I, as my video game character in our world.



This is my second story on SH, and therefore I need to say a few things ahead.

I'm from Germany, and my native language is obviously german if you find mistakes, just say so that I can fix them.

Hui, the first point is over.

Now the second thing I already said at the top, that this here is my second story, but my first one is still ongoing and has a higher priority than this one. With that being said, the release rate will be 3 to 4 chapters each month. (When I take breaks in writing the other story, is it possible that the release rate will go up here.)


I was in the middle of a forest unknown to me, the cold spring wind blew through the trees and let my long fire-red hair blow in the wind.

I have to think back first. What's the last thing I can remember? I was finishing school, and Kevin was talking about Styx Worlds and the new update. Then I went home. At home, I started the game and received my one year reward, but when suddenly it was like the fuse had blown out. I don't know any more !?

This lunchtime, I was definitely Samuel Weisse, an ordinary 18 years old german student, and now? Now, I'm my video game character from SW!? What happened? Did I die and was reborn in a fantasy world as my character? Did a deity fulfill my wish? Not that this would be my number one wish.

Now I am Siana von Tyrn, my game character, but what does that mean for me... I had never hurt anyone, let alone seriously injured someone else. If I really should be in a fantasy world now, I don't know if I could beat other beings.

I started to search the surroundings because I had nothing with me except of my character's crafted combat gear, I was current wearing.

I turned and looked at the egg-like thing out of stone from which I had previously climbed out.

Let's see. Maybe I left something in it.

I climbed up and looked into the egg-like thing. Actually, something was in there. A shoulder bag, as well as two fans and two daggers, were scattered on the floor. The fans were the primary weapon that I used until recently in SW, and the knives were exactly the daggers that I had received together with clothing set as the 1-year reward.

Is it possible?

I hopped down and picked up the bag. I opened it and looked inside. At first, I only saw the outfit I had previously received in SW, but then I noticed a note in one of the side pockets. I pulled it out and started reading it.


My dear child,

I'm sorry for what I did to you, but I hope you will understand it one day. I will send you to this other world so that you are safe because the other world is much more peaceful than ours.

If you feel lost and don't know what to do, remember I'm watching over you.

Find a man by the name of Desmond Millner and tell him the following words, and he will protect you from all people who want to use you for their purposes.

Tell him: "Varschra wa Tyrn!"

In love,

Your mother Tyrania



Tyrania? Wasn't that the fictional deity from SW? I once heard that you could meet her in the game when you reached Heaven Island, but it turned out that you couldn't even fly that high in the game.

I took the daggers and the fans and stuffed them in my pocket with the other clothes.

And now? The letter wasn't addressed to me. Presumably, it seemed to me that it was Siana, but that cannot be. She is just a person I made up myself!

No matter who it meant, the main thing is that I search for civilization and find out where I am!

Usually, I would have just activated the ability to fly. I would have flown with Siana's dragon wings over the forest, but I did not have a HUD to activate any abilities.

Maybe I should try swinging my wings as if they were two extra arms?

I concentrated on swinging my wings, which took a while, but I somehow managed to fly just above the ground.


It was an incredible feeling.

I climbed gently and slowly higher. I fluttered more than flying over the trees. I couldn't see any evidence of civilization, but a small lake caught my eye.

I'm not sure, but I'm suddenly really thirsty!

I fluttered at a snail's pace toward the lake when a gust caught me and dragged me. I couldn't keep my balance and whirled in the air until I finally landed in the middle of the lake.

I started pedaling like crazy, but with my wings on my back, it was unfamiliar, and I couldn't keep myself afloat.

Am I dying here now?

My sight went black, but a large shadow appeared before me and grabbed my arm. At least it was the last thing I could see before I passed out.



I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at the sky.

Uh? I see the stars, but everything is still so bright, can it be that the half-dragons have night vision?

I looked around to look for my mysterious savior. It wasn't long before I found someone sitting on the shores of the lake. I slowly got up and walked over to the figure.

"Excuse me."


The person cried out in shock and fell into the water.

"Hey, are you ok?"

I leaned over and held out my hand.

The person was a teenage boy around 18 years old. He had short brown hair and light brown eyes.

He was almost staring at me until he finally tentatively reached for my hand.

"Y-yes, everything i-is good."

Why is he so nervous?

"It was you who saved me from drowning?"


He kept his eyes down and made no eye contact.

"Can you tell me where I am?"

Irritated by my question, he jerked his head up, and I could see his bright red face.

"This is Braten Valley, northeast of Göttingen."

"Wait! Göttingen? "

“Yes, Göttingen. Don't you know Göttingen? ”

“Y-yes, but I'm a little irritated. Are we talking about the city of Göttingen in the south of Lower Saxony?”

"Yes, that's the city. I was talking about."

Wait that means I'm on earth!

"Can you tell me in which direction Göttingen is from here?"

"Hmmm... it should be that way."

He pointed in a direction.

"But, I wouldn't recommend you just walking into the town with this outfit and this getup."

"How come?"

"Well, just walking around the city in a costume with wings and horns for no reason, wouldn't you be embarrassed?"

I turned my head and looked at my wings, and at the same moment, I grabbed one of the horns with my left hand.

If that were a costume, it would be much more comfortable.

He also mentioned my appearance, but I couldn't look at myself except for my hair and wings until now. I leaned carefully over the shore of the lake and looked at my reflection.

Too cute!?

Siana, my character, was a half-dragon. She looked mostly like a human, except for a few places where you could see a scale pattern on the skin. Her horns and wings betrayed her race in the same way. Her hair was fiery red, and her eyes were golden. Her height was around 1.62m if I had to guess.

But what was hers was now mine because I became her.

"Hey, you've been staring at your reflection for a while, can it be that you're narcissistic?"

The boy asked a rather rude question.

"Come on! You asked me about my strange looks first.”

"Uh, yes, of course, but I was talking about your clothes and the horns and wings."

"It is clear to me now, but what has grown, I can not make it disappear!"

I got a little upset and unconsciously fluttered my wings.


The boy stared at me and took a step backward.

"What are you!?"

To my surprise, he wasn't scared but excited.

"Where are you from?"

"What are you doing here?"

He started bombarding me with questions.

I grabbed his shoulder and shook him.

"Stop! I want to have a few questions answered as well!?”

"Uh, yeah, sure."

"Good! Which date and year do we have?”

“May 21, 2020.”

Huh? 2020, two years in the past.

"Do you know someone named Desmond Millner?"

"Huh? How do you know my name?”

"Huh? Your name?"

I opened the bag and took out the letter.


I was about to hand over the letter to him when I remembered the sentence.

"Varschra wa Tyrn!"

He stared at me in confusion.

"This sentence, can it be that you were sent by the one that my grandfather always told me about?"

"Your grandfather?"

“Yes, I was named after my grandfather. When I was little, he told me about this angelic being who told him this sentence and that he should wait for someone to ask him for help with this sentence.”

“That means that the one in question wasn't you, but your grandfather in this letter. Is he still alive?”

"Yes, his memory has decreased, but he is still physically fit!"

I was relieved, maybe this Desmond Millner could help me.

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