I am Succubus!

102 – Yumi’s Little Sister

Up to 10 advanced chapters available to read NOW, get the latest chapter here I am Succubus! Chapter 112 - A Seductress' Deal | Jammin' Rabbit (WN) on Patreon for only 5$!

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Updates every week on Monday PST!

Mio, Hana, and I had gone out into the city to screw around. Not sexually. Just the usual high school teenage stuff to blow off some steam.

Sex later. Maybe.

On the Saturday before the two-day culture festival at school, we succubi decided to have a day to ourselves to relax. We had completed all we could for the cosplay cafe. Rika assured us she and the others could finish up the rest. Some students lingered behind at school. Others who were more committed would stay overnight to put the final touches or practice in if they were putting on a performance.

Like Hana.

She had tagged along to hang out with us, shirking her duties to both the drama club and her class.


Instead, Hana was on all fours and meowing at one of the cats in the cat cafe. She had been at this for nearly ten minutes now.

A snow-white cat with a tuft of black fur around its right eye had its back curved upwards and tail raised. The little thing was clearly on edge. One of the waiters, worried for both the cat and customers, was trying to ward Hana away.

"Miss, I beg you. Please don't meow menacingly at the cats! You're putting them on edge," he said, eyes flicking back and forth between them.

"Should we step in to stop her?" I asked Mio.

She shrugged and sipped loudly on her iced latte. "She can protect herself."

"I'm talking about the cat…"

"Me, too." She returned my confused gaze.

Mio and I sat back to watch the scene unfold. When Hana became this way, nothing short of brute force would get her to stop. The pink-haired helion continued to yeowl at the cat and began to attract more until they had her surrounded.

An army of cats shook their butts and lowered their hind legs.

"Ah—" Hana realized too late she was at a disadvantage.


All at once, the bite-sized predators pounced on Hana, clawing and biting her.

"UWAAAAHHH! THEY FIGHT BACK! THEY FIGHT BACK!" she screamed, racing back and forth across the store in an attempt to shake them off.

The white cat she had been taunting all this time clung to her face and relentlessy clawed into her like raking leaves. It seemed that one was their leader, because as soon as she hopped away, the rest followed suit.

Hana twitched on the ground, a crime scene of her own making.

"They got me good boyos…" She groaned.

The manager and employees apologized profusely despite it all being Hana's fault. It would look bad if they didn't since someone did get hurt in their establishment. They offered redeemable freebies for the next time we visited, but I refused them because… well, it was Hana's fault.

It became too awkward being there so we left early. None of the cats wanted to play with us anymore anyway. Hana emerged from the cafe with her face full of gauze. Only her left eye came out unscathed.

"What can we say? You reap what you sow," I said, holding in my laughter.

"Heh. How's it feel not being able to talk?" Mio smirked widely, amused that Hana had been bandaged up like a mummy. She couldn't so much as say a word, and communicated through a series of grunts. "Kahaha! It's like Halloween hasn't even ended."

Hana sighed through her nose and shook a clenched fist towards the cat cafe, supposedly in a vow of vengeance against her feline attackers.

There was still plenty of daylight left, so Mio decided we should hit up an arcade. I suggested flying to Akiba or Kobe for the SEGA centers, but she wanted to maximize the time we had today just chilling in Tsukiji.

However, on our way to an arcade, we ran into an awkward succubus in the process of tailing a group of people. She had to be pseudo-invisible because we were the only ones who could see her, and if others did they would be wondering why someone was cosplaying.

"Ih Yuhi hiher!" Hana mumbled through the cotton wrappings.

"Who?" Mio and I asked.

"She's my younger sister." Yumi gave us a scare suddenly appearing behind us, seemingly out of nowhere.

We were too focused on the stalker succubus to have noticed Yumi approaching. She was wearing a grey sweater and ankle-length black skirt, holding an umbrella in one hand to protect herself from the sun.

"Sister as in from the same hive sister?" I asked.

Yumi shook her head. "My blood-related sister. Like yourself and Hatsumi."

"I didn't know you had a kid sister. So she got roped into this world, too?" Mio remarked, glancing back at the young succubus who was just crossing the street.

"I'm afraid so. I suppose I should be glad to have family in this world. However, Taleia can be a bit rebellious. She doesn't respect authority and would even see you as someone to actively disregard," she said to me in particular.

It wouldn't be the first time a succubus refused to fall in line. Even as a greater succubus with the status of Queen didn't make me their queen. Since I refused to rule through might and fear like Beatrice did, there were certainly someone who'd think I was a weak ruler.

"Nothing a good dicking wouldn't fix," Mio suggested, nodded to herself.

"No… Don't go screwing someone else's sister…" I retorted.

"I've had sex with Taleia plenty of times, but she's started to avoid me lately." The matronly succubus frowned.

"Maybe that's why?!" I put a hand to my face.

