I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

“……I’m dying.”

A day after Charlotte’s departure.

Kraush, waking up, groaned in pain all over his body.

His duel with Charlotte lasted a mere three seconds.

However, it was the damage he inflicted on himself that hurt more than her attacks.

But what could he do?

There was no other option but to unleash his full power when she was unaware, rather than hiding his tricks against Charlotte.

Thanks to that, he managed to land a hit on the monster that was Charlotte.

Sure, it was just a scratch on her aura, but still.

“Is that really something to laugh about?”

Kraush, who had somehow been chuckling, couldn’t help but frown at Crimson Garden’s sharp remark coming from the window.

“What else am I supposed to do? Even though the preparation took a while, I successfully executed my practiced technique and got a hit on my sister.”

Flame Slash.

It was a new technique combining the Flame Erosion he had long been thinking about with the sword arts.

Its destructive power was undeniably impressive.

If he honed it further, it could become a trump card to knock down an opponent with the first strike.

‘Honestly, I’m sure she only blocked it because it was Charlotte.’

Kraush was confident that none of his peers could stop a hit like that.

So, it wouldn’t be out of line to ask for some praise. But when he glanced at Crimson Garden, she clicked her tongue in disbelief.

“I never expected the student I raised to be so content over something like this. Honestly, don’t you find pleasure in causing yourself pain? You’re such a weirdo.”

“Don’t twist it! I’m not like that.”

Kraush protested, slowly getting to his feet.

His body ached all over, but he had been circulating his aura since morning.

At least he was moving well enough to not feel like he was wasting time lying around.

‘Gotta hurry! Time’s a-wasting.’

He needed to bring Golden Dragon Herbs and Icy Snow Bacteria to Darling to make the elixir.

So, even in his battered state, Kraush pushed himself to rise.


Just then, Kraush’s door swung open, revealing Bianca carrying a tray with porridge on it.

Kraush’s expression froze as he met Bianca’s emotionless gaze.

His hand, which was reaching for his clothes, froze mid-motion, and Bianca’s eyebrows furrowed slightly.

It clicked for Kraush that she was annoyed.


“You need to get up to eat.”

With that, he staggered over to the chair and plopped down.

Watching this, Bianca placed the porridge on the table with a blank expression.

Kraush had a knack for picking up on emotional cues.

He took a bite of the porridge she handed him.

Then he realized.

‘This was made by Bianca.’

The porridge was sweet.

And this sweetness felt familiar, reminiscent of what he had tasted in the sandwich before.

I guess this suits kids’ taste.

Thinking this, Kraush commented, “It’s delicious.”

“Thank you.”

Bianca replied instantly, showing no intention of hiding her pride.

“You’ve been cooking quite a bit lately. Do you enjoy it?”

In the past, Kraush had never seen Bianca cook.

He may not have seen many other things either, but he was curious. As he asked, she leaned on the table, crossing her arms.

“It’s fun watching you eat, Kraush.”

“Am I really that amusing to watch eat?”

“I don’t know either.”

Since Bianca seemed to be in good spirits, Kraush decided not to say more and finished off the porridge.

It was only a bit sweet, but it wasn’t bad at all.

Besides, getting something into his stomach gave him a little more energy.

Having also downed a revitalizing potion that Bianca had peeled for him, Kraush lightly stretched his body.

“I’m heading to Danphelion today.”

Kraush stated as he turned to Bianca.

“Weren’t you planning to leave me behind?”

Bianca replied, making it sound like it was obvious she would follow him.

Now accustomed to it, Kraush considered changing his clothes, when he observed Bianca again.

“Aren’t you coming?”


Only then did Bianca, who had been standing by, look at Kraush as she carried the empty bowl and plate.

“Need help getting dressed?”

“Am I a child?”

“You’re not exactly an adult, are you?”

Her sass was certainly getting bolder.

Kraush motioned for her to hurry up, and Bianca stepped outside.

Seeing that, Kraush quickly changed and exited.

Bianca was already waiting outside.

As Kraush started walking, she trailed behind him as usual.

This had clearly turned into a habit by now.

Spotting Aliod waiting for him, Kraush spoke up.

“Aliod, we’re going to Danphelion.”

“Yes, Sir.”

