I Became A Mechanic

Chapter 150: In Search of the Machine (2)

Jun-woo took Murata and three guild members to the Yeongjongdo Gate.

When Jun-woo appeared at the Yeongjongdo gate, the whole area became noisy.

"It's Lewis!"

"Wow! That's the armor."

People gathered around Jun-woo, and as the guild members, including Jun-woo, tried to line up to enter the gate, a gatekeeper belonging to Geumhwa hurriedly approached him.

"Ho, are you trying to use the gate?"


"Master and the guild members don't have to wait. You can go right in… … ."

There were no separate checkpoints in Korea.

"Thank you, then let's go in."

The four, including Jun-woo, quickly heard towards the gate.

As soon as they entered, many people showed similar reactions and flocked to them, so Jun-woo took out a flying car and quickly got out of there.

Many people's eyes and interests will spread through the news and reach the ears of the Dark Star, but it doesn't matter.

The goblin hunting ground was relatively close, and Jun-woo had the confidence to escape.

It would be a tiring and dangerous fight for them if they had to come.

When Jun-woo arrived at the hunting ground, people initially showed great interest, but he was a little worried.

They were worried about the shrimp's back bursting in the whale fight, and the Dark Star Master was also returning.

"Shall we go back to Korea?"

"Let's go back… …."

"Would that be good?"

The people secretly hunting tried to escape the Dabrico Goblin Forest, and Jun-woo grabbed them and asked a question.

"I'll ask you something over there."

"Yeah? Me?"

"Yes, has anyone been hunting here for a long time?"

On the hunting grounds, some people called Ji Baekryeong hunted in the same place for several years.

The same terrain, a similar pattern of attacks, because they have become so skilled, there must be people here who do not go to other hunting grounds and stay in the same place.

"Huh… I don't know, but the person with the red ax over there seems a bit old, and I see it every time I come."

"thank you."

Jun-woo flew quickly in the direction he was beckoning.

A middle-aged man was holding an ax and slashing goblins by himself.

As Jun-woo approached, the man who looked at him with puzzled eyes was startled.

"I will ask you something."

"Yeah! Ask me anything, Master."

"Has anyone here been hunting for a long time?"

"I've been here for five years. What are you doing… …."

"Have you ever seen a machine or something like the wooden machine that the Galactriko Goblin Boss rode?"

"What is that?"

"So… Have you ever seen an odd-looking goblin riding something like a machine?"

It was an eye that I didn't know at all.

"No, but… …."

"all right. Please be careful hunting."

"Yeah… …."

He was the stunned one.

Jun-woo thought he had to do some hunting, so he flew to the side and summoned defensive robots.

The defensive robots simply subdued the Dabrico Goblins, so Jun-woo did not need to step forward.

Murata, who was looking around, approached and asked.

"You mean we had to find the machine?"

"Yeah, maybe I must hunt to get out, or there is a secret place where the machine is hidden."

It was a quest that might have to find a special place called a hidden dungeon.

"Shall I call people?"

If many people searched together, they could find it quickly.

In particular, if you summoned miners and construction wizards, you could quickly explore the entire land here.

In fact, Jun-woo even sent a miner to the place where there was a quest related to him and asked him to search for something.

Of course, there have been no results yet.

Nevertheless, Jun-woo did not give up and tried to find something by mobilizing people's manpower.

This time, of course, I thought so.

"Try hunting a little more."

"I know."

"But you don't have to come, so why did you come, Murata?"

"just in case."

"If the informants contact you, you can come… …."

"You must not underestimate Linqiao."

"Okay, anyway, thank you."

"Hmm, I'll take a look around and come back."

Murata, who coughed once, hurriedly left the place.

Jun-woo threw a self-destruct wolf at the approaching goblin.


The ground shook, and the soil on the floor overturned.

In an orc village, he discovered a grave buried in the ground, so Jun-woo used a self-destructing robot in his spare time to catch goblins.

The two guild members who had visited the hunting ground once watched it from the surrounding area and stuck out their tongues.

"If you hit something like that… …."

"You look like a goblin over there."


The body of the rushing goblin was caught in the explosion and disappeared from sight.

Jun-woo used the self-destruct robot repeatedly while moving from place to place and called the guild member.

"Did you call? master."

"I think we need to find a place. Please bring Dae-nam Jeong and about four or five miners who can come here."

"Okay, Master."

One guild member dashed.

A monster could come out someday, but Jun-woo thought there was a high probability that a particular place was hidden.

If it was hidden, it would be an underground space, and it was the work of miners to dig into the ground.

Jun-woo, who called the miners, did not stop hunting.

Most of the people who hunted before returned to Korea, fearing that their backs would explode, so Jun-woo was able to pursue alone as if he was monopolizing a wide range.

It could be that the goblin riding the machine he was looking for could come out only after the number of goblins had been met, or he could have stayed for a few hours before coming out.

Jun-woo tried to find a machine to hold, considering the number of cases.

Hunting and burrowing were carried out throughout the day.

The next day, after a temporary job, Jun-woo visited the Dabrico Goblin Forest as if going to work.

Yesterday too, when a middle-aged man with an ax who had been hunting for a long time made eye contact with Jun-woo, he lightly bowed his head.

Jun-woo also bowed his head simultaneously, and the middle-aged man moved away from Jun-woo.


As the hunting started and hours passed, a middle-aged man with an ax came to Jun-woo.

"there… …."


"One older brother has been hunting here for about 30 years. He is now retired from hunting; wouldn't he know something?"

"Do you know his address or number?"

"No, it was… …."

"Do you know your name?"

