I, as my video game character in our world.

Chapter 32: The stumbling horse Inn

A few guards came rushing up. Two of them stopped by Sieggald while the rest ran to Kuno and me.

"What's going on here?"

The first guards raised their swords and spears and pointed them at me.

"I don't know, but from what I saw... a cursed weapon."

The guard captain sent two guards inside.

"That won't do."

I tried to stop the guards, but a spear twitched in front of my face.

"Don't move."

I didn't want to listen to that and grabbed the spear. With a jerk, I grabbed the spear and threw the guard out of the way. Immediately, two more guards jumped in my way, but I jumped over them on the ledge of the entrance.

I opened the door, and the first thing I saw was the two guards at the other end of the shop area. I ran to them and picked each of them with one hand up. I dragged them through the door with their feet on the floor. Both guards that I had avoided before stood there and could see what I had just done. As a consequence, they lowered their weapons and took each of the two guards from me.

Without waiting for a reaction from their commander, whom I threw to the ground, I turned around to the house.

With a quick leap, I jumped up to the bedroom window and climbed inside. The sword still kept summoning more mist.

"Where did he get this sword from?"

I picked up the sword and looked at the blade.

I don't know he had a sword like that, so... When he has received it, there must be a scabbard for the blade.

I began to feel the ground to see if the scabbard would be somewhere here.


I got up and started searching the closets.

Again nothing…

I held the sword in one hand and left the bedroom. I looked in every room for something like a sword scabbard or box that could banish whatever cause the blade to create the fog.

I was just in the last room on the floor, an office room, when the sword behaved "strangely." The fog from the gray stone stopped, while now red mist came out of the red stone.

I don't really want to know the difference between the two types of fog...

I tramped down the stairs and started looking around the warehouse.

This one!?

I picked up a glowing white ribbon from the closet. The ribbon glowed even brighter as I held it in the red mist and watched it absorb the smoke. I immediately wrapped the ribbon over the blade of the sword, focusing on the two stones.

It took a moment until I was able to stop the fog from escaping further. I carefully put the sword on my shoulder and left the house.

Just as I stepped out of the front door into the street, I noticed everyone staring at me. In addition to the first group of guards, a second had joined them, doubling the number of guards.

"What's going on here?"

A guard spoke to me as I approached the still unconscious Sieggald.

“I have no idea. The only thing I can say for sure is that this sword is the cause. I can also say that Kuno could explain the best what is going on with this sword."

The guard nodded and turned to the two commanders.

“HEY! Hey idiot, wake up!"

I patted Sieggald multiple times lightly on the cheek. After a couple of blows, Sieggald stirred and opened his eyes.

"What happened? Where am I?"

I got up and looked down at him.

“You took a nap. And to be honest, I want to see more of this city, but unfortunately, it's already too late. The whole action here was enough for today."

He got up slowly, and it seemed like we could run away, but when the troop leaders realized that, one of them came over to us.

"You can't leave until we can say for sure that you are not responsible for this mess."

I looked at Sieggald, who immediately turned to the troop leader.

“With all due respect, sir. I was assigned by the guard's captain at the gate to escort the young lady and her sister through the city. It is thanks to her sister that our feudal lord is still alive! I can also guarantee with certainty that Lady Siana was the solution and not the cause."

Sieggald saluted.

"Soldier, you were passed out. How would you know that?"

"Where from? The sisters only got here today less than four hours ago, and given the height of the fog and the area over which it had spread that I saw should take several hours, if not days."

The troop leader fell silent, and Sieggald led me from the scene, confident that he won with his words.

"To the inn?"

He wanted to be sure and asked me again, and I nodded in agreement.


=== The stumbling horse Inn


"From here on, I'll say goodbye."

Sieggald stopped in front of the entrance of the inn.

"Well! Thank you."

I gave him my hand and said goodbye with a firm handshake.

All right then.

I went to the entrance and slowly opened the door. I knew a few houses from the game, but this must have been one of the many unenterable houses.

I stepped through the door into the inn. The room was spacious and to the left of the entrance was a counter, while several tables were arranged on the right.

"Can I help?"

A middle-aged woman came over to the counter from a back room.

"My sister said I should wait here for her."

"Your sister?"

She replied immediately with a slightly annoyed voice.


"We don't have any vacancies. Go somewhere else."

Her look turned annoyed and uninterested.


The door behind me opened, and Savia stood at the entrance.

"Siana, you're already here. That's great."

She turned to the woman.

"Long time not seen, Mila."

I turned my gaze to the woman, and the expression on her face had changed significantly. Her entire body began to glow suddenly, and when the glowing disappeared, a little girl jumped up to Savia and hugged her.

"What's going on here?"

Thoroughly irritated, I immediately asked the two of them. Savia stroked the girl's head and turned to me.

“Siana, you have to know that the stumbling horse is not a normal inn. The owner here, like us, is not human. Mila, don't you want to introduce yourself to my sister?"

Mila reluctantly let go of Savia and turned to me.

"I'm Mila, Savia's childhood friend."

Savia stroked her head again.

“Mila is a dragon, like me. She is a little younger than me and has accompanied me on my journey here. There was only one other person who traveled with us, but he stayed on earth."

A dragon, huh?

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