I am the fourth generation of wind shadows

Chapter 011

Elder Chiyo’s side fought very hard, and Luo Sha also began to prepare for the battle.

But before that, it is necessary to make the secret weapon of Shayin Village shine.

“Divide the blessing senior, it’s time for you to appear.”

Luo Sha said softly;

With Luo Sha’s words, a thin old man slowly appeared from behind Luo Sha.

Fenfu is the pillar force of the one-tailed crane keeper in Shayin Village;

It is also the most successful crane keeper in the history of Shayin Village.

Because he has been imprisoned since birth as a Shouzuru man, his real name is also little known, and most Shinobi call him Shouzuru.

The hands of the blessings are written with the words “heart” and “receive” respectively;

Taken together, it is “love”, and it is also the persistence of Fenfu all along.

It is believed that people’s hearts yearn for mutual acceptance, and even to be recognized by Shouzuru before death, so that they can die safely.

It is not so much a sand ninja as a monk similar to the Six Dao Immortals.

Luo Sha originally didn’t want to disturb the crane guard’s pillar power that was running out of time.

It’s just that the high-end combat power of Shayin Village is too rare.

For the future of Shayin Village, Luo Sha can only cheekily ask for blessings to come out of the mountain and fight the last battle for Shayin.

“The young fourth generation, the old man can feel the light in your heart, and I hope you can lead Shayin Village on the right path.”

Perhaps feeling the apprehension in Luo Sha’s heart, Fenfu clasped his hands together and bowed his head slightly, comforting softly.

“However, I think the old man can’t see it! ~”

“Don’t care, being able to dedicate the last bit of life force to Shayin Village and free Shayin Village from the vortex of the Ninja World War can also be regarded as the value of the old man.”

“Please, senior! ~”

What else Luo Sha can say, only from the bottom of his heart.

It is worthy of being a blessing of the same era as the generation elder, and as a crane guard, the journey of tasting good and evil in the world has made the wise blessing aware of Luo Sha’s thoughts.

In other words, Fenfu has sensed that Luo Sha wants to keep Sand Hidden Village out of the Ninja World War.

“Good, all sins, all sins, all to me! ~”

Fenfu walked forward slowly, clasping his hands together and whispering softly with his head down.

A momentum like destroying the world emanated from the body of the blessed.

Moreover, on the body of Fenfu, solid sand constantly emerged, outlining hideous lines, and finally forming a behemoth-like monster.

Ichio Moritsuru joins the war! ~

“How long has it been? Probably for a lifetime! Soon, soon…”

The consciousness of Shufu gradually fell asleep, and a heaven-shaking cry resounded between the battlefield of the Shinobu and the ninja of Konoha.

“Roar! ~”

“Roar! ~”

“Roar! ~”

“Ahahaha, Lao Tzu finally came out again! Hahaha! ~”

Shouzuru laughed loudly and madly, swinging his limbs and tail very excitedly, and the nearby sand accompanied the change of Shouzuru’s mood, and it also condensed and collapsed from time to time.

Let the Konoha ninjas, who are deeply trapped in it, feel a rush for a while.

Even a few unlucky Konoha ninjas were directly killed by the sand of the crane guard, unconsciously.

But Shinobu, who had been prepared for a long time, had already left this area in advance, just to let Shouzuru release his power more happily.

“Moritsuru! Shinobu sent out human pillar power, bad! ~”

“Fight back! Counterattack! Suppression of Shouhe! ~”

“Attack! Never back down! ~”

Encouraged by Konoha’s upper Shinobu, both the Naka Shinobi and the Lower Shinobi also quickly calmed down.

Begins to be led by Kami-Shinobu, throwing kunai wrapped in detonation charms, as well as unleashing ninjutsu of various attack types.

Bang bang! ~

Bang bang! ~

For a time, there were endless explosions on Shouhe’s body;

The arrogant laughter also stopped abruptly.

The Art of Fireball!

Water Dragon Technique!

Wind escape vacuum big jade!

Thunder, earth…

Various types of attack ninjutsu, as long as they are the most powerful, are unleashed by these Konoha ninjas as best they can.

It’s not ineffective, and it also makes Shouhe turn over.

The behemoth-like body smashed viciously to the ground, splashing dust that covered the sky.

“Was it successful?”

A Konoha Shinobu whispered nervously.

Of course it can’t be successful!

This is a crane!

Even the weakest of the tailed beasts was not something that a few Konoha Shinobi could handle.

I saw that the smoke and dust surrounding the crane gradually dispersed.

It shows Moritsuru’s huge body covered with violet tattoos.

“It hurts! ~ Damn Shinobu, he dared to attack Uncle Ben! ~”

Shouzuru shouted loudly in pain;

Although those attacks could not inflict fatal damage on Shouzuru, they also made Shouzuru painful.

Shouzuru, who was turning his cross-star-eyed eyes, quickly locked his gaze on the attacking Konoha ninjas.

“Ahhh! ~ This ninja forehead is Konoha’s, isn’t it a sand ninja? ”

There was a tone of surprise, but Shouhe soon didn’t care much.

“Ninjas are not a good thing! It’s all damned, and Konoha ninjas are no exception! ~”

In Shouzuru’s mind, he suddenly thought of the original guy who used Mudun to catch him, and he was also a Konoha ninja.

“Go and die! Sandstorm Burial! ~”

Morizuru roared, and thick and dense sand quickly covered these Konoha ninjas.

after mobility and repression;

These Konoha ninjas who attacked the crane were buried deep under the sand.

Buried alive! ~

Subsequently, Morizuru rushed into the nearest Konoha ninja position;

In unbridled destruction.

Rely on its behemoth-like body and the ultimate defense of sand.

It is used as the sharpest weapon.

It stirred the bodies of the Konoha ninja and disturbed the position of the Konoha ninja.

Snap! ~

An unlucky Konoha ninja can’t escape Moritsuru’s big feet;

Vicious trampled into a puddle of mud.

The white and red are intertwined, and it is no longer possible to tell which part of the body it is.

Today’s shocking death scene has made most of Konoha ninja shake their souls.

Death is not terrible, either;

In general, death is the fate of ninjas.

The vast majority of ninjas are not afraid of death, and so are Konoha ninjas.

It’s just that such a disgusting death, a useless death, is not what the Konoha ninjas want.

“Nasty little bugs, kill you all, trample them all! ~”

The shouting Morizuru was brazenly attacking any ninja in the path on the position of Konoha ninjas.

When the sand ninjas saw Shou Tsuru’s achievements, they were not only excited, but also a little frightened.

After all, it was Sand Shinobu who imprisoned Shouzuru, and perhaps Shouhe hated Sand Shinobu even more;

It’s just that because the Konoha ninja is relatively close to Moritsuru, and at the same time attacks Moritsuru without authorization, Shouzuru, who feels pain, is naturally annoyed;

It was also natural to be the first to attack the Konoha ninjas.

PS1: Ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for everything!!!

PS2: Thanks to ghjv for the monthly pass support!!!

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