Yumi seemed genuinely troubled by her sister's attitude. She had always helped us before, healed us whenever we were injured, and worked diligently as a nurse at school. Mio also mentioned that Yumi was like a mother to a lot of the succubi in the nest.

The least I could do was help her.

"I hope I'm not overstepping my boundaries in your family affairs, Yumi. But if you'd like, I could try to talk to her. Although, my only experience with sisters is killing one and being doted on by the other until we have sex… maybe this is out of my depths after all…" I trailed off.

"Hmm. Taleia hasn't actually met you yet beyond hearsay. Maybe it would do her some good to meet with the queen in person," she said.

We were able to follow Taleia without drawing notice to us since a number of succubi lived in the city. Our auras were among many likely confusing her senses. I was the only one who needed to conceal my aura, so she wouldn't notice us coming and possibly take off running.

Taleia had been tailing a group of three boys and two girls who looked to be of older elementary school age. They wore a school uniform I didn't recognize, which likely meant they were from another school visiting the city.

The group coincidentally entered the arcade we were originally headed to, unaware that a succubus was following them close behind.

"So what the hell is she doing out here anyway?" Mio asked.

"One of Saeko's rules is to only feed inconspicuously so as to not draw attention. Taleia thinks it's silly and succubi should be allowed to feed whenever they want. She has been going around and stalking prey, but hasn't found the courage to actually do anything," Yumi explained.

"Hooff lif ur roos arh caughing trubble," Hana said.

"What…?" I stared at her in befuddlement.

"She said, it looks like your rules are causing trouble," Mio translated for her.

"How are you able to understand that? First of all, it's not that my rules are bad. There are just succubi that are misbehaving and need to be taught a lesson." I turned the other cheek, sticking to my guns.

After gaining a large number of succubi that fled to Okinawa, it came to my attention that there were too many succubi to keep track of myself. One wrong move might lead to the world knowing of their— our existence.

To ensure that wouldn't happen, I designed a set of rules for each squad leader to enforce and report to me if a succubus fell out of line. No one dared go against the queen, so I didn't have to do anything. At least not until now.

"For now, let's just confront Taleia before she causes trouble." I sighed.

We entered the run-of-the-mill arcade center after the rogue succubus. She was peering from behind a corner of a hallway leading into the bathrooms, watching the group of friends play a rhythm game when we confronted her.

"Taleia~" Yumi called to her sister.

"Wha—?!" She spun around faster than lightning and blushed up to her ears upon seeing Yumi. "W-What are you doing here?"

"We were worried and came to check on you. What have you been doing?" Yumi asked, putting a hand on the side of her cheek.

Taleia was a tad shorter than Yumi, but didn't exude the same matronly aura as her sister. They shared the same long black hair, but hers was worn as two tails in front of her chest. Similarly, she had a beauty mark under her right eye in contrast to Yumi's left.

"Nothing. I'm not doing anything," she said, oblivious to how unconvincing her lie was. "I see you're hanging out with Mio and Hana today. It's nice to see you two again! Thank you for always watching over my Yumi!"

My Yumi?

This girl was definitely a siscon. A siscon if I'd ever seen one. The way she spoke was surprisingly polite, despite what Yumi had told me earlier about how she acted around authority.

"Look, Tali, we know you've been up to no good. Stalking for prey is prohibited now, remember?" Mio reminded her.

Taleia went wide eyed and turned to me. She was still invisible, and since my presence was hidden, I must have come across as a human in her senses.

"Might be faster to introduce myself this way," I said, releasing my aura at full blast.

The younger succubus shuddered and her pupils dilated, like a prey would when encountering their predator. I thought her fight or flight responses had activated.

Instead, she took one look at me and uttered, "Geh."

"Geh?" We uttered back.

I stared blankly at her, unsure how to reply to such a response.

"I, uh, I'm Saeko! Your sister Yumi and I have fought alongside each other many times," I introduced myself again.

Taleia folded her arms, turned her nose to the air in an effort to stare down at me.

Sneering, she asked, "You're the queen? I find it hard to believe you defeated Beatrice. Hmph! My sister is a hundred times more suited for the role than you, and she isn't even a greater succubus."

"Kahaha! She's kinda right. You really don't fit the bill of a succubus queen," Mio cackled.

"Who's side are you on right now?" I fired back.

"Taleia, that's rude to the queen." Yumi wagged a finger in her younger sister's face. "You should at least remain respectful."

"B-But I'm only speaking the truth! You would make a much better queen. Because of her, you had to hold back from feasting on your prey of choice." She growled.

My jaw dropped. Her level of haughtiness was off the charts. She swapped from cutesy in front of Yumi to viciously rude to me at the flip of a coin. It was hard to believe she was the same person with such contrasting personalities.

Disregarding her rudeness, I could pretty much guess what she was doing. But color me surprised that Yumi was actually abiding by the rules I made about who she could have sex with.

"You were hunting for Yumi's sake, weren't you?" I asked Taleia.

