alone because the former empires would go crazy…

“Let’s keep what we discussed at this meeting… secret. Many people in the world would not like it if they heard that we decided their fate like this.”

“I agree with that.”

After finishing a long conversation with Wallace I asked for a handshake. 

Wallace smiled sweetly and innocently and squeezed my hand.

I also tried to smile my best. No matter how hard I tried to smile kindly my stiff facial muscles only smiled wickedly and evilly.

What can I do if the contents are problematic?


“The operation name is… Shit Painting, how about that?”

“Uhahahahaha! Comrade Secretary, your sense of humor is amazing!”

“Hehehehe, huhaha, huhuhuhu.”

“No, I’m serious…”

The atmosphere of the people who laughed thinking it was a joke suddenly became cold. 

As Beria fiddled with his glasses the laughing ones lowered their eyes and swallowed their saliva.

“‘Shit Painting’ is a very accurate… name. The point is to make them suspicious. To accuse them of colluding with us and dismiss their excellent generals or to make them launch a reckless offensive to clear their doubts…”

I was thinking of the two battles that changed the course of the toxin war Stalingrad and Kursk. 

In both cases the German army launched a reckless offensive and failed to break through the Soviet defense line and entered a stalemate then suffered significant losses and retreated due to a counterattack.

In the toxin war Stalin and Hitler both kept issuing reckless offensive orders.

At least Stalin stepped back from command in the late war and entrusted the military command to his generals. 

He took responsibility for supply and production management and showed his ability as the leader of the bureaucracy and led the war to victory.

On the other hand, Hitler hastened the downfall of Nazi Germany by trying to shake and control his generals until the end. His gambles, such as Operation Castle, the Ardennes Offensive, and others, overestimated the capabilities of the German army and tried to reverse the situation with a single attack. 

They failed continuously unlike in 1941 or earlier.

Hitler’s daring strategies, such as the invasions of Poland, France, and Barbarossa, had brought him tremendous success. 

Even after that, he was strategically right unlike many defense army generals who lacked strategic vision. 

It was just that Germany’s military power had run out.

“In order to win, we have to attack. But our military power is not mature enough yet, and we have to make them launch a reckless offensive and then exploit their gaps. Either we make Hitler, a novice commander who ousted competent generals, take over the power, or we make the generals launch a desperate offensive out of fear of being accused by him. This is our intention!”

And the assassination of Heydrich ‘and so on’ was nothing but an appetizer. 

It heightened their suspicion and vigilance, while exhausting their intelligence resources to counter the operation.

“The target of our assassination plan is Reinhard Heydrich, the head of the Reich Security Main Office. He holds the counterintelligence function of the SS and the Gestapo in one hand. He is one of Germany’s eyes. The other eye is the spies who leak their information to foreign countries. Should I say he is the only eye? Hahaha!”

Beria laughed heartily. 

Abwehr was an ‘internal fifth column’, and then what was left was the Reich Security Main Office. 

By blowing off Heydrich’s head as in actual history, and arresting Abwehr for treason charges, Germany would temporarily become blind.

At this time, they planned to drag in Germany’s famous generals for sabotage charges.

Molotov would confirm it, but if Hitler was a real future man, he would doubt whether the defense army would raise a banner for him or not. Because that’s what happened in actual history.

Did Abwehr, who had been the leader of treason in actual history, kill his rival, the head of the Reich Security Main Office, and try to overthrow this regime? Wouldn’t he fantasize like that?

“Now, our plan is to proceed with three things simultaneously. First, the commander of the Northern Army Group Manstein…”

Manstein had already been involved in a conspiracy by the ‘Radical Middle Class Party’, which infiltrated the SS and tried to destroy the Nazi Party.

A German businessman named Helmut Milch created an organization called the Radical Middle Class Party and infiltrated the SS, planning to assassinate Hitler by tracking his movements. 

This incident was exposed in 1935, but Milch succeeded in escaping without much punishment with the help of his friend Manstein.

It was just one of many incidents that passed by unnoticed, but if Manstein himself was involved in an assassination plot, they could strangle his neck.

“Next, the commander-in-chief of the Western Front Rommel.”

Rommel was also forced to commit suicide for being involved in Hitler’s assassination plot in actual history. 

His chief of staff Hans Speidel was one of the most radical and active anti-Hitler factions in the defense army and planned to arrest and execute Hitler when he visited Ukraine’s Southern Army Group in 1943.

Hans Speidel was now retired with Rommel who was dismissed from his position for trying to prevent civilian massacres, and he was more suspicious than in actual history. 

The NKVD planned to link another group like this and get rid of Rommel and his competent generals and officers of the Africa Corps.

“Finally, the Minister of Armaments Speer.”

If they even implicated Speer, who was responsible for Germany’s armaments industry and led the transition to total war in the late war period, it would be like breaking the backbone of Germany’s leadership.

This man was also involved in Hitler’s assassination plot for a while. 

The coup d’etat army saw his outstanding ability and designated him as a ‘target to be absorbed’ and even as a member of the coup d’etat cabinet.

After suppressing the coup d’etat, this document was found and Speer was also suspected as a sympathizer of the coup d’etat, but he was able to survive because he was specified as a ‘target to be absorbed’.

This time they planned to make fake documents as if he had already been absorbed and pull Speer out from the center of German regime.

“The place that will be designated as the center of this plot is none other than Abwehr. Director Wilhelm Canaris and Deputy Director Hans Oster will probably be executed by them.

There will also be a massive purge operation. This can be a mediator to increase the conflict between SS and defense army, and an opportunity for our spies to fill up the vacancy of ‘Black Orchestra’.”

Abwehr Deputy Director Hans Oster had been plotting against Hitler since 1938, and Director Wilhelm Canaris had tacitly approved it.

Did Hitler know this now? Or not?

Anyway, after the assassination attempt by Stauffenberg in July 1944, Oster’s involvement was exposed, and Canaris, who had been dismissed from his position for smuggling out Jews using Abwehr’s authority, was executed with the assassins.

Until he was dismissed in 1943, he had contacted important generals of the defense army such as Henning von Tresckow and Friedrich Olbricht and created a secret organization called Black Orchestra (Schwarze Kapelle). 

It might have existed if history had gone as usual. Canaris was still tacitly approving it.

But the Black Orchestra was composed of soldiers who were loyal to anti-communism, and they were not very helpful to the Soviet Union or the NKVD.

So we planned to manipulate them as the source of the plot and blow them away with the famous generals. Wallis obediently accepted the apple… well, not poison, but apology. Blowing off Heydrich’s head and Abwehr at the same time with one shot two hits.

“What’s the use of fighting well? They can’t even control their internal affairs. Uahahahaha!”

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