I Became A Starter Beast

Chapter 10: Hardworking Kitten

When Aster saw Twy's tail puffed up, he couldn't help but break into laughter.

“Relax. It's not a battle to death, just a friendly spar.” Aster consoled him.

However, his words did not lessen the worry he felt coming from Twy.

“To get strong, you not only need to cultivate your mana but also your body and mind. And the best way to train those two at the same time is to fight.” Aster smiled, his eyes curving like a crescent moon in the night sky. It sent a shiver down the poor kitten's spine.

“If you're still scared, how about training with me every night from now on? I'll teach you how to fight.”

Twy immediately shook his head from left to right.'Only a stupid person would fall for that trick!' 

However, his actions seem not to be clear enough for Aster to notice. The young man's eyes widened before he made an acknowledging nod. 

“As expected of you, Twilight, you're a hard worker.” he then proceeded to smile, adding, “I promise, if you let me teach you, you wouldn't lose to anyone next week.”

'What kind of cat is that diligent, you brat!' Twy shouted in his mind while tensing his back legs. 

'Treating someone older like that, you'll pay for it!'

The kitten launched himself into the air, rustling the grass and his fur. He was aiming for the young man's head. 

However, Aster only tilted his head as if he were stretching it, yet that action was enough to dodge Twy's tiny claws.

“How spirited. You want to start the training immediately?" the smile on his lips didn't waver as he evaded another attack that targeted the back of his head.

A gentle breeze appeared; the grass swayed, clothes flapped, and both their fur and hair ruffled. Two sets of eyes glared at each other: fiery gold and mystical purple.

'Are there eyes on the back of his head? How could he evade that!?'

Aster reading his thoughts provoked him. “If you're wondering how I evaded your attack, it's simply because it was predictable.” 

A nerve almost popped out of Twy's small head. His anger was about to cool down, but the young man just decided to add more firewood to it.

The kitten pounced once again, but instead of targeting the same target three times, he decided to be dirty this time and attacked Aster's lower head. 

'Sorry young man, this will hurt!' With no ounce of remorse in his mind, Twy flashed his claws.

“Nope, not there.” 

Aster pressed his hand onto the ground, pushing his body upwards and doing a one-hand handstand, successfully protecting his heirloom from the vicious beast.

'Heh, naive.' Twy suddenly made a nasty grin, and his paw, which landed deep into the soil, powerfully burrowed out, sending a geyser of earth towards Aster's face.

'Adults play dirty, young man.'

Aster's eyes widened in surprise, but he was still able to dodge the rising dirt easily by putting strength in his hand before launching himself backwards.


He stood up and looked at Twy, who was stunned enough to eat his own attack, with an admiring look.

Meanwhile, the poor kitten, drenched in soil, shook the dirt off his body and looked at him with clear dissatisfaction.

“That's amazing, Twy. Where did you learn to fight like that?”

However, his sour mood immediately changed after he heard Aster praise him.

'Of course in my previous world entertainment industry! Fights like that are as common as the grass here in the park!' Twy's tail is pointing towards the sky as he thinks back to all the action genre animes, mangas, and movies he consumed. 

'But what's amazing is this body. It moves like how I imagine it to do!'

Unsurprisingly, in his previous life, Twilight was just an ordinary salaryman. He got no side gig of protecting his city from monsters or curses; he even easily gets tired due to his lack of exercise.

The only noteworthy thing he probably has is his great imagination.

“However, you still lack experience—instead of waiting for the soil to blind me, you should have immediately followed it up with a different attack.” Aster advised.

'Oh, he's right—they usually do that in CQC scenes.'

Twy's curiosity and being open-minded are also noteworthy things about him, maybe.

“So, you should really train more with me, and you might defeat a bigger beast than yourself.” Aster suggested with open arms.

'Damn, we're back on square one.' Twy sighed, walked towards the puffy mat of grass, and laid down on it.

Aster tilted his head when he saw that. He asked, “You're not going to attack anymore?”

''Let's do that later. I still need to get used to this breathing technique.' Twy raised his left paws and waved them before he closed his eyes.

Aster watched as the dirty little kitten started breathing rhythmically (trying to), while the wide smile on his lips slowly became thinner.

'If I raise him right in the remaining 5 months before the League starts, the chance of my plan succeeding could reach as high as 75%. However—'

Aster's mystical eyes turned serious as he gazed down at his calloused palms. ‘The 25% percent left relies on me.' 

He tightly clenched them as his eyes glowed in determination.

'That's why before the remaining months pass—'

“I need to break through to three stars.”


Battle Stadium. 

It is a place to socialize with others, to watch some amateur battles between Beast Masters, to train your beast companions, and much more.

It is a big stadium complete with many facilities, making it basically a gathering point for people in each district of the city. That's why it's always crowded and full of hubbub.

A week has passed, and the time has come for the promised moment.

“Don't be scared. You already trained hard for this.” Aster tried to console the trembling Twy, who's sitting on his shoulder.

'Brat I'm not scared; I'm nervous!' The kitten made himself clear by sending floods of jittery emotions to the young man through their connection.

“Why are you nervous then?”

Twy glared at him. He tried to scratch his face, but Aster was able to dodge it easily.

It's because of you! You just suddenly said that I have to fight while being watched by the crowd!'

The ground floor was wide, and it didn't feel crowded, but you can see that there are at most 100 people currently here.

'What if they see me loss?' Twy shivered at that thought.

“Well, you just have to get used to that, and it's not like these many people would watch you.”

'Plus we can get some money that way.' Aster added in his mind.

One can earn money in the Battle Stadium by simply placing a bet with the other party you'll battle with. It is a kind of gambling, which makes it illegal for minors—Aster's already 18, so he's fine.

The two moved towards the reception table where the good-looking receptionists were working, but just as they were about to reach there, a voice suddenly stopped them.

“What a strong-looking companion you have there!”

The two turned to look at their side and saw a boy in round glasses. Based on first impressions, he looked weak, but he's very cheerful.

Aster made a flattered smile upon receiving that praise, which made Twy forget his anxiety. “Thank you. Yours too look really powerful.” 

The golden retriever lookalike next to the boy barked, greeting them; his master then ruffled his brown fur.

“This guy's name is Rover. I only got him yesterday and want to train with him here in the stadium today.” The boy raised his head and smiled as he asked, “How about you?”

“Twilight, I bought him last week. I'm also here for the same reason.” Aster smiled back.

The boy's eyes lit up, and his tone went a pitch higher as he moved closer to Aster.

“What a coincidence!”

“Yeah, it really is.”

“What do you say we train together?” the boy asked before explaining, “I heard from a Beast Trainer that training with other beasts can make them train more efficiently than when they're alone.” 

“That's informative.” 

“So?” the boy eagerly pushed his body forward, like he couldn't wait to play with a new friend he met.

“Yes, thank you for your offer.” Aster bowed a little, looking like he appreciated the boy's kind intentions.

“Then let's go!” 

The boy happily turned around, but before they could walk far, Aster pointed towards the reception desk and asked. “What about renting a room?”

The boy looked back at him with a wide smile and replied, “I already did that and was about to go to my training room before I met you! That's why let's go consider it a treat for my new friend.”

“Really!? Thank you. You're such a wonderful person.”

“No, thank you.”

The two walked towards the elevator, both of their lips adorned with their own kind of genuine smile.

From afar, they look like longtime friends, but to Twy, who's closest to the both of them, he can feel that something's wrong.

'So weird.'  


Here comes the action parts aaarrrrhh. Hopefully it's not that bad. Anyway thanks for reading this chapter.

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