It was time to produce the elixir.

* * *

The Danphelion family, famed for their alchemy.

As soon as Kraush’s carriage rolled into the street, the unmistakable scent of potions wafted into his nose.

“It stinks.”

Bianca, sensitive to smells, pinched her nose, just like last time.

With time, she would likely get used to it, but this was unavoidable.

This scent was emblematic of Danphelion.

“We’re here.”

Kraush declared as he disembarked from the halting carriage.

There, he was greeted by a mansion divided into three sections.

One of those was dedicated entirely to the alchemy that Danphelion took the most pride in.

That was the destination Kraush was heading to.

“This place isn’t bad.”

“The Magic Tower cast a smell-removal spell on the exterior.”

While the scent couldn’t be avoided inside, at least it wouldn’t assault their noses on the outside.

As Kraush entered the mansion, the first thing that greeted him was a high-ceilinged library filled with countless books.

Bianca’s eyes sparkled as soon as she saw it.

From her reaction, it seemed a few books might need to be fetched along the way.

Just then, sounds of footsteps began echoing from the innermost part of the library.

Looking up, there stood a girl with flowing blonde hair.

“Babe, you made it?”

Darling Danphelion.

The future master of alchemy.

“Who’s your babe? Cut it out with that gross stuff.”

“Why so serious? We’re on a sneaky mission together, aren’t we?”

Darling laughed, seemingly enjoying Kraush’s reaction.

She then turned to Bianca and, with a sweet smile, waved her hand.

“Hello, little lady! It’s been a while.”


“How adorable!”

Darling enjoyed watching Bianca give a polite nod.

Kraush handed over the bag he had brought with him.

“Here’s the Golden Dragon Herbs and Icy Snow Bacteria.”

“You really brought them! Impressive.”

She admired Kraush with a sidelong glance.

“How was the quality of the herbs?”

Kraush frowned, and Darling burst out laughing.

“Ha ha ha!”

“Can I smack you one?”

“Wait, hold on, I’m going to die from laughing, ha ha!”

Watching Darling’s face turn crimson from laughter, Kraush could only click his tongue.

Bianca, however, looked on in confusion, not quite grasping what had changed in Kraush.

After Darling’s laughter crescendoed, the three of them moved deeper into the alchemical hall.

As expected, the place buzzed with numerous busy alchemists.

Each was chattering about their ongoing experiments, while some trudged along, visibly tired.

“By the way, little girl, it’s been hard to call you that lately, huh? You’ve grown quite a bit. Pretty soon, you’ll catch up to me!”

“By this year, I’ll surpass you.”

“Hehe, then it won’t be weird to call you my boyfriend. How scandalous!”

Is she still saying that kind of stuff?

Fearing the awkward vibes, Kraush couldn’t help but glance at Bianca, only to see her distracted, taking in her surroundings.

“This is my room!”

Amid a string of trivial tales from Darling, they finally reached her room.

As Kraush stared at the nameplate that read “Darling Danphelion Heart,” she suddenly flung the door open.

“Come on in!”

With an excited expression, she ushered Kraush and Bianca inside.

The room revealed a surprisingly well-organized alchemical laboratory.

Kraush had expected it to resemble a chaotic mess, and was taken aback as he looked at Darling.

“You keep this place neat and tidy?”

“What do you take me for? I like things organized. Besides, there are many dangerous things in alchemy, so if you don’t keep it tidy, things can go wrong.”

Sorry to say, but as a master alchemist, Darling didn’t have time for such details.

Those who battled against world erosion returned home in utter disarray, and she was just too busy to tidy up.

‘I suppose these are happy times.’

Kraush felt a twinge of pity for Darling.

“So, I’m going to start making the elixir right away. Is that okay?”


It seemed all the other materials were ready, as she immediately began the elixir-making process.

In the meantime, Kraush and Bianca sat on a chair, watching her work.

Bianca, likely feeling bored, took out a book and began reading, while Kraush silently gazed at Darling’s back.

Watching her, significantly younger than he remembered, nostalgia washed over him.

[Hmm, she certainly has talent.]

As he watched Darling work her alchemy, Crimson Garden seemed to recognize her skills.

Kraush knew little about alchemy, but Crimson Garden saw something different in her.

