I, as my video game character in our world.

Chapter 19: Siana & Savia – Part 1

Happy New Year everyone.


=== At the schoolyard


A week had passed since Savia joined our class. She was well-received by most of our classmates, but now and then, she answered questions in class in a strange way.

My first thought was that she had a keen imagination, but her answers were strange, especially in history. She explained how God and gods saw the world, how demon wars began, and other weird things. I could mark all of this as a joke, but... her last name... Everything was just too odd. I looked online for what this -dóttir stood for and found my answer. It was like the -son of the Vikings, which meant that her father's name was Jormun.

All these coincidences were too perfect. I hadn't told Avila about Savia, nor had I mentioned it to Savia. But still, I noticed since her first day how her gaze wandered over and over to me.

"Bye, Siana, see you tomorrow."

Nicole said goodbye to me and went in the other direction. On the other hand, I made my way to the supermarket that was on the way home.

I had the feeling that someone followed me. The steps were quiet so that I could barely hear them.

Maybe Savia? But why would she chase me today, out of all days?

I pushed the thought aside and decided to ignore it as long as the person didn't come near me.


A scream could be heard. It was coming from the direction I was heading to, so I started to run. As I turned the corner, I could see what the fence was covering. A woman was lying in the middle of the street, her expression colorless and full of horror. She slowly crawled backward on all fours.

Opposite of her were three creatures I never met before. They were three giant wolves with gray fur and red eyes. Something that reminded me of Ashes came out with their breath.

I don't know this race! Did this race exist inside the game? I can't remember this kind of race.

I didn't have a choice, and I had to help the woman. I pulled my hood over my head and took out my fans. I decided not to carry the daggers with me during school because I didn't want to get in trouble. The fans weren't inconspicuous, but if the police would check, I could say something like, “I'm learning fan dance, and I have lessons today.”

The first wolf jumped towards the woman. I had to react quickly, so I tossed one of the fans, closed, at the wolf. The fan hit the wolf's snout and tossed its head to one side.

I jumped in front of the woman and blocked the second wolf's attack with the other fan. I turned my head slightly and looked at the woman from the corner of my eye.


She was supposed to run away, but she just stared blankly at the wolves and me.

I should have known that it wouldn't work.

I turned my attention back to the wolves. The wolf in the middle tried to bite me, but I took a mysterious step to the side and hit the wolf in the lower jaw with my fist. Then I pushed it with all my might on the wolf to its left. I lost its balance and buried its colleague.

At that moment, I used the time and picked up the other fan, only to turn around so I could catch the third wolf's claw. I parried the attack, and the wolf pushed me back.

The other two got up again, but they kept their distance instead of approaching me. They began to circle us, but they never took their eyes off me. They were waiting for a mistake on my part because if I attack one of them, the woman behind me would be unprotected.

The wolf behind me jumped towards the woman. I turned and was about to parry the attack when a second wolf leaped towards the woman as well. I reacted by catching the first wolf and throwing the wolf over my shoulders at the other wolf in one move.

I had a bad feeling, and my feeling didn't betray me. The third wolf attacked the helpless woman. I couldn't even begin to react when the wolf came down towards the woman and pressed the woman to the ground with one of the paws. It was about to bite.

The moment it was about to lower its head and bite her, I could see a small black shadow fly through the air. It landed on the wolf's back, and before I could tell what it was, it jumped away again.

The wolf's body went numb and froze.

Hmm? Why isn't it moving?

I pushed the motionless wolf away from the woman, but I couldn't deal with the wolf and the shadow for too long because the other wolves got up again. I placed myself between the woman, who was no longer conscious, and the wolves.

I combined my magic with the fans, and with a strong turn, I created a wind barrier between the wolves and myself. I picked the woman up and waited for the right moment.

Just as the barrier run out of time, I jumped into the air. I let my wings appear, and I built a distance from the wolves. Only when I was sure that I was no longer within their reach did I stop.

"Take this!"

I threw fireballs at the two wolves, but neither was impressed. Both created what looked like an ash cloud. My fireballs hit the clouds, and I could see how the balls in the ash cloud became smaller and smaller until they completely vanished.


A loud howl could be heard in the distance, and I watched as both wolves turned away from me. They grabbed the front paws of their pack member and pulled it out.

What's going on now?

I watched the wolves disappear into nothing. They literally vanished into thin air.


=== A few moments ago, POV Savia ===


I wanted it, no, I couldn't believe it... The sister, my sister, father's firstborn, was within reach. When one of the girls asked me if I was Siana's sister, I initially wanted to say no. The thing was, I had no proof that she was my sister.

I tried to dismiss everything by chance, but the name, the similarity, or the family name. Everything spoke for her for being here, but I wanted to be sure and watched her for a whole week during school.

Today is the day! Today I want to speak to her and tell her everything finally!

My plan was clear, but she was always with the other girls in the class. I didn't dare to walk between them, so I wanted to talk to her after school as soon as she split up with the last classmate.

When the time came, my courage failed. I didn't dare...

I am just a coward.

I was so ashamed...

Siana got faster, and I hurried after her. I stopped at the corner and could watch Siana protecting a woman from the attack of a wolf.

I stayed covered and watched the situation from a safe distance, but when the three wolves circled Siana and the woman and then attacked one after the other, I had to act.

I released the magic that veiled my true form and jumped out. I landed on the back of the wolf, who wanted to bite the woman. With a precision attack, I interrupted the wolf's movement and let it freeze with my magic.

As I was about to look up at Siana, I realized that her gaze was aimed in my direction. Her gaze brought me back to what I was actually here for. Fearing the consequences, I jumped off the wolf's back and ran away.

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