I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

“Hello, hello! Darling, have you been waiting for me?”

“When did I ever become your ‘Darling’?”

Upon arriving, Kraush couldn’t help but wince at the sight of Darling Danphelion bouncing around like a hyperactive squirrel. After dealing with Balrok, he found himself drained of the energy needed to humor her antics.

“You look a bit down. What’s wrong?”

Darling quickly picked up on Kraush’s uncharacteristic mood. Not one to keep secrets, he let out a sigh.

“Father just dropped by.”

“Father? You mean Balrok Balheim?”

There was something about referring to his father so casually that felt off.

“Yeah, that’s my dad.”

“Wow, no way! I wanted to see him for real! I should have come earlier!”

With that, she started jumping up and down in excitement, her hair and earrings dancing with her. Kraush could only shake his head in resignation.

“Better off not meeting him.”

It would only lead to further annoyance.

Honestly, even Darling might have trouble acting this way around Balrok. With two Heavenly Four Strong figures in the Empire, and Balrok being the only one in Staron, he was practically a deity among mortals.

The only one who could hope to reach Balrok’s heights one day was Charlotte, his very own sister.

“So, little one, did you come to make me the future head of Balheim?”

“Fat chance! You know how well I get along with my sister.”

Having a severe crush on Charlotte, Darling was not about to let that relationship blossom any further.

“I know you do. But I don’t think you’re lacking in any way, either.”

With that, Darling’s eyes narrowed, intrigued.

“I’m really curious about how the fierce little one will compete with Charlotte.”

Her curiosity was piqued, but it also brought forth one of Darling’s pesky habits. As her eyes sparkled with excitement, Kraush poked her in the side with his finger.


Seeing her react much stronger than he intended, Kraush remarked,

“Stop the nonsense. I have no intention of becoming the head of the family in the first place.”

What’s the point of being the head when the world might end?

Darling, still clutching her sides, replied from a bent posture.

“Well, I didn’t expect you to be weak on that front. Anyway, little one, don’t stab at my sides like that. You know how sensitive some people are.”

“Do I look like I care?”

With that dismissive remark, Darling finally caught her breath and straightened herself.

“Anyway, about the favor I asked you…”

As Kraush began, Darling flashed a bright smile. She opened the bag she had brought with her and pulled out a small vial.

“I finished it! How do I look? A genius, right?”

“You’ve always been a genius.”

Darling teased, but Kraush responded without missing a beat.

Seeing his unexpected reaction, Darling paused briefly. Kraush took the vial from her hands.

In that moment, Darling’s hands fidgeted, and she looked a little shy.

“I… didn’t think you’d call me a genius so openly.”

“A genius deserves to be called a genius. It only fits.”

Geniuses are often recognized by their remarkable achievements and widespread fame, creating an illusion of abundance in their ranks.

However, their numbers were alarmingly scarce.

Kraush had spent time amidst a generation full of geniuses. Ignoring their talents would only diminish his own worth.

Thus, he acknowledged their brilliance. Although he might soon have to surpass those very geniuses, he understood their value.

“You’re surprisingly fascinating in this corner of the world. The more I know you, the more intriguing you become.”

“Don’t hit on a kid.”

“Kids don’t understand this stuff.”

While Darling chuckled, Kraush intended to step towards Aleriod.

However, the next line from Darling halted him.

“I’ve heard Anix has changed recently.”

Kraush turned back with a flicker of interest.

After his defeat to Charlotte, Anix had reduced his training intensity.

In fact, he had lost the meaning of training altogether.

He had concluded that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t catch up to Charlotte.

Yet, seeing Kraush spread his wings in the land of stars seemed to have triggered a shift somewhere in Anix’s heart.

What exactly had changed, no one knew.

But the recent news was that he had upped his training intensity once more.

“What a waste.”

Kraush displayed irritation toward Anix’s decision.

Naturally, it was an understandable reaction.

Anix was nothing but a traitor in Kraush’s eyes; he found him utterly detestable.

‘Whatever influenced him, I could care less.’

The thought upset Kraush.

“Got it. Now go.”

“Seriously? I came all the way here, and you want me to leave right away?”

“You can’t do anything here anyway.”

“Well, I wouldn’t say so.”

Kraush frowned at Darling’s bright smile; if left unchecked, her antics were bound to escalate.

