I am the fourth generation of wind shadows

Chapter 029

Shinobu and Konoha ninja negotiate an armistice and sign the Kikyo Mountain Treaty;

The army of Shinobi completely withdrew from Mt. Kikyo and withdrew from the border of the Land of Fire.

When the Daimyo of the Wind Country received this news, he was undoubtedly furious.

“That group of bastards, what the hell is Shayin Village doing? Dare to decide on a truce on your own? ”

The daimyo of the country of wind who gritted his teeth, suddenly even the beautiful woman of Xinna was viciously pushed away, without giving face at all.

Later, the coquettish beauty was ordered to be sent out by the left and right guards.

Don’t care about their face!

The lustful daimyo of the country of wind is already to the extent that this kind of beauty cannot be cared for, and you can imagine how angry he is in his heart.

In the heart of the daimyo of the Wind Country, these beauties are only playthings if they do not have the bloodline descendants of the daimyo.

A few simple rewards will suffice.

And what makes everyone feel incredible is that although the daimyo of the country of wind does not know how many beauties are lucky.

But it was as if it had been predestined.

In addition to one of the beauties, he was lucky enough to get the descendants of the daimyo of the Wind Country and was born in that dangerous harem.

Although eventually the beauty seemed to run out of luck, the remaining descendants of the daimyo perished.

But this descendant, a boy who made the daimyo of the Land of Winds ecstatic, is also extremely rare.

It seems that he is the only bloodline of the daimyo of the Wind Country, and he was immediately established as the son of the Daimyo of the Wind Country, and he was carefully cared for and raised.

And in the heart of the daimyo of the Land of Wind, he did not care about the truce between Sand Hidden Village and Konoha Hidden Village.

In fact, even if the sand ninja beat all the ninja villages in the ninja world, the daimyo of the country of wind did not care.

What made the Daimyo of the Land of Wind angry was that the ninjas of the Village of Sand Hide, especially the fourth generation of Kazekage Rasa, did not inform the Daimyo of the Land of Wind in advance about the truce and peace.

You know, in the entire ninja world, the daimyo is in charge of the national administration, and the ninja is responsible for military forces.

Although the daimyo’s subordinates also have a group of military forces, they are very small compared to their ninjas.

There is no comparison at all!

Usually, the subordinates of these daimyo can only serve as guards to guard the majesty of the daimyo.

The safety of the daimyo is actually the responsibility of the ninja in his country.

A clear example is Sarutobi Asma, one of the Guardian Twelve Shinobi, who is both a Konoha ninja and a daimyo guard of the Land of Fire.

Similarly, the daimyo of the Land of Wind has such guardian ninjas, and most of them are in charge of Shinobu.

The daimyo of the Land of the Wind could even imagine how ridiculed and ironic the other daimyo would have shown when they learned that the Sand Shinobi had made a truce without permission.

That kind of smile full of malice made the daimyo of the country of wind feel uncomfortable when he thought about it.

In other words, what the daimyo of the country of wind cares about is not the truce of the sand ninjas, but the face and authority of the daimyo himself.

In today’s ninja world, ninjas are in charge of military power, but they must also obey the daimyo’s arrangements.

Originally, in the Fourth Shinobi War, after the daimyo of the ninja world agreed, the ninja villages of various countries were able to carry out the plan of the ninja alliance.

It is conceivable that the prestige of the daimyo is also of practical use.

Although many ninjas disagree, this is the history of the ninja world, forming almost default rules and regulations.

This is probably the so-called custom!

It’s not very graphic, but that’s pretty much what it means.

The daimyo of the Land of Wind did not trust the village of Sunahide very much, so he always withheld financial support.

However, it is necessary to use the village of Shayin to maintain the stability of the country of wind;

Eliminate all the rioters, so that the nobles such as the daimyo of the Wind Country can act unscrupulously.

It is very complex, on the one hand, distrust, on the other hand, it must be relied on.

It’s not just the Land of Wind and Sand Hidden Village;

Basically, the daimyo and ninja villages in most countries in the ninja world are such a tangled relationship.

If the daimyo is stronger, the Shinobi Village will be restrained.

If the daimyo is weaker, the Shinobi Village will become stronger.

For example, the original Ninja World of the Land of Wind and the Sand Hidden Village were even stronger than the daimyo of the Land of the Wind, deliberately reducing the development funds of the Sand Hidden Village, so that the Sand Hidden Bar had to implement the ninja policy of elite soldiers.

And the country of thunder and the village of Yunyin, the name of the country of thunder is weaker, and the voice of the thunder shadow is greater, so that the cloud ninja can attack the war unscrupulously.

Even the seemingly harmonious Daimyo of the Fire Nation and Konoha Hidden Village;

It’s not as rosy as it seems.

The heart of the daimyo of the Fire Nation was not filled with jealousy.

But because the strength of Konoha Hidden Village is extremely strong, it can defeat the four Great Shinobi Villages alone, so that the Daimyo of the Fire Nation does not dare to act rashly.

Shimura Danzo once refuted the opinion of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation because of the problem of the sixth generation of Hokage.

The daimyo of the Fire Nation did not dare to speak loudly at all, and in the end, he could only let Shimura Danzo become the sixth generation Hokage.

Although this sixth-generation Hokage position, his reign was very short.

But it is indeed a fact that Shimura Danzo verbally coerced the daimyo of the Fire Nation.

Presumably, the heart of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation was also extremely uncomfortable.

But because of the strength of the Konoha ninjas, they didn’t dare to say more.

Perhaps, the so-called Guardian Twelve Shinobi Turmoil was secretly guided by the Daimyo of the Fire Nation.

Despite the inevitable defeat in the end!

Even most of the Konoha ninjas such as the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash probably did not regard the Great Name of the Fire Country very seriously.

As one of the twelve ninja guardians of the daimyo, Sarutobi Asma’s last words on the occasion of his death also said that the young ninja of Konoha Hidden Village is the “jade” of the country of fire.

This makes the identity of the daimyo of the Fire Nation seem less important.

Even so, in the entire ninja world, there is still no ninja who will blatantly disdaimyo;

Perhaps it is a legacy of the history of the ninja world, at least there is also respect for face.

In the Land of the Wind, the influence of the daimyo is particularly important, which can make the ninjas of the Sand Hidden Village want to die.

Therefore, when the sand ninja stopped fighting without permission;

The enraged Daimyo of the Land of Wind intends to make all the sand ninjas uncomfortable.

“It seems that it is necessary to limit the strength of the Sand Hidden Village and let the Sand Ninja see who is the ruler of the Land of Wind!”

“Hmph! There is no need to send the funds for the second half of Shayin Village, so give it to the beauty just now as a gift! ”

The daimyo of the Wind Country said with a grim expression.

Not only that, but the daimyo of the Wind Country also intends to economically blockade the village of Sunahide to prevent any materials from flowing into the village.

And reduce the tasks of Shayin Village, reduce its sources of funding.

“The sand ninjas must be remembered for a long time! ~”

PS1: Ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for everything!!!

PS2: Thank you for your monthly pass and tip support!!!

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