"Yes, the older brother's name is Seok Dae Lee."

"Thanks, I'll find out and ask."

"Yes, I hope this helps, then… …."

He bowed his head lightly and left Jun-woo's side to go hunting.

Jun-woo immediately called the guild member and said.

"Please ask for cooperation on Geumhwa and find someone named Seok Dae Lee. And ask if you know anything about machine-related monsters."

"Yes, Master, then I will go."

While Jun-woo was hunting, the guild members ran out.

A guild member visited the Yeongjongdo Gate management office and asked for cooperation.

The names of Lee Seok Dae remaining in the access records were searched, and among them, the access records of people appropriate to the estimated age appeared.

Until about two years ago, a man who had been regularly visiting the gate stopped coming.

The number was also written on it, so the guild member who received it immediately contacted him.

"Is Seok Dae Lee right?"

"Is that so? Who are you."

"My name is Jook-Woo Kim from Aegis. The Master said he had something to ask about the Dabrico Goblin, so I contacted him like this."

"Yeah? To ask him something… …."

"Have you ever seen a goblin riding a machine in the Dabrico hunting grounds?"

"Yes, I have seen it."

The guild member's eyes widened at his answer.

"Can you give me more details?"

"I've only seen it once, about 20 years ago."

"Where did you see it? Have you ever been to a special place?"

"It wasn't an exceptional place. It's hard to describe the place in words. Well… …."

"Can you come to the Dabrico Hunting Grounds? If you cooperate, the Master will reward you."

"If it was to help him, it was okay. Let's go now."

"thank you. We will be waiting for you at the gate entrance."

The guild member waited for him at the entrance.

A man in his 60s recognized the mark of the Aegis guild and approached him.

"Thank you for coming. Master is at the hunting ground."

"Yes, let's go."

The two hurriedly ran to the place where Jun-woo was.


As the two of them ran to where the explosion sound was heard, Jun-woo looked at him.

Jun-woo put Mana Cannon in and walked as if to meet him.

"welcome. Thank you for coming."

The man looked at Jun-woo up and down and asked with a light smile.

"What can I do to help you?"

"I'm looking for a goblin riding a machine. Have you seen it?"

"I saw it once about twenty years ago."

"Where did you see it?"

"Where… Could you please follow me for a moment?"

"Please take the lead."

Jun-woo followed him.

He looked around and looked at the river and the stone.

"I think it was near the river. I think I saw it from around here… …."

"What does it look like?"

"I was riding on a mechanical iron golem, goblin."

"Do you know the Galactriko wood machine?"

"Yeah, it's like that, but a little thinner and made of iron. The person holding it dragged the wooden machine, so I know it well."

The wooden machine was mainly used by normals to evacuate.

It could be used for hunting, but the stats were low for hunting here with a wooden machine.

"Are you pulling a wooden machine?"

"Yeah, I couldn't talk to him because he was Chinese, but I think he was an alchemist."

"Do you remember how long you stayed here with the wooden machine?"

"I think it was about three days."

"Have you not seen a machine made of iron since that day?"

"Yeah, I didn't see it. It seemed like it was a quest monster given to him because he grabbed it and disappeared."

It could have been a quest similar to Jun-woo's.

"Do you know who it is?"

"No, only Chinese… I was in my 20s, so I must be in my 40s now."

"Do you even remember what year and month it was?"

Perhaps there was a record.

With his help, he might be able to figure out how to catch a mechanical monster.

"That time… …."

The guild member dictated what he said.

Jun-woo said while taking out the flying car.

"thank you. I'm returning to the gate, but I'll get you there."

"Ouch, thank you."

Jun-woo took the steering wheel, and the man sat in the passenger seat.

A flying car departed, and Murata's flying car followed the guild members in the back.

Jun-woo asked when he came out of the gate.

"Do you have anything more to say?"

"Well… No, I think I told you everything I saw."

"Thank you so much for letting me know. Please accept this as a reward."

"No, no. Then I hope you finish the quest well."

He got off the passenger seat straight away without receiving the gold bar that Jun-woo gave him.

Then, looking at Jun-woo, he bowed his head once.

"Look. Always be careful."

"Yeah… thank you."

The door closed, and he hurriedly ran.

Jun-woo immediately went back to the Aegis building and made a wooden machine.

He said he had been dragging a wooden machine for three days, so Jun-woo was thinking of doing the same thing.

After putting the made wooden machine in the item window and returning to the hunting ground, Jun-woo took the wooden machine and started hunting.

A few hours later, a goblin looked at the wooden machine as if he had thought of something.

Jun-woo tried to attack the goblin and stopped everything.

The defensive robot and the cannonball robot that was running stopped moving.

The goblin hid behind him, and after a while, a 2m-long metal scrap man ran towards Jun-woo.

When he saw a goblin riding on his upper body, a smile spread across Jun-woo's lips, and all the robots that had stopped rushed at it.



Simultaneously with the explosion of the self-destruct robot, the machine also exploded.

The machine fell to the floor with tanned goblins with limbs ripped apart.

[You have acquired the ‘Iron Armored Machine Blueprint.']

You only had to get one more to receive the quest's reward.

Perhaps the way would be to drag a wooden machine or an iron machine.

"Let's go back."

Murata nodded and asked.

"Are you done?"

"Yeah, here."

"The miners?"

Jun-woo said, remembering the miners digging tunnels here.

"Leave it all the way for a few days."

"I hope it works this time."

"I'll be there someday, Ta."

Murata nodded and boarded Jun-woo's flying car.

A flying car carrying the two quickly flew towards the gate.

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