I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

While Bianca and Kraush were in the midst of their meal, a discussion was taking place in Hadenharts’ open meeting.

“What’s the status of Kraush Valheim?”

In Hadenharts’ conference room, Meliochan Hadenharts, temporarily standing in for his absent father, asked the gathered retainers.

“He’s safe. Losing an arm is unfortunate, but I’m sure we can manage to restore it by summoning a cleric from the Holy Kingdom,” came the reply.

That part was at least a relief.

The incident had occurred within their own territory. If Valheim were to hold them responsible, it would spell disaster.

“Have you contacted the Holy Kingdom yet?”

“Yes, I’ve requested a high priest.”

“That’s going to cost a pretty penny.”

Meliochan let out a sigh. Spending was painful, but colliding with Valheim would yield nothing good.

“It’s urgent, so we should ask them to hurry up.”

“Yes, understood.”

“Now, onto the next topic. What do you all think about Kraush Valheim taking down the butcher dog?”

Kraush’s condition and his lost arm were solvable issues.

Sure, restoring his arm would involve a recovery period and some costs, but it was manageable.

The real reason they were meeting today was to discuss Kraush’s feat of slaying the butcher dog.

Berkman, the butcher dog, had reportedly been a high-level expert.

Furthermore, he had evolved after becoming a harbinger of world erosion, making him now a top-tier expert.

Kraush faced Berkman at a mere fourteen years of age.

He was originally a fool from Valheim, a state even the gods ignored.

How on earth did he manage to defeat Berkman?

“There’s been a rumor going around.”

At that moment, one of the retainers mentioned the recent gossip.

It was about the rumor that Kraush had showcased his prowess against Anix at the Shrine of Stars.

“Maybe this is just the Valheim bloodline’s power finally manifesting?”

“Do you all think so?”

When Meliochan asked, the retainers nodded in agreement.

“Great news for Hadenharts.”

“Indeed. After all, he shares the same bloodline as the famed swordmaster, Charlotte Valheim! If that bloodline has awakened now, he’s bound to grow into someone significant.”

This was monumental news for Hadenharts.

Kraush was engaged to Bianca.

If Kraush were to make a name for himself in Valheim, it would benefit Hadenharts as the family with whom he was engaged.

“But Meliochan, what about Miss Bianca…?”

Only one concern lingered: Bianca.

Bianca was a cursed child, cast out by society.

Originally, Kraush had been a discarded card in Valheim, allowing the engagement to take shape.

But if he was no longer a fool, the engagement could become problematic.

“Meliochan, wouldn’t it be better to change the betrothal now?”

“Change it?”

“Yes, what about Miss Jenika?”

Though two years older than Kraush, Jenika was a beauty in her own right.

Aside from the oddity with Bianca, she had a decent temperament otherwise.

“If we suddenly change the betrothal, it could put us in a tight spot.”

“Honestly, a broken engagement would be an even bigger issue, don’t you think? Valheim would probably prefer Miss Jenika over the cursed Bianca.”

After all, a normal girl was far better than a cursed one.

“Would Jenika even accept?”

“She can be persuaded.”

It was for Hadenharts’ sake.

Even if Jenika objected, there would be no other way.

“Very well, bring Jenika here. And tell Bianca to come too.”

“Yes, understood.”

And so, the meeting of Hadenharts concluded, unbeknownst to the two involved.

* * *

At that moment, Kraush was strolling down the corridor with Bianca.

“Can you finally see better?”

“Yes, I can see well now.”

Kraush glanced and confirmed that Bianca’s large eyes were finally showing signs of proper vision.

They were still a bit swollen, but they would likely settle down by evening.

“How do you feel now that you’ve regained your emotions?”

Kraush cautiously asked, concerned that Bianca might revert to her former self like Baekgwi.

“I’m not sure. I felt something when I cried yesterday, but right now it’s just… okay.”

Bianca’s response was rather vague.

Unlike the explosion of tears the day before, her face remained expressionless.

If someone observed her now, they wouldn’t even know whether she had regained her emotions.

But this was to be expected.

She had never really used her facial muscles before, so she didn’t know how to express them.

“Then think of something that angers you.”

“What’s something that makes me angry?”

“That’s something only you would know. Something like having something taken from you or feeling inferior to others, isn’t that commonly anger-inducing?”

Hearing Kraush’s words, Bianca sank into deep thought.

Then her eyebrows twitched slightly.

Though it was a minor shift away from her default expression, it was already a huge leap.

“What, did you think of something?”

Curious about what could make her angry, Bianca turned to Kraush.

“Kraush-nim being friendly with Darling-nim.”

“And why does that make you angry?”

“I don’t know.”

What an oddball.

“Then what about something that makes you happy?”

She had just experienced sadness yesterday, so now was the time to explore happiness.