About an hour must have passed.

“Phew, done!”

Darling dropped a droplet of thin red liquid into a round elixir with a satisfied expression.

With gloved hands holding the elixir, she turned around to Kraush.

“Is it ready?”

“Yup, it’s complete. A nameless elixir!”

It sounded suspicious, probably because it wasn’t her own formula.

[Ask if there’s a training ground. It’s best to consume that elixir in an empty space.]

Kraush relayed Crimson Garden’s advice to Darling, who then swiftly wrapped the elixir in cloth and told him to follow her.

It seemed she, too, had caught on to the elixir’s effects.

“Bianca, we’re heading to the training ground.”


Without lifting her gaze from her book, Bianca hopped off the chair.

She then firmly grasped the collar of Kraush’s clothes behind him, keeping her eyes on the page as she followed.

She must have found something interesting to read.

Following Darling, they arrived at a vacant training facility within the alchemical hall.

“This is where we conduct experiments with the elixir. We also have knights on our side, so you can use it freely while no one is around.”

Darling explained as she handed the elixir over to Kraush.

“Is it alright if I observe while you use it?”

Glancing at Crimson Garden, who nodded, Kraush replied, “Sure.”

Taking the elixir, he approached the center of the training ground.

Suddenly, Crimson Garden fluttered her wings and landed before him.

[Swallow the elixir and sit cross-legged.]

This was it; he was finally going to drink the elixir.

Kraush downed it in one gulp.

A bitter, sharp taste spread through, but he tolerated it; the warmth began to radiate inside him.

Settling down and crossing his legs, he noticed the gleam of amusement in Crimson Garden’s eyes.

That look gave Kraush an unsettling feeling.

As he felt the elixir coursing through him, the heat intensified, spreading throughout his body.

“Just what did I drink?”

“You swallowed it without knowing what it was?”

Darling responded, her expression a mix of disbelief and concern.

[What you ingested is called the Nine Crying Dragon Transformation elixir. It allows one to transform into a dragon after enduring nine cries of pain.]

With that explanation from Crimson Garden, a surge of heat erupted from Kraush’s insides, enveloping him entirely.

Simultaneously, a sensation like thousands of needles pricked every inch of his body.

Sure, it was painful.

But amidst it, Kraush blinked, unfazed.

[Endure it for nine times. That’s how you become stronger. Didn’t you claim that enduring pain was your specialty?]

Well, it was a field where he excelled.

Though it did sting, it was manageable; less than his previous curses he’d endured.

‘Haven’t I not even started yet?’

Given Crimson Garden’s ominous warning, Kraush had been rather tense, yet so far, nine cries of agony had not come forth.

As they looked on, both Crimson Garden and Darling began to sense something was off.

[……Are you not feeling anything?]

“……Not really.”

Both Crimson Garden and Darling raised their eyebrows in confusion.

Judging by their reactions, it seemed the effect should have already taken hold.

“……Well, there’s some pain, but it doesn’t feel like much.”

Kraush started to realize what this sensation resembled.

Long ago, during a curse, he had felt something like being pricked by needles all over his body.

This sensation was oddly similar.

It was a familiar pain, numbing the shock.

Eventually, another twinge raced through him, now feeling as though he was being scorched by lightning from the inside.

Once again, it felt similar to the past curse he had endured.

I can deal with this.

In the end, it was yet another pain he had already faced before.

[……What in the world have you been through?]

In disbelief, Crimson Garden stared at Kraush, her eyes wide.

Could it be, this guy not only hadn’t uttered any cries but was also seemingly unfazed?

Kraush, too, didn’t know if he should feel happy or uneasy.

He understood exactly why Arthur seemed to have been ruined by his own curse.

[……Tch, all you’ve had are bizarre experiences, huh?]

As she observed Kraush, who appeared unperturbed, Crimson Garden clicked her tongue, starting to grasp why he seemed fine despite the effects of the Nine Crying Dragon Transformation elixir.

[Since it’s come to this, absorb it properly. The more you focus, the greater the absorption rate will be.]

So, that was the game plan then.

Kraush took those words to heart, concentrating on the elixir’s power within him.

[Well then, let’s see if we can make you a dragon’s tail now.]

It was time to ascend from the serpent’s head.

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