Maybe he should lay down some ground rules.

[What an interesting kid.]

At that moment, Kraush froze, as a voice echoed in his mind.

This peculiar feeling was similar to when Crimson Garden communicated with him telepathically.

As he looked around, he spotted Crimson Garden perched by the window.

She had fled earlier when his father had shown up but had now returned.

[You were born under the Alchemy Star. Staron doesn’t seem to have much talent besides Balheim, but it turns out there’s a decent one here.]

Kraush noticed the raven’s eyes glowing bright red.

It seemed she had seen straight through Darling’s potential.

[Perfect timing.]

Suddenly, Crimson Garden wore a pleased expression.

[Ask that girl to make the elixir.]

The elixir was a special potion that could enhance physical abilities and aura.

Naturally, it was highly sought after and was crafted through generations of expertise in his family.

Asking for something so complex on a whim was a tall order.

Even Darling couldn’t whip up elixirs in a breeze.

[I know the entire recipe. Just need a skilled alchemist.]

If that was the case, Kraush had no reason to refuse.

In his life, elixirs had always seemed out of reach.

After all, providing one to a third-rate was pointless since they’d consume all that and more without any benefits.

[Kid, your body’s a wreck. You could use an elixir or two.]

Kraush couldn’t refute that statement.

On the day he returned with Crimson Garden, he had received his first training session.

During that training, Crimson Garden had delivered some harsh words.

“You don’t have any innate gifts. Your swordsmanship skills are short, your aura is weak, and your physique is slow.”

She had been flabbergasted that anyone could lack such basic talents.

“Given that, you’re desperately filling in the gaps with terrible experiences and skills—only to find in five years that you can’t match up with the real geniuses. Any ‘Regrace’ would know that.”

Kraush might not be a Regrace, but those words resonated as truth.

Even Anix, whom he easily subdued, wouldn’t fall behind Kraush at 20.

“But that’s only regarding your raw talent.”

Kraush had to admit, Crimson Garden had a point; if she only focused on his abilities, she would have never taken him on as an apprentice.

“If I’m here, that talent is meaningless. If you possess greed for skills, just snatch them.”

With that, Crimson Garden soared into the sky.

The raven glided upwards, ready to touch the heavens.

“I’ll lift you, who have crawled on the ground all your life. You just need to flap your wings. Bring everything that flies under your command. When it’s over…”

Crimson Garden stretched her wings wide, blocking out even the moon above.

“Devour my immortality.”

That was what Crimson Garden had said on that day.

Kraush had realized it was a kind of vow from her.

A pledge to take him on as her apprentice.

And now, she wanted Darling to create the elixir.

Surely, it would be immensely helpful.

Kraush had no reason to hide it.

“Darling, let’s ask for something else.”

“Are you asking for too much? I’m an expensive girl. I don’t just serve anyone.”

“I’d like you to make the elixir.”

Kraush stated flatly, ignoring Darling’s tease.

Upon hearing the word ‘elixir,’ Darling tilted her head and then chuckled softly.

“You want to get stronger, huh? Did Anix ‘training’ put a fire under you?”

“Anix is irrelevant. I have too many things to worry about without him.”

What Kraush cared about was his much distant future.

“I just need what’s necessary to at least get started.”

Darling stared at Kraush thoughtfully.

She didn’t know him well.

After all, she had only just met him and asked for help with her own ongoing research, namely the cure for his illness.

While word of her genius had spread quickly, that’s more due to her being a teenager.

As time passed, she too might find herself distant from the label of ‘genius.’

And many thought the same way.

They expected yet remained skeptical.

They’d seen too many geniuses falter along the way.

But Kraush had never doubted her genius, treating it as a natural phenomenon.

How could he be so sure?

Especially from a kid who would soon turn fourteen.

‘He really acts like he’s conquered the world.’

This point intrigued Darling oddly.

Her initial interest in Kraush had solely stemmed from the stark contrast he presented against Charlotte, but…

Now she was genuinely curious about the person that was Kraush.

“The cost of making an elixir can skyrocket depending on the materials, kid. Are you up for that?”

“What do you take Balheim for?”

“Balheim is impressive, but I know your position. You’re just a scrappy punk.”

There was a huge question mark over whether Balheim financially supported someone like Kraush.

“Don’t worry. I have plans.”

Getting funds wouldn’t be an issue.

Even if he tried to ignore the rumors echoing outside, he was privy to the whispers within.

Kraush was well aware of several key incidents that had occurred in Balheim recently.

And how those matters would draw significant financial backing.

“Well, your confidence makes me want to trust you. So tell me, what kind of elixir do you want to make?”

“That is…”

Just then, as Kraush glanced towards the window, Crimson Garden spoke.

[Relay exactly what I say.]

Following the instructions, Kraush repeated everything Crimson Garden communicated to Darling.

Listening intently, Darling’s expression gradually grew serious.

This was because the recipe Kraush described was one she had never considered.

“Um, so, this, if done like that?”

Caught up in her thoughts, a dazed look spread across her face.

Witnessing her distracted expression, Kraush turned to Crimson Garden, confused about what had been relayed. But she merely shrugged her wings.

“Whoa, how do you know this stuff?”

“…It’s a recipe passed down from Balheim.”

Kraush casually evaded her question.

“Balheim really has everything, huh?”

She bought the excuse without a hint of suspicion.

Seeing Darling accept it, Kraush inquired if she could take on the challenge.

Her eyes sparkled at the prospect.

“Alright! My desire to create is overflowing! I want to try this. But, um, some of these materials I can’t even get. Especially the White Snow Yeast and Golden Dragon Grass.”

“White Snow Yeast is supposed to grow in Hardenhart, right?”

“Yeah, given the harsh terrain and world erosion, supplies are limited, so herbalists are scarce.”

“I can retrieve it.”

At that moment, Darling suddenly remembered his fiancée.

“Oh, right. You could definitely do that.”

But soon she reacted negatively.

“But about Golden Dragon Grass…”

“That’s an Imperial product.”

“Yeah, the Empire manages it directly, so you won’t find any for sale domestically. Maybe if you dug through the black market, but you’d likely run into trouble with the Empire.”

“Even then, aren’t there alternate ways?”

While Kraush contemplated digging through black market channels, Darling poked him on the cheek with a finger.

“What are you doing?”

Kraush turned to see her grinning broadly.

“I’ll teach you a straightforward way to obtain a Golden Dragon Grass easily.”

“Is there such a way?”

“Two martial arts tournaments are set to be held soon in the Empire. One is for adults, while the second is for boys under 15. The Empire’s true goal is the latter since the rewards are significantly better.”

Kraush understood her implication immediately.

“…Are you saying I should go fight?”

“Placing top three earns you some Golden Dragon Grass. What do you say, sounds doable, right?”

Doable? Not a chance.

Kraush knew exactly why the Empire was hosting these tournaments.

The reasoning was simple:

Through this tournament, the Empire sought to increase their talent pool for enrollment in Rahellen Academy.

‘While it may seem like a place for the kingdoms and Empire to unite…’

In reality, political rivalry would always take precedence.

The more alumni from the Empire, the more substantial their influence.

So using the tournament to create backing for aspiring talents to secure their foothold in Rahellen achieved that goal.

‘The kingdoms are probably concocting something quite similar.’

It didn’t take a genius to see that the Empire was doing a thorough job promoting this martial arts competition.

“…Did you forget? I’m Balheim! Participating in an Imperial martial arts tournament would end in disaster.”

“I remember that well. But the Empire states that anyone can participate.”

“Don’t be naive. That’s just a formality.”

“Aww, you just called me a genius.”

Kraush covered his face with a sigh.

Upon reflection, he realized his initial need for the elixir was but a muddled route suggested by Darling to gather materials.

He knew getting mad at her was misguided, so Kraush refocused on her.

“Since you suggested this, it means you have a method, right?”

Instantly, Darling’s eyes lit up.

“Woohoo, the kid catches on quickly!”

Seeing her make such an unpleasant grin sent a chill down Kraush’s spine.

However, as there appeared no other clear path to obtain Golden Dragon Grass, he felt he had no choice. Darling quickly pulled out a potion from her bag.

“I present to you the ‘Becoming a Woman’ potion…!”


Kraush wasted no time in swinging his fist to smash the vial.

He had no intention of indulging her peculiar tastes.

“So, what’s next?”

As he grinned ominously, Darling began gathering up the shattered potion remnants with a handkerchief.

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