Bianca, surprisingly, seemed to already know what happiness was, as her face lit up.

Then, out of nowhere, she took Kraush’s left hand and placed it atop her head.

With an awkward expression, she smiled slightly.

“This makes me happy.”

Kraush, watching Bianca for a moment, instinctively began to pet her head.

Her small head swayed side to side, just like Kraush’s hand.

It made him chuckle softly as he found it amusing.

Removing his hand from her hair, Kraush cupped her cheek instead.

“If you’re going to smile, you should really do it properly. Just lifting the corners of your mouth isn’t enough.”

“I am smiling.”

“Oh please, just look at how little your mouth is lifting; your eyes are still closed!”

Kraush began to playfully manipulate Bianca’s face with his left hand.

Her soft, bun-like cheeks were surprisingly addictive to touch.

“Like this?”

Yet, what came out was rather ambiguous.

Her mouth was lifted, and her eyes were closed, but laughter was still far off.

“I need to start some expression practice from today.”

If she kept at it, one day she’d undoubtedly smile naturally.

As long as Bianca didn’t meet a fate like Baekgwi, everything would be just fine.


At that moment, a figure appeared at the end of the corridor.

With her pure white hair and a face resembling Bianca’s, it was none other than Jenika.

And she was the source of Bianca’s torment.

In that instant, Bianca slyly hid behind Kraush.

This was an unusual move for her, since she normally wouldn’t act like this.

Having lacked emotions, she had never known fear either.

But now that she had her emotions back, facing Jenika was challenging for her.

Sensing this, Kraush positioned himself to shield Bianca as he faced Jenika.

“What do you need?”

When Kraush questioned her, Jenika turned her attention to him.

She flinched at the sight of Kraush’s arm and quickly averted her gaze.

The trauma of seeing her knight’s corpse had left a lasting mark.

“…My brother sent me to get Bianca.”

She glanced back at the concealed Bianca behind Kraush, recalling the day Bianca had thrown herself at the butcher dog in Jenika’s place when she was powerless to act.

All she could do was watch Bianca fall.

After a while of collecting herself, she had scrambled up the cliff, but her head was in turmoil more than her hands were hurt.

Bianca had saved her.

But why?

She, who had mercilessly bullied her sister daily, why would Bianca go out of her way to help her?

Jenika bit her lip.

That little girl had come to her rescue.

And it was Jenika who had been unable to do anything in that moment.

The knowledge weighed heavily on her, triggering immense self-loathing.

She could barely sustain herself anymore, feeling overwhelmed with disgust.

If Bianca were to die now, Jenika wouldn’t be able to forgive herself.

So, she returned to Hadenharts and conveyed the truth, then scoured the nearby mountains with her knights.

Yes, she had indeed searched tirelessly for Bianca, even through the downpour.

But none of that self-pity could shoulder the weight of her guilt.

Thus, Jenika was uncertain about how to treat Bianca now.

Now that she loathed herself even more, should she even apologize?

Was it truly for Bianca’s sake or merely a way to redeem herself?

“…My brother called for me. And Bianca, you come too.”

Saying this, Jenika turned and left in a hurry.

Only after she vanished did Bianca step out from behind Kraush.

Kraush fixed his gaze on Jenika’s retreating figure.

Before his regression, the Jenika narrated by Bianca had begged for forgiveness, but that wasn’t enough.

From the look of things, it seemed Jenika was starting to change.


Kraush addressed Bianca, who peeked out cautiously.

“Even if Jenika’s attitude toward you has shifted, you don’t have to feel obligated to forgive her.”

Jenika might seek forgiveness, but the act of granting it would always remain Bianca’s decision.

Just because someone asked for forgiveness didn’t erase their past wrongdoings.

Understanding this well, Kraush spoke to Bianca.

“So, if you don’t like it, just ignore it and come out. I’ll take you home.”

If Bianca didn’t want to stay in Hadenharts, they could just return to Green Pine Palace.

At this point, Green Pine Palace was as much home for her as anywhere else.

Listening to Kraush, Bianca contemplated him briefly.

Then, she raised two fingers to draw up the corners of her mouth.

“What I’m feeling right now is joy.”

She said, departing.

“I’ll be back.”

With her little feet moving diligently, Kraush watched her from behind and chuckled softly.

“You’re surprisingly good at smiling.”

Before knowing to lift her mouth with her hands, she had been smiling all along.

“Ebelasque, you around?”

Once Bianca had disappeared, Kraush called out for Ebelasque.

Almost immediately, a rat scurried in from the window.

Missing one eye, it was essentially a long-dead corpse.

“I need a favor.”

As Kraush made his request, the rat dashed down the corridor without delay.

“Try saying something ridiculous.”

He was ready to show them what a fool from Valheim looks like when they try to throw a fit.

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