I am the fourth generation of wind shadows

Chapter 031

Luo Sha’s demeanor and words were not very serious.

After all, what Luo Sha told was also a well-known fact in the ninja world.

The contradictory relationship between the ninja and the daimyo was deeply analyzed by Luo Sha.

In the end, Luo Sha came to this conclusion.

“You say, in the ninja world, is the daimyo a little redundant?”

Although Luo Sha’s voice is very flat;

But this sentence, in the ears of Yashamaru, Elder Chiyo, and Kaiyozo’s seniors, was like a sudden bomb.

Simply sensational! ~

“Lord Kazekage, that brother-in-law, how did you come up with this horrific idea? That’s the name of the Land of the Wind! ~”

Bang bang! ~

Yashamaru swallowed deeply, his throat turning up and down;

The words that followed became too loud to speak.

“I… Shinobu… This kind of …

“Looks like Orochimaru was scared?”

Luo Sha suddenly sighed.

Maybe Luo Sha was in a hurry.

After all, this daimyo of the ninja world has an incomprehensible prestige, and it is not something that can be shaken in a short time.

Or in other words, this tradition of ninja history is not so easy to change!

“Four generations of wind shadows, when exactly did you have such an idea? Assassination of the Daimyo of the Land of the Wind? ”

Elder Chiyo was also taken aback;

I really didn’t expect Luo Sha to have such an incredible idea.

Although Elder Chiyo has been in battle for a long time, it can be said that the birth of Sand Hidden Village has been the life course of Elder Chiyo to this day.

That’s why Elder Chiyo is so experienced.

But it is also because Elder Chiyo has lived most of his life, and the village of Sunahide is under the influence of the daimyo of the Land of Wind.

It is also clearer about the status of the daimyo among ninjas.

Although when he learned that the daimyo of the Land of Wind had taken targeted measures because of the armistice in Sunahide Village, he compared Sunahide Village with Ichisuke.

Elder Chiyo was also full of anger and wanted to kill the daimyo of the Wind Country.

But Elder Chiyo was just thinking about it, and he never thought of putting it into practice.

“It’s easy to assassinate the daimyo of the Wind Country, but the incident caused after that is not something that the Sand Hidden Village can bear! ~”

After the shock, Elder Chiyo quickly persuaded Luo Sha, wanting Luo Sha to dispel this idea.

In Chiyo Elder’s opinion, it was definitely a bold thought.

“Although I am also very angry with the daimyo’s decision, the daimyo is also the titular ruler of the country of wind after all, and must not really kill the daimyo! ~”

“Fourth generation of Wind Shadow, Luo Sha, don’t act recklessly! ~”

Elder Chiyo, who spoke earnestly, wanted Luo Sha to recognize this reality.

“Assassination of the Daimyo of the Land of the Wind? It is indeed the most direct way! ~”

Luo Sha said with a flat expression.

“Sure enough, the fourth generation of Wind Shadow Luosha has this idea! ~”

Hearing this, all three of Yashamaru secretly spoke, and Elder Chiyo was about to speak again to persuade.

In any case, let Rosa give up this amazing idea;

Otherwise, with Luo Sha’s ninja strength, in the entire country of wind, even if he kills the daimyo of the country of wind head-on, there is no one to stop.

But Luo Sha spoke instead

“But I never thought about assassinating the Daimyo of the Wind Country, so rest assured, Elder Chiyo, such an irrational thing, as the fourth generation of the Wind Shadow, will not do it.”

Call! ~

Hearing this, Elder Chiyo and the other three all breathed a sigh of relief;

Elder Chiyo said very angrily

“Since I don’t have this idea, let’s say it earlier, my old wife is not scared!” ~”

“Then, since there will be no assassination of the daimyo, what is the point of what you said? The daimyo of the Land of Wind will not disappear for no reason, rather than that no ninja will assassinate the Daimyo of the Land of Wind. ”

“Huh! ~”

Luo Sha chuckled a few times, and then said very calmly

“The daimyo of the Land of Wind can die, but it must not die at the hands of ninjas such as me, that’s what I think.”

“In the ninja world, the daimyo has the right to rule and can manage the affairs of the entire country, while the ninja has the strength and is responsible for guarding the stability of the entire country.”

“It seems to be a situation of mutual benefit, and all countries in the ninja world are in this situation, and even if there are differences, they are inseparable.”

“But nay! ——”

Speaking of this, Luo Sha paused, as if to let Elder Chiyo and the others have psychological preparation, or they were sorting out their thoughts.

Then, Fang continued:

“When ninjas also have ambitions and can govern the country, the daimyo seems less important.”

“And do ninjas lack the talent to govern? I think that Elder Chiyo alone can also govern the entire Wind Country, after all, although the Wind Country has a vast territory, there are only so many civilians, at most it is only six or seven times the number of people in Shayin Village. ”

“Therefore, ninjas have the strength and ability to rule the country of wind, and naturally do not need the fingers of the daimyo of the country of wind.”

“In this way, Sand Shinobu rules the entire Wind Country, and will be able to integrate the resources of the entire Wind Country, use them to develop the strength of the Sand Hidden Village, and build the entire Wind Country! ~”

Quiet! ~

After Luo Sha finished speaking, the entire room was silent, and the silence was terrifying.


Bang bang! ~

In the end, it was the young man, Yashamaru, who had poor concentration, and suddenly swallowed his saliva.

The complicated expression on his face could not tell whether he was shocked by Luo Sha’s opinion, or longed for such a bright future.

“Kazekage-sama, the prospect of Sand Shinobu you mentioned is very tempting, but all this must be the death of the daimyo of the Wind Country, no successor, and then all the nobles of the Wind Country agree, before there will be a chance for Sand Shinobu to ascend the throne, but…”

Yashamaru kept his voice as low as he could, as if he was terrified that someone would hear about this big thing.

After all, if Luo Sha’s thoughts were leaked, it would definitely cause the vigilance and fear of the daimyo of the Wind Country.

With the prestige of the daimyo of the Land of Wind, and the sand ninjas who disobeyed the four generations of Kazekage Rasa;

It is not difficult to let Luo Sha, the fourth generation of wind shadows, abdicate.

So, you have to be careful and careful! ~

PS1: Collect, flowers, everything!!!

PS2: Thanks to @SugarSugar@ for your monthly pass support!!!

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