I am Kurt Von Ritzburg

Chapter 1. I am a Low Grade Villain

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"This… Where am I?"

Those were the first words that came out of my lips as soon I opened my eyes for the first time in this unfamiliar world of swords and magic.

"Ouch! This pain…"

Feeling the pain all over my body made me realize that it not a dream, and certainly it doesn't seem to be heaven or hell either.

After all, I am sure that hell doesn't have this comfy bed and these linen clothes… The room I am in… all of them looked like owned by a rich person.

And for heaven… Well, shouldn't it be made of gold and clouds like in imagination? But it doesn't seem to like that too.

"Where the hell I am?"

The last time I was conscious, I remember dozing off on my bed after a long work night. But after that, my mind seems quite fuzzy. But that's when I noticed something amiss.

"My hands… They are small."

I looked my hands and then quickly peeked under the blanket to find my legs shorter than it used to be. I have regressed into a small child!

"What the…"

Thud! Clank!

And before I had time to be surprised, the sharp sound of plates falling down caught my ear, and I turned to see a maid very surprised upon seeing me awake.

"Kurt-sama has opened his eyes!"


And before I could stop her, she took off and went outside the room in a rush, presuming to call the head of the house.

In other words, the father of this unfamiliar body named Kurt.

"So, my name is Kurt… Kurt… Aargh! Damn this headache…"

And the name "Kurt" seemed to be some kind of trigger to make my brain to blow up. It started to ache crazily and in a matter of seconds memories started to come out of nowhere inside it.

The memories that were familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time.

"What is this?"

My eyes widened as soon I absorbed all those memories, and passed through them in an instant. Even though it was overbearing, I got the gist of it.

And since I got the gist of it, my hands started to tremble. It was not out of joy, but of fear. Because I realised the true identity of the body I inhabited.

"Kurt… No wonder felt this name to be familiar."

Kurt… From the first time I heard the name, I kind of had a bad feeling. And after all those memories, the bad feeling became stark reality.

"Why am I inside this low-tier villain!"

Kurt Von Ritzburg. That's my whole name. And if you don't remember him, it's not your fault. Because Kurt is a low-tier villain from a low-tier anime.

And his existence… It's nothing but to die in a very conventional manner for the protagonist. And the fact that I am reincarnated into such a character made me aware of one thing. And that is…

"I am doomed."

And with helpless tears, I – the new Kurt Von Ritzburg finally made my entrance to this new world of magic and swords.


"Kurt, are you alright?"

Currently, I am in the arms of the woman who gave birth to me, no Kurt – Countless Ritzburg. And her love for Kurt seems to be quite overbearing, and I mean literally because her love is indeed too overbearing for me.

'How long is she going to choke me?'

"I-I can't breathe…"

I started to tap her hand rapidly to make her release me. But she seems to be ignorant of it, until the tall figure from behind stops her.

"Darling, Kurt can't breathe."

The man looked quite strict and carried a certain amount of elegance in his actions, well befitting as a Count of the kingdom.

He is Russell Von Ritzburg, Kurt's father.

'He looks so different from the anime.'

In anime, he looked quite dark and heartbroken. Well, Kurt was the cause since he became demonized. And later on, Kurt was killed and he lost his eldest son.

"Are you alright, Kurt?"

Under his words, my mother finally released me and I took plentiful of breath, filling up my lungs. I couldn't believe that I was about to die so quickly after reincarnation.

'It is the villain halo?'

All types of troubles keep coming on me with the intention to kill me. Fate is scary!

I may be overthinking it, but there is nothing wrong with being too much cautious. And even more, when comes to life.

"I am alright. Just my mind seems to be a bit fuzzy."

"Well, then you should take rest as much as possible. Grace, make sure to attend his needs."

"Yes, Russell-sama."

He ordered the maid who bowed after his orders. Thinking of maid, aren't the female of this world are too beautiful?

'My mother, and that maid… I haven't encountered anyone else but I doubt that they would come out as ugly.'

I guess, it is one of the magical things about the magical world, right?

"Kurt, you better rest and get well as soon as possible."

"Yes, Mother."

After a final hug which was alright, my new mother and my new father left the room, leaving the maid with me.

"Please call me if you need anything, Kurt-sama."


And Grace also left after a final bow, and finally I released a sigh of relief that my parents didn't find anything unnatural with me.

"It's good that I am reincarnated in the child phase. Or else it would be too suspicious about my sudden change."

Kurt wasn't a bad person from the start. He was experimented by the main antagonist which turned him different from previous him.

"Main Antagonist… Main Protagonist… And My future Fiancée…."

Death Flags. All of them are my death flags. And if I want to survive, I have to break them.

"If only I wasn't Kurt…"

I would have lived a luxurious life even if I didn't get reborn into a noble house. But since I am already reincarnated into Kurt, there is no way I am going down without a fight.

"This life… I am going to live this life without any regrets."

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