I am the fourth generation of wind shadows

Chapter 014

Shouhe has been suppressed, even if it is suppressed for a short time, but it can no longer form effective combat effectiveness.

Whenever Shouzuru wants to raise his head, he will be greeted by a powerful attack.

or stunned by the blade face of Toad Bunta’s giant short knife;

or knocked unconscious by Toad’s Zen staff and pot-lid-shaped shield;

Or stunned by Jiraiya’s spiral pill.

In fact, Shouhe’s occasional look up is not all about wanting to fight back, but just feeling stuffy in his heart and wanting to speak.

But Jiraiya waited for the three guys, and did not give Shouhe a chance.

After all, Shouhe’s tailed beast jade is too powerful to allow Shouhe to have such an opportunity.

In short, Shouhe has temporarily lost its combat effectiveness.

Although I waited for the three guys, I also understood that this was not a solution.

In the end, Shouhe is also a tail, with unlimited chakra, that is, the strength is slightly weaker.

And there are many Chakras who are also waiting for three, but there are also limits.

If you wait for Chakra to run out, it will be time for Shouzuru to fight back.

And by that time, if the battle of Kirito Mountain has not ended, then it will be very dangerous to have its psychic beasts.

Luo Sha glanced at the suppressed Shouzuru slightly, and sighed secretly that he was worthy of being known as one of Konoha’s three Shinobi, and he was able to suppress Shouzuru single-handedly.

Although it is temporary, it has already made ordinary ninjas daunting.

But Shouzuru has already pinned down a shadow-level ninja, which can be regarded as completing a task.

Therefore, Luo Sha is also satisfied.

What’s more, Luo Sha did not intend to let this war last too long, after all, it was not a battle of life and death.

So, Luo Sha turned his attention to the battlefield between Sand Shinobi and Konoha Ninja.

“Scorching, over-steaming! ~”

With a sigh, a female Shinobi flashed past a Konoha Shinobi, and behind him floated two orange-red Chakra energy fireballs.

“Ah! My body…”

I saw that the body of this Konoha Naka Shinobu quickly shriveled, like a dehydrated vegetable, turning into a terrifying mummy.

It’s like being sucked dry of life force, screaming and dying.

“Burning Ninja Hakura!”

Luo Sha’s attention was instantly attracted by Ye Cang’s figure;

After all, that kind of signature and extremely strong burning ninjutsu, it is difficult not to attract attention.

As the hero of Shayin Village, in exchange for peace with Wuyin Village, he was sacrificed by the original Luo Sha.

It is also a very regrettable thing.

If Ye Cang grows up completely, it may not become the pillar of Shayin Village.

But today’s Luo Sha will not make such mistakes.

Not to mention that Sand Hidden Village has not had friction with Mist Hidden Village, even such a well-qualified scorching ninja, Luo Sha will inevitably protect its growth.

Previously, Elder Chiyo lamented that there were too many genius ninjas in Konoha, but why didn’t there be genius ninjas in Sunahide Village?

The scorching ninja Ye Cang in front of him is not a veritable genius scorching ninja!

“Ah! ~”

Another scream, this time it was Konoha Shinobu who was killed in seconds.

Airplanes! ~

Burst! ~

A galloping Ku Wu shot at the back of Ye Cang’s heart at a very tricky angle.

When it was about to hit, it was blocked by Ye Cang’s scorching fireball, and slowly turned into a puddle of molten iron.

I have to say that Burning Ninjutsu is a ninjutsu that can be attacked and defended!

After sensing the attack of the Konoha ninja and blocking its attack, Hakura’s one hand was raised;

The scorching fireball in the palm of that hand shot out instantly.

No matter how the Konoha ninja dodged, he could not escape the burning fireball with tracking ability.

In the end, he could only scream and turn into a fresh dried corpse.

Such a pedestrian-eyed attack method naturally attracted the attention of a large number of Konoha ninjas.

The three Konoha Shinobi came to kill with a very tacit understanding.

At the same time, both middle and lower patience have all withdrawn from this death zone.

After all, that kind of burning ninjutsu that kills people at every turn is not a middle ninja and lower ninja with insufficient strength, and it can be resisted.

Ye Cang, who had been in battle for a long time, naturally noticed this situation, but he was still unafraid.

The three Konoha Shinobu first threw some kunai shurikens and tentatively attacked.

It was useless, but it was not discouraged.

“Wind Escape Vacuum Dayu! ~”

A Konoha Kami-Shinobu quickly froze, spitting out several extremely powerful wind light waves from his mouth, impacting Ye Cang’s body.

Scorching fireball!

Ye Cang, who was bold in the artist, brazenly manipulated the three scorching fireballs and impacted the Wind Escape Ninjutsu.

Under the power bonus, he quickly consumed the wind ninjutsu, and at the same time, he crashed into the Konoha ninjas.

“Tudun Tuliu City Wall! ~”

A thick earthen wall temporarily blocked the attack of the three scorching fireballs.

“Water Dragon Technique! ~”

It was at this moment that a Konoha ninja took advantage of Hakura’s lack of sight, went around behind Hakura, and blatantly attacked.

“Hmph! Water and fire is common sense, but my burning is not ordinary fire ninjutsu! ~”

Ye Cangjiao snorted, spread out his left hand, and three scorching fireballs appeared out of thin air.

Extremely quickly surrounded the Konoha ninja;

Soon, the Konoha ninja turned into a dry corpse with a scream.

“Solve one! ~”

Ye Cang chanted very confidently, and three scorching fireballs appeared out of thin air in his right hand;

Along with the three on the left, counting the three that broke through the earth, a total of nine scorching fireballs rushed towards one of them, Konoha Kami-Shinobu.

This Konoha Shinobu tried his best to dodge, but still could not escape the fate of turning into a dry corpse.

Among them, the power is also terrifying!

When Ye Cang was about to solve the last Konoha Shinobu, suddenly a uniquely shaped kunai shot in front of him.

“Naive! ~”

Ye Cang snorted coldly, deflected his head slightly, and dodged this Ku Wu’s attack.

And those nine scorching fireballs, still unabated, rushed towards that Konoha Shinobu.

If there is no accident, this Konoha Shinobu will inevitably lose all his vitality.

Buzz! ~

Woohoohoo! ~

At this moment, an unusually harsh spinning sound sounded in Ye Cang’s ears.

Under his moved expression, Ye Cang only saw a flashing golden light;

And those eyes that are as blue as the sky.

Flying Thunder God’s Art!

Spiral pills!

This deadly power, if hit, even if you don’t die, you will be seriously injured!

“This is?”

Ye Cang was shocked and urgently summoned the scorching fireball, but it was too late.

PS: Collect, flowers, everything!!!

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