I, as my video game character in our world.

Chapter 34: Norns – Part 2

=== ???


It happened again. I immediately noticed that a new dream was opening up to me, but something was different. In front of me sat three women, each of them with angelic wings on their back.


All three greeted me in sync as if they were one voice.

"We have…"

The one on the left spoke first. She had dark hair. She paid her attention to a blackboard from which she didn't even raise her gaze when she spoke to me.

"...been waiting…"

Then the one in the middle continued the sentence. She had red-blonde hair. With her eyes closed, she played harp gently and quietly.

"...for you."

And the one on the right finished the sentence. She had brown hair. She was busy knitting something, and her eyes were in the clouds.

"You are-"

I couldn't even finish my sentence when I was interrupted by these three.

"Urd." "Verdandi." "Skuld."

Each of them said their name.

"""You saw. You followed. You change. """

Urd lowered her blackboard and stood up. Slowly she walked towards me.

"You want to see what happened, am I right?"

She danced around me, her gaze never departing from me.

"I can see what I want?"

"You can. You will see what happened."

Everything around me went black.


=== Somewhere in the far past, POV pseudo-third-person / Siana ===



A man was lying on the ground about 30 meters away from me. He looked up at a woman while the woman was looking down at him contemptuously.

This place had no features. It was a place in nowhere. Everything was white. The only thing that was there was this man and this woman.

“You call me a tyrant? You started it all! I have to end it, even if I do it without you!"

The woman killed the man in front of my eyes, tearing the man in half with her bare hands. It was a horrible sight, and I never could endure it if blood had flowed, but no blood flowed from the man's body. A single white and blue ball floated out.

"You wanted it that way, so you should be like them."

The woman opened what looked like one of those discs from one of my earlier versions in midair. Then she took the white and blue ball in her hands and splintered it into thousands upon thousands of pieces. Finally, she let the splinters all fall through the disc.

Everything dissolved, and Verdandi suddenly stood in front of me.

"You want to see? You will see what is."

Everything changed and the next instant I was in a bedroom. The light fell through wide windows and made the room shine with a white gold sheen.

I approached the huge bed with slow steps.

"I did what I had to do!"

Tyrania... mother spoke in her sleep...

"...I fell ...compensation..."

But she didn't scream in her sleep and stopped talking frequently. Her hand shook, and I took them gently to calm her down.

"...Siana ...Siana ...Siana..."

She repeated my name over and over again.

"Mother, why did you kill this man!?"

Even if she looked different, I could inexplicably say with certainty that she was the woman from Urd's vision.

"Which man…?"

Still, in her sleep, she answered me in a whisper.

“Dark skin, silver hair. He called you a tyrant."

"Tyrant... Tyrania, yes, that's what many called me until I started to call myself that ..."

Her grip tightened.

"Call me by my name."

I wanted to pull my hand away, but she wouldn't let me. But Verdandi appeared and dissolved the vision.

Skuld suddenly stood in front of me. Her yarn ran out. She looked at me with a severe face.

"The end awaits everyone, but the end will end."

Again everything changed around me. I stood in an unfamiliar room, but I wasn't alone.

In the room was my future me, as well as Desmond and Sam.

"Please! Let's do something else!?”

Sam complained to the other me.

“Do you think postponing it would change something? We have already discussed this!"

The future self vehemently defended the plan.

"Are you going to return?"

Desmond grabbed Sam and pulled him back while he asked me in a severe tone.



The future me looked down.

"I do not think so."

"This is madness!"

Sam tore his arm out of Desmond's grip and started shaking me.

“You're going to lose your life for what!? For nothing!"

The other me pulled Sam's hands from her shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

"Nothing? I do it for everyone, every single one!"

She pushed Sam's hand away and turned away.

She disappeared from my field of view, and everything else disappeared in the next instant as well.


=== POV Siana ===


"It's over?"

I turned to Skuld, who appeared out of nowhere.

“Nothing is over. Everything will happen. Hope is where life is."

“Nothing happened. Everything was."

"Everything is."

Urd and Verdandi also showed up.

"""Everything was. All is. Everything will be."""

They repeated their core message one more time in unison.

“I understood that straight away. But how can I change the past to create a better future."

All three pointed past me, and my gaze followed their direction. A black disc had appeared behind me. They showed me something again.

I could see three people through the black disc. The first person was Avila, then the camera panned to the second person and finally to the third. I didn't know either of them, but again I had a familiar feeling...

My sisters…

"We only serve one, only the one that saves."

I hadn't paid close attention to which of the three sisters answered, but I immediately turned to face them.

"Who are you!?"


All three replied again in unison.

"We are the past." "Presence." "And future."

I rolled my eyes out of reflex.

“I know that. Then let me ask the question differently. What are you?"

“““We are the fate, the becoming and the guilt.”””

Even this answer didn't give me the answer I wanted.

"Have you ever lived?"

I tried a different route.

"We didn't live." "Life is finite." "We are infinite."

I felt as if they didn't want to tell me anything about themselves.

"What is the time dream?"

“The side…” “From one and…” “The same coin.”

"Of what? What's on the other side?"


Before I could say another word, everything disappeared.




I opened my eyes, and the morning light was dazzling.


I raised my hand to keep the sun away from my eyes.

Time and space... two sides of the same coin...

I shook my head. I looked at the other bed. Savia was still asleep, so I got up quietly, put on my clothes, and went to the balcony. The gentle breeze was refreshing and distracted me from what was happening.

...Too much... This is just too much...

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