It made sense. Those kids Taleia had been stalking looked about the age that Yumi would seek out.

"What if I was? Are you going to stop me?" She taunted me as if I couldn't do anything.

I very well could. My aura was significantly stronger and capable of compelling her to do otherwise. However, that was something Beatrice would do. I didn't want to be a ruler that forced people to do my bidding.

Yumi came between me and Taleia to scold her.

"That's enough," the elder sister said and reached out to comfort her. "I've told you before that I'm fine—"

"Why are you taking her side? You're my sister, aren't you?" Taleia asked, losing her composure and slapping away Yumi's hand. Upon realizing what she had done, the younger succubus took off running out the door.

"Taleia!" Yumi cried.

We raced out of the arcade in time to see Taleia make a sharp turn at the corner. She was flying across the city on ground level. Before we could cast a spell to turn invisible and spread our wings to take flight, a large number of people crowded around us and boxed us in at the entrance. We couldn't fly while being groped even if we wanted to.

"I love you!"

"Marry me!"

"Please have sex with me!"

"I'm horny!"

"What the— Where did they all come from?" I yelled, vainly pushing the groping hands and dry humpers off my body.

It was then that I noticed all of their eyes were a shade of pink.

"MMmmmm!!!" Hana was swept away by the mosh pit.

"Nothing of value was lost," Mio said, kicking a guy in the nuts who was trying to plant a kiss on her.

"Ara ara~ It seems Taleia cast a mass charm to slow our pursuit. I didn't think she was capable of that yet. To be honest, I'm rather impressed with her!" Yumi gushed about her little sister.

"Is now really the time to be praising her?!" I put a hand to my face and groaned.

Closing my aura on the mass of people was a piece of cake. Once I dispelled Taleia's charm, we used the confusion to go invisible and fly off without notice.

Taleia was still within range of my aura to detect her, but it seemed she had slowed down as we were fast approaching her location. The foolish succubus was in the middle of a major intersection in which cars were zipping past. She was on her knees, catching her breath when a bus barreled through to catch the light unaware there was an invisible succubus in the way.

"Taleia!" Yumi screamed in horror.

The younger succubus saw us first, then the massive automobile behind her.

"We're not gonna make it!" Mio warned.

I put all my magic into my wings and charmed the bus driver into tapping the brakes. It was still going too fast, but I managed to scoop Taleia away and released the charm without his noticing. The bus passed by under us as I held her in my arms.

"You okay?" I asked

"D-Don't you dare think that's going to make me warm up to you!" Taleia exclaimed, facing away from me and still putting up a defiant cowl.

Sighing, I let go of her gently to make sure she was able to fly on her own.

"Look, I'm not going to expect gratitude. Neither will I expect every succubus I meet to sweat loyalty to me right off the bat. What I'm doing is for the good of all of us, even for Yumi."

Yumi and Mio caught up, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Have you any idea how scared I was!" Yumi's slit-eyes snapped open as she reached for her sister. It was how we knew she was seriously trying to get through to Taleia.

"I'm sorry, Yumi…" Taleia said, lowering her head in apology.

"Isn't there someone you should be thanking instead of apologizing to?" she asked.

Taleia scowled as she faced my way and uttered through clenched jaws, "Thank you."

Better than nothing, I thought. Taleia had little redeeming qualities, but this was for Yumi's sake in the end. Seeing the two of them did kind of remind me of myself and Hatsumi. A bratty and spoiled younger sibling who was always doted on by the older sister.

I supposed Taleia's temperamental attitude was partially Yumi's doing anyway.

"Good girl. Good girl." Yumi embraced her sister, stroking the younger succubus' head.

"Yumi…" Taleia's breath grew shallow and her cheeks flushed red.

Before I knew it, the two of them had their arms all over each other. Yumi was shoving her tongue down Taleia's throat, and they were really going at it with the tongue-kissing.

"Hahh… My head is so light and floaty right now. Is it okay if I suck on your tongue for a while longer?" Taleia asked, her own tongue hanging out of her mouth.

"Ufufu~ What a spoiled little sister you are," Yumi whispered sweetly before returning to kissing her younger sister.

They were in their own world.

"Er, guys? We're still in the middle of the street!" I tried to get their attention.

Mio put a hand on my shoulder and shook her head. "No use. These two sisters are bigger lovebirds than you and Hatsumi. Ain't no stopping them until they've reached at least five orgasms."

"Five?!" I choked on my own spit listening to Mio explain their perverse relationship.

"You know, watching them is getting me all hot and bothered. You think they'd be down for a foursome?" she asked, licking her lips as she watched the sisters make out.

"No, let's…" I gulped hard, quickly falling into the mood and losing my will to resist. "Let's give them their privacy!"

Up to 10 advanced chapters available to read NOW, get the latest chapter here I am Succubus! Chapter 112 - A Seductress' Deal | Jammin' Rabbit (WN) on Patreon for only 5$!

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