I Became A Starter Beast

Chapter 25: Distressed Damsel

'There's a girl being chased by goblins!'

“Meow!” Twy immediately alerted his partner once again.

Aster was about to turn back when he picked up the kitten's distress. “What else? Hurry up and jump on my shoulder.” 

Twy pointed his paw forward. 'There's a damsel over there. Hurry up and be the prince!'

The kitten tried hard to stop him from retreating which confused the young man. He only realized what his partner was trying to tell him when he heard a high-pitched scream.


Aster looked back at the sounds he saw a girl pathetically running away from the horde.

'One, two, three... five goblins,' he counted in his mind before he crouched next to the wall where the mosses had yet to fully conquer. 'It's a lot, but I don't think they notice us yet.'

Aster turned to Twy and hurriedly said, “Go to the other side and hide your presence. We'll ambush them.”

The kitten sensed that the young man had his plans and did as he was told. He held back his discomfort as he lay his body as close to the moist walls.

The hysterical girl ran like a chicken without a head and passed by the two without noticing them. The moment she did so, Aster sprang into action.

He slashed his sword at the legs of the goblin nearest to his spot. He then transitioned his attack into a thrust that met the following goblin's kneecaps.

Both were not yet dead, but what happened crashed them on the mossy floor.

Meanwhile, Twy, who acted simultaneously with his partner, was only able to target one, but its state has never been more dead after it got scratched on the neck.

Their rushed plan of ambush, one that used their dim environment and the horde's tunnel vision, had succeeded.

However, there were still two goblins that are left: the slowest among the five and the one quick to act. They bared their yellowish fangs like prey trying to scare off their predator.

Yet, the moment Aster charged forward they shrieked and left running back to where they came from.

Aster stopped and didn't follow after them. He turned to look at Twy. “Good job.” 

Before he gazed at the girl who stopped a few meters behind them.

The unknown girl was leaning on her knees with her back heaving up and down. She raised her head and met Aster's eyes. “Um... thank you for helping me.” 

Aster shook his head and replied, “I just did what's right.” 

Twy grinned while looking at them, 'Well, do your thing young ones, this old man will just clean up the mess out here.' he turned towards the two goblins that were still struggling like a worm.

Aster confusedly glanced at his partner, who was maniacally grinning while slitting the demon's throat, before he put the girl back to her vision.

She stands tall reaching at his chest level. Her soft face is adorned with attractive features: cherry lips, blushing cheeks, and light blue eyes, which are barely discernible in the dim lighting, like her shoulder-length blonde hair; however, the bloodstain on her leather armor was starkly visible.

Even knowing that it's not tactful, Aster still asked, “Where's your beast companion?”

And like he expected, her face was shrouded with undeniable gloom. “Lizzie... she's dead. It is my fault—because of me Lizzie died!”

The girl in front of Aster started bawling her eyes out, and he couldn't help but feel awkward.

“Don't cry, I'm sure that your companion wouldn't want to see you like that.” 

The girl raised her head and looked at him with her glistening diamond eyes. “Really?” 

“Yeah, I'm sure.” Aster nodded.

“... Thank you,” the girl gratefully said, and started wiping her tears with her hands, which had rings on almost all of her fingers.

“You're welcome.”

'Sometimes, romance is nice.' Twy enjoyed watching the awkwardness that followed. The only thing he's dissatisfied about is the lack of popcorn to complement this moment.

It didn't take too long to be uncomfortable though. Once her eyes were back into clear and bright; she gave him a blooming smile and reached out her hand. “Thank you again for saving me. I'm Eliza. What about you?”

“Aster. Nice to meet you Eliza.” the young man gave a polite smile before he shook hands with her. 

“Nice to meet you too, Aster!” Eliza cheerfully greeted.

'He's holding hands with such a cute girl, how's he so calm?' Twy narrowed his eyes towards the young man. 'Don't tell me...’ his thoughts paused right there the moment Aster turned to glare at him.

Eliza whom he was talking noticed his eyes had diverted away, she followed his gaze and saw a little kitten watching both of them.

“Is that your beast companion!? He's such a cutie!” Eliza walked closer to Twy and tried to hold him in her arms, but before he could do so the kitten ran away and jumped on Aster's shoulder.

She made a sad expression as she looked at Twy hiding from her. “Looks like he doesn't like me...”

“Yeah, I'm sorry but this guy doesn't let anyone touch him.” 

'Except for girls.' Aster added in his mind while he glanced at the shivering kitten perched on his shoulder. 'So, why did you run away?'

Twy faced his partner's accusing eyes, before shaking his head. 'I don't know, but she smells worse than the garbage can near my PC! Red flag Aster, cease the mission, you can't change that one!'

Sadly, the young man couldn't comprehend the complex emotions the kitten was feeling, so he turned his attention back to Eliza.

“So, what are you going to do now? I don't think you can head back out safely alone.” he paused for a moment before he suggested, “What about using your emergency button? It would cost half of your loot, but at least you'll be safe.”

Eliza, like an innocent chick, tilted her head and asked him, “Emergency button?” 

“You don't know?” Aster's eyes widened as he asked back. 

The girl shook her head in response.

The young man sighed he then took out a rectangular-shaped object the size of his thumb. 

“This is the emergency button. One that you should've gotten in the Guild Hall before you entered the dungeon.”

Eliza's eyes glimmered when she saw that. She slapped her fist into her palm and exclaimed, “Oh! I remember now!" 

However, the stars in her eyes immediately died after she realized something.

Aster, whose skill at reading emotions was honed after living with Twy for a month or so, noticed her eyes. “What's wrong?” 

“Uh... I-I kinda dropped them s-somewhere...” Eliza glanced at the walls, enjoying the sight of different creepy crawlies.

Aster closed his eyes and massaged his temple. He asked, “So you lost it?"


He didn't even need to open his eyes to know that she was struggling not to cry from shame.

'Now, I understand where Ms. Roxanne's anger coming from.'

Aster raised his eyelids and saw her cheeks burning from embarrassment.

'Looks like this is where our first day in the dungeon ends.' he sighed.

Eliza then looked at him with upturned eyes and a sweet smile.

And before the young man could even open his mouth to convey his decision.

A whisper suddenly appeared next to his ear. “What about I tag along with you instead?”


Aster could feel the tips of Twy's claws reaching deep into his jacket. He warily stepped away from her.

'How did she suddenly get close when I was looking at her at that moment.' and though his outside expression did not change much, his voices inside were in turmoil.

“So?” Eliza asked again, a playful smile now adorned her lips.

While Twy was screaming at the top of his little lungs, Aster narrowed his eyes at this girl.

'Who